Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Gloves Are Off

It's Time To Get Angry ... REALLY Angry

Well, I've finally had it.  I mean, I have never been a fan of Obama and I have certainly been critical of most of his actions.  However, I have also tried as best I can to be respectful of the fact that the man is still the President of the United States of America.  But the time has come to shed this air of respect and call it like it is.

This person has been in office for about ten months.  During that time, our generals have been calling for help in Afghanistan while our troops have been dying.  People like myself have been banging on the table demanding either full support for our troops or a withdrawal from that country.  All the while, this MORON has been "considering the facts" and pondering what to do.  Now, ten months later, his official press organ (CNN) reports that he is "close to a decision on Afghanistan."  Is he kidding?  Is this a joke?  How do you explain this lack of action to the loved ones of our soldiers, sailors and marines who died in that far away dung heap defending us from the threat of terrorism?  He STILL hasn't put together a cohesive plan, he ignores his generals while listening to political fops and he vacillates daily on what to do.  And then, he has the unmitigated gall to HINT that he is ABOUT to introduce a plan?  Maybe he ought to stop flying around the country and to Europe, campaigning for his next election and get his sorry ass to Afghanistan where he could actually see the situation.  He could talk to the generals and the troops while Michelle goes shopping in her sleeveless blouse and blue jean shorts.  It would be a great campaign moment and he could actually learn something about the situation.

When it comes to defending this nation, this guy couldn't find his ass with both hands.  We should not wait to vote him out ... we should begin pushing our politicians to start impeachment proceedings on the grounds that Obama has failed in his primary job ... protecting this country.  Of course, he would never be voted out of office by this compliant Congress but at least it would put pressure on this fool to take action on issues that are truly important.  After all, he was lightening quick bailing out GM & Chrysler and jamming the "stimulus" package down our throats.  It seems to me that protecting the lives of Americans is more important than any of that nonsense.

What a waste this guy is.  He fiddles while Rome burns.  If we don't stop this fool, a lot more of us will die at the hands of the adherents to the "religion of peace and love."

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Mob Hit Job

The Victim

There has been another attempted mob whacking, although it hasn't been reported as such in the mainstream media.  In this case the "mob" (mainstream media soldier AP ...  AKA "The Pen") has once again tried to take out Sarah Palin but the mark is still alive.  This despite multiple attempts to nail her over the last two years.

Read this garbage from the soldiers at the AP family.  I'm sure they went into this much depth when they "reviewed" Dreams From My Father and The Audacity Of Hope.

AP Palin Hit Job

Just a few pieces of evidence in this trial:

1.  She stayed 4 nights in the Essex House Hotel in Manhattan for $707.29 per night costing the State of Alaska "over $3,000" with airfare.  Although she usually stayed at lower priced hotels when she was the Governor, the hit men chose this one statistic.  News flash ... try staying in a clean Manhattan hotel in a safe neighborhood (safe being a relative term) for under $500.  And that's for the average shmo.  I guess it's OK for a governor to spend a little more.  By the way, how much did it cost the taxpayers when the Obamas had their little "date night" in New York?  It costs more than three grand just to fire up Air Force One.

2.  Half of the meager $1.3 million she raised for her gubernatorial campaign came from donors who donated over $500, suggesting that her claim of having mostly small donors was misleading.  Huh?  Let's analyze ... half of her contributions came from donors who donated LESS than $500 and the rest came from donors who donated up to $2,000.  What?  Are these people some kind of high rollers?  Of course, there was absolutely no huge donors to Obama, unless you count:

University of California
Goldman Sachs
Harvard University
Microsoft Corp
Google Inc
Citigroup Inc
JPMorgan Chase & Co
Time Warner
Sidley Austin LLP
Stanford University
National Amusements Inc
Wilmerhale Llp
Skadden, Arps et al
IBM Corp
Columbia University
Morgan Stanley

Notice any familiar bailout names on the list?  Absolutely nobody on the take here!  And by the way, what's a state run university from a bankrupt state doing donating TAXPAYER money to a partisan campaign cause?  Since when can a STATE donate money to a presidential campaign in any way other hen through the state political party?  This could be an entire investigation on it's own!

3.  The $787 bailout was signed Bush, not Obama.  Correct ... with just a little help and some squeezing from a hugely Democrat liberal Congress.

4.  The "Reagan Recession" was "only" 16 months long.  The current one is already 23 months old.  Huh?  This recession started in December of 2007?  What?  Where was I?  What planet did this occur on?  I hate being left out of the loop!

I could go on for hours just about this one outrageous article but I think you get the point.  Facts are apparently like numbers ... you can make them say anything you want.  Thanks to the soldiers at AP for bringing us one gem of a con job.

What a bunch of mooks!  These morons couldn't rob a crippled blind man without getting caught!  Once again, they've dishonored their family and crime in general.

Go on .. fohgedabowdit.

I'm Back From Vacation ... And Saying It The Way It Is

Filthy Muslim Extremist Terrorist
Execute Him
'nuff Said

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

All The News That's Fit To Print

Front Page Material

So, I'm sitting in a hotel room on vacation, reading a USA Today.  Don't panic!  I didn't buy it, they gave it to me.  However, as I look at this rag, I am amazed at why the idiots that publish these irrelevant bird cage liners don't understand why subscriptions are plummeting.  I mean, it really is pretty obvious to anyone with eyes ... just look at the front page.  In a place that was reserved for the most important world news of the day, we now get the above picture with the title With cultural 'flair', Obamas updating First Family's image.  Well, that is certainly worthy of the front page of a national newspaper.  I mean, after reading this puff piece, I know that I'll certainly be able to sleep better tonight.  Where once I had concerns of a nuclear holocaust triggered by Iran, I now know that everything will be OK because the Obamas are a happy family in the White House.  Oh, joy!

Meanwhile, unimportant crap like the increasingly dangerous sitiuation in Afghanistan, a bombing that killed 35 in nuclear Pakistan, a major shift in US policy in the Middle East by the US Sectretary of State (aka Bubba's figurehead wife) and a threat by North Korea to expand its nuclear arsenal are all buried on page 4.  Now that's great journalism!

How to fight back?  Do the world a favor and cancel your newspaper subscription. You can get the Sunday coupons somewhere else.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

And On The Seventh Day, He Rested ...

To my readers,

Even God had to rest, so imagine how much a mere mortal needs to take a break!  I'll be "out of pocket" for two days, until Tuesday, November 3.  Please come back then to pick up the thread or better yet, continue to check in daily and read the "Cheeky Quote" for the day and check out some of my older blogs.

Thanks for not letting the bastards wear you down!