Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Gloves Are Off

It's Time To Get Angry ... REALLY Angry

Well, I've finally had it.  I mean, I have never been a fan of Obama and I have certainly been critical of most of his actions.  However, I have also tried as best I can to be respectful of the fact that the man is still the President of the United States of America.  But the time has come to shed this air of respect and call it like it is.

This person has been in office for about ten months.  During that time, our generals have been calling for help in Afghanistan while our troops have been dying.  People like myself have been banging on the table demanding either full support for our troops or a withdrawal from that country.  All the while, this MORON has been "considering the facts" and pondering what to do.  Now, ten months later, his official press organ (CNN) reports that he is "close to a decision on Afghanistan."  Is he kidding?  Is this a joke?  How do you explain this lack of action to the loved ones of our soldiers, sailors and marines who died in that far away dung heap defending us from the threat of terrorism?  He STILL hasn't put together a cohesive plan, he ignores his generals while listening to political fops and he vacillates daily on what to do.  And then, he has the unmitigated gall to HINT that he is ABOUT to introduce a plan?  Maybe he ought to stop flying around the country and to Europe, campaigning for his next election and get his sorry ass to Afghanistan where he could actually see the situation.  He could talk to the generals and the troops while Michelle goes shopping in her sleeveless blouse and blue jean shorts.  It would be a great campaign moment and he could actually learn something about the situation.

When it comes to defending this nation, this guy couldn't find his ass with both hands.  We should not wait to vote him out ... we should begin pushing our politicians to start impeachment proceedings on the grounds that Obama has failed in his primary job ... protecting this country.  Of course, he would never be voted out of office by this compliant Congress but at least it would put pressure on this fool to take action on issues that are truly important.  After all, he was lightening quick bailing out GM & Chrysler and jamming the "stimulus" package down our throats.  It seems to me that protecting the lives of Americans is more important than any of that nonsense.

What a waste this guy is.  He fiddles while Rome burns.  If we don't stop this fool, a lot more of us will die at the hands of the adherents to the "religion of peace and love."

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Mob Hit Job

The Victim

There has been another attempted mob whacking, although it hasn't been reported as such in the mainstream media.  In this case the "mob" (mainstream media soldier AP ...  AKA "The Pen") has once again tried to take out Sarah Palin but the mark is still alive.  This despite multiple attempts to nail her over the last two years.

Read this garbage from the soldiers at the AP family.  I'm sure they went into this much depth when they "reviewed" Dreams From My Father and The Audacity Of Hope.

AP Palin Hit Job

Just a few pieces of evidence in this trial:

1.  She stayed 4 nights in the Essex House Hotel in Manhattan for $707.29 per night costing the State of Alaska "over $3,000" with airfare.  Although she usually stayed at lower priced hotels when she was the Governor, the hit men chose this one statistic.  News flash ... try staying in a clean Manhattan hotel in a safe neighborhood (safe being a relative term) for under $500.  And that's for the average shmo.  I guess it's OK for a governor to spend a little more.  By the way, how much did it cost the taxpayers when the Obamas had their little "date night" in New York?  It costs more than three grand just to fire up Air Force One.

2.  Half of the meager $1.3 million she raised for her gubernatorial campaign came from donors who donated over $500, suggesting that her claim of having mostly small donors was misleading.  Huh?  Let's analyze ... half of her contributions came from donors who donated LESS than $500 and the rest came from donors who donated up to $2,000.  What?  Are these people some kind of high rollers?  Of course, there was absolutely no huge donors to Obama, unless you count:

University of California
Goldman Sachs
Harvard University
Microsoft Corp
Google Inc
Citigroup Inc
JPMorgan Chase & Co
Time Warner
Sidley Austin LLP
Stanford University
National Amusements Inc
Wilmerhale Llp
Skadden, Arps et al
IBM Corp
Columbia University
Morgan Stanley

Notice any familiar bailout names on the list?  Absolutely nobody on the take here!  And by the way, what's a state run university from a bankrupt state doing donating TAXPAYER money to a partisan campaign cause?  Since when can a STATE donate money to a presidential campaign in any way other hen through the state political party?  This could be an entire investigation on it's own!

3.  The $787 bailout was signed Bush, not Obama.  Correct ... with just a little help and some squeezing from a hugely Democrat liberal Congress.

4.  The "Reagan Recession" was "only" 16 months long.  The current one is already 23 months old.  Huh?  This recession started in December of 2007?  What?  Where was I?  What planet did this occur on?  I hate being left out of the loop!

I could go on for hours just about this one outrageous article but I think you get the point.  Facts are apparently like numbers ... you can make them say anything you want.  Thanks to the soldiers at AP for bringing us one gem of a con job.

What a bunch of mooks!  These morons couldn't rob a crippled blind man without getting caught!  Once again, they've dishonored their family and crime in general.

Go on .. fohgedabowdit.

I'm Back From Vacation ... And Saying It The Way It Is

Filthy Muslim Extremist Terrorist
Execute Him
'nuff Said

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

All The News That's Fit To Print

Front Page Material

So, I'm sitting in a hotel room on vacation, reading a USA Today.  Don't panic!  I didn't buy it, they gave it to me.  However, as I look at this rag, I am amazed at why the idiots that publish these irrelevant bird cage liners don't understand why subscriptions are plummeting.  I mean, it really is pretty obvious to anyone with eyes ... just look at the front page.  In a place that was reserved for the most important world news of the day, we now get the above picture with the title With cultural 'flair', Obamas updating First Family's image.  Well, that is certainly worthy of the front page of a national newspaper.  I mean, after reading this puff piece, I know that I'll certainly be able to sleep better tonight.  Where once I had concerns of a nuclear holocaust triggered by Iran, I now know that everything will be OK because the Obamas are a happy family in the White House.  Oh, joy!

Meanwhile, unimportant crap like the increasingly dangerous sitiuation in Afghanistan, a bombing that killed 35 in nuclear Pakistan, a major shift in US policy in the Middle East by the US Sectretary of State (aka Bubba's figurehead wife) and a threat by North Korea to expand its nuclear arsenal are all buried on page 4.  Now that's great journalism!

How to fight back?  Do the world a favor and cancel your newspaper subscription. You can get the Sunday coupons somewhere else.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

And On The Seventh Day, He Rested ...

To my readers,

Even God had to rest, so imagine how much a mere mortal needs to take a break!  I'll be "out of pocket" for two days, until Tuesday, November 3.  Please come back then to pick up the thread or better yet, continue to check in daily and read the "Cheeky Quote" for the day and check out some of my older blogs.

Thanks for not letting the bastards wear you down!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Send Your Kids To An Al Qaeda Nursery School Just To Be Safe

Safety Is As Near As The Nearest Al Qaeda Detention Center

Worried that your kids or grand kids might catch the H1N1 flu (or, as the Administration refuses to say, the swine flu)?  How about you older folks who can't get the vaccine because your generation is supposedly "less susceptible" (tell that to the older folks who will die from this flu) to the infection?  Concerned that our government, who's primary job is to protect the well being of Americans, didn't do it's job and ignored the warning signs of this illness early on?  Remember how the evil Bush was personally responsible for Katrina but now Obama is simply a victim of bad luck for getting saddled with this distracting problem that he couldn't prevent?  Well, this do nothing band of naive thugs in the White House have FINALLY decided to do something about the pending epidemic.

Effective immediately, all of "detainees" at Guantanamo Bay (otherwise know as "evil doers", "enemy combatants", "enemy fighters" or simply "filthy Al Qaeda murderers") will all be getting an H1N1 vaccine shot.  This is because they are at a higher risk than other people.  Higher risk?  From what?  Getting new prayer rugs, exercise facilities and special meals?  I've got a better idea.  Why not throw this scum to the sharks.  That way, we have more vaccine for Americans and we have healthier, well fed sharks to prowl Cuban waters.

It is difficult to believe that Obama is not being impeached for this.  Very likely, American citizens will die because we want to treat these animals humanely.  How simply egalitarian.  How simply Obama.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Proof Positive That Socialism Works!

Former Middle Class Citizens Flee New York With All Of Their Post Taxation Possessions

Progressivism (socialism) works!  Keynesian economics is vindicated!  Government can overtax and spend any society into prosperity and happiness!  Karl Marx hit the nail on the head when he said "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"!

Right in the face of all of the right wing racist rabble out there, here is proof positive that sucking money from those who work for it and "redistributing" it to everybody who is a victim of the bourgeois' working class is the sure cure for fixing this totally successful economic miracle that is America.  There is no doubt that the State of New York will continue to lead the way in reforming our country into the same paradise that was once the glorious Soviet Union.  Soon, we too will have all of the same amenities ... a slum home for everyone, long lines for food, a population that relies on a centralized government for every decision and, of course, socialized medicine!  Ah, paradise!

I suggest that you go to the above link and read the article.  Then, if you haven't already done so, read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.  Between that moron Governor Paterson and the very dangerous, ultra progressive Mayor Bloomberg, it won't be long until this state is a third world country.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Healthcare - Government Style !!!

The Obama Healthcare Express

What, you may ask, does an Amtrak train have to do with government healthcare (socialized medicine)? Well, because one can draw a direct comparison between this government program (black hole) and what we can expect from another government black hole - socialized medicine.

As reported by the Associated Press, an Eno Transportation Foundation (a think tank) report states that US taxpayers (that would be schmucks like us) subsidize each Amtrak passenger fare with $32 of our hard earned cash.  That means that for 2008 alone we shelled out $918,400,000 to help pay for the train rides of 28.7 million passengers.  Let's just round that up a touch and figure a nice round $1 billion.  Do they raise ticket prices? No.  Do they cut costs? No.  They just pour more of our bucks into this intergalactic sized black hole.

Now, some routes lose very little and others, like the New Orleans to LA train lose a whopping $462 per passenger.  Can you imagine if a private car dealership (of course, this does not include government subsidized GM or Chrysler ... they lose thousands on each car) ran an operation where it lost $462 on each customer? They'd be shutting the doors in a matter of days and lower cost competitors would rule the day.  But not the government ... if they run a business (how Constitutional is that?) and they lose gobs of dough, no problem.  They just whack the taxpayers some more or they print more paper money, further devaluing the dollars that are already in our pockets.  Then, as in the case of Amtrak, they run out and tell the world how wildly successful they were.  And if you think I'm exaggerating, the "executives" running this government department disguised as a business actively brag about ridership and revenues!  Can you imagine that?  No mention of profit, but that's not very important.  "We lose gobs of money on each rider, so our strategy is to increase ridership!"  That's the ticket!

So, look at Amtrak (or any other government run fiasco) and I submit that you'll have a perfect picture of how "healthcare" will look.  Be afraid ... be very afraid!

Monday, October 26, 2009

The New Spirit Of Hope And Teamwork At GMCHRYSLERGOVERNMENT!

Doctors Assembling Cars
(Or At Least People Who Are Getting Paid Like Doctors)

Well, since the Obama administration effectively nationalized a huge chunk of the automobile manufacturing sector and paid off their union buddies with stock, things have changed.  B.O. has effectively put the unions and the government in charge of running two huge failing businesses and there's a whole new spirit of hope and optimism for a successful future.  After all, how can this new venture fail when you have the full faith and resources of the federal government behind you (in other words, the US taxpayer's money)?  You can offer all kinds of great stuff like "drive it for two months and if you don't love it, bring it back and you'll get a refund" (really, this is GM's new pitch.)   After all, what's a few refunds when you have billions in taxes to draw from?

The attached video from reader Bob in New York shows the interaction between two union workers who are pulling down about $80 bucks an hour in salary and benefits.  With this sort of work ethic, it's amazing that these two companies ever struggled a all!

Now everybody go out and buy a government car, drive it for two months, get a refund and then buy a Toyota that was built in the US.  As long as it's your money anyway, you might as well get some of it back by driving a free car for a couple of months.

Obama Has Finally Given Me Hope!

Hopeful Former Obama Supporter

Well, it took a while, but now when somebody asks me "Got Hope?", I can finally answer "yes!"  This new surge of optimism is entirely due to Obama.  I'll be the first to admit that at first, the Chosen One disheartened me and made me feel that we were facing dark times.  But after nine months of listening to the dangerous nonsense that was coming out of this administration, I finally believe. (And no, that's not me above!)

I believe that Americans are awakening.  I believe that they are fighting back (see yesterday's blog).  I believe that they are tired of being lied to and treated as if they were fools.  I believe that come 2010, they will take out the full measure of their anger at the polls and make this current batch of miscreants in Washington pay the price for being charlatans.  I believe that Americans value their freedoms and their constitutional rights.  Even though there are huge fights ahead, I believe that we can save our nation from political destruction.

So, given the hope that Obama has instilled in me, I'm always on the lookout for news that shows we are winning battles (yes I know you can win the battle and lose the war.  But you've got to win a bunch of battles to win a war.)  So, here's another piece of good news for you to enjoy:

Seems newspaper circulation across the board is down.  The author blames the internet and declining ad revenue as the culprits but I like to think that it's also the fact that people are tired of being fed a continual, never ending line of left wing liberal crap.  This in turn has led to a flight to the internet for information which in turn has caused former newspaper readers to drop their subscriptions.  This of course has led to a drop in ad revenue which in turn is driving a stake into the heart of this socialist cesspool.  The great news is that the Wall Street Journal, with its new ownership and conservative editorial slant, is thriving.  Go figure!

We haven't won this battle, not by a long shot.  I the weeks ahead, look for our Progressive pals in Congress and the White House to come up with some grand plan to bail out the newspaper industry.  After all, you can't let your personal toady die.  Who else would be around to kiss your butt if you did?  And of course, this effort will be cloaked in the guise of "protecting honesty and freedom."

Watch out for this ploy from the left.  And, when they make their move to bail out their compliant mouthpiece, don't let them.  Not without one hell of a fight!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Title That's Not A Coincidence

Back when I first started this blog, I had to pick a name.  After a whole lot of thought, I picked "Don't Let The Bastards Wear You Down."  Why?  It's simple really.  After the election of the miscreants that currently populate my state government, the US Congress and the White House, there was a great deal of wailing and gnashing of teeth among my friends and associates.  The general theme was "we're screwed and there's not a damn thing we can do about it."  Quite honestly, I can't blame anybody for feeling that way because often times it feels like this country is just imploding and as an individual, there's not much you can do about it.  I found myself thinking like that until I just gave myself a mental smack in the head and pulled myself up by the bootstraps, because I knew that good people who work hard towards a common goal can't possibly be defeated by the likes of the liberal socialists who are trying to steal America away from us.  I didn't believe that then, I don't believe it now and I have never believed that life just groin kicks you and leaves you without any options.  I've always been a fighter and I felt that we could effectively fight this mob of progressives if we could just discuss it, figure out how to attack and organize opposition to Obama and his cronies.

And that's where the name came from.  I'm not about to let any smooth talking empty suit like Obama get away with trashing the Constitution.  I'm not going to let a bastard like Rahm Emanuel design nefarious plans that abridge my freedoms.  I'm not going to let George Soros use his money to steer an undereducated electorate towards candidates that seek to change America into a socialist state.  I'm not going to let a rich, spoiled, privileged hag like Nancy Pelosi pick my pockets through unconstitutional taxes.  I'm not going to let Harry Reed denigrate the efforts of our military.  Not without one hell of a fight.  That's exactly why I picked the title of this blog as I did, because I'm not going to give up and I'm not going to let these bastards wear me down.

That's the rationale I use to choose the subjects that I write about and that's why I often end my daily blog with ideas such as:

  1. write, email, call AND fax your elected representatives at all levels, regardless of their party affiliation.  Let them know multiple times how much you oppose insane schemes such as stimulus, corporate buyouts, cap in trade, socialized medicine etc.  When they vote against your wishes, let them know.  Don't think that the people who are on the left don't do this when they get stiffed by their politicians.  Our job is to hit the bastards harder than our opposition.
  2. donate your money to conservative politicians who are willing to stand up and vote for what's right.  If you can't part with a few bucks to support your beliefs, you really don't have much room to complain about the state of this union.  Freedom isn't free and over time, millions of Americans have paid for it with their blood.  The least we can do is spend some money.
  3. COMMUNICATE.  Talk to people who agree and disagree with you politically.  In fact, go out of your way to talk to the ones who disagree.  Don't browbeat them ... talk with them.  Try to win them over.
  4. Campaign.  You can volunteer to help the candidates of your choice.  You can go door-to-door.  You can simply plant a sign on your lawn (yeah ... I know.  This just lets your neighbors know who you're voting for. But if a number of signs spread around your area can raise just a few votes for your candidates based on name recognition, that's a win.)
  5. VOTE.  Even if you vote in a liberal state and your participation won't change the electoral college vote. It's important be counted and to effect the outcome of statewide and local elections.  Hell, I live in NY ... I know what an obnoxiously liberal state is!
  6. Don't take a beating from the opposition.  Fight back!  Don't let them call you or someone you respect a racist.  Don't let them denigrate our military.  Don't let them lie (i.e. - "the majority of Americans want government reform of healthcare" or "the global warming debate is over.  We must take action now.", etc.)  Dispute this drivel with facts in conversations.  Write to your elected representatives  about your feelings.  If comments are allowed on websites you are reading, post one ... especially on liberal websites.  Don't trash them ... smother them with facts and honesty.
  7. Attack with your ideas.  Liberals are always in somebody's face with their ideas.  Get in their face ... it throws them off balance.
  8. Kill the suck up liberal media.  Don't buy newspapers that toe the Obama line.  Don't patronize the alphabet networks (believe me, if you've got cable or satellite, they know what you watch.)  Hit them where it hurts, in the wallet.  Kill their revenues from sales and advertising.  Get your news on the internet from sites that you trust.  Despite what the government has to say about this, we're plenty smart and we can sort the bull from the truth.
The thing that prompted my little "lecture" today is the attached article from The American Thinker.  It says all of what I just did much more eloquently than I can.  I suggest that you save this article and refer to it whenever you loose sight of your political strategy and goals.  Enjoy.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Stop With The Paranoid Conspiracy Theories Already!

Accidents Are A Real Bitch

I'm sure that all of you conspiracy nuts out there are going to believe that there's something suspicious about some poor guy falling to his death in a stairwell, although if you read the facts as stated in this article, I don't see how anybody could be even slightly suspicious.

Let's review the facts so we can put any vicious conspiracy theories to rest:

  • this guy fell 120 feet down a stairwell in the UN office building in Vienna
  • no suicide note was found
  • four months ago, another person fell from a similar height in the same building
  • a spokesman from the ever trustworthy UN said that there were no suspicious circumstances
  • the man who fell is a nuclear expert
  • he worked for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization, an agency that uncovers "illicit nuclear tests"
  • the incident occurred this past Tuesday while the US, France, Russia and Iran were holding talks about the Iranian nuclear energy program (let's be clear about this ... they are NOT building a bomb.  I know that for certain because the Iranians and Russians said so.)

After reviewing these facts, how could anybody even suggest that there is any kind of foul play involved here?  There was no conspiracy!  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Oh ... just in case, if you're ever visiting the UN's offices in Vienna, take the elevator instead of the stairs.

Friday, October 23, 2009

A Real Hero Talks About The Real World

There is very little that I can add to this. Below is a first person account of what real torture is and what a real man acts like. The only thing I did was clean up the spelling and formatting. I wish that this article could be mandatory reading for everyone in the current administration, but then again, they'd probably just denigrate this hero as a right wing hate monger or a racist.

Thanks to reader Bob for passing this on.

Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient Bud Day Speaks of Torture

"I got shot down over North Vietnam in 1967, a Squadron Commander. 
After I returned in 1973, I published 2 books that dealt a lot with "real torture" in Hanoi .  Our make believe president is branding our country as a bunch of torturers when he has no idea what torture is.  As for me, I was put thru a mock execution because I would not respond and pistol whipped on the head.  A couple of days later, I was hung by my feet all day.  I escaped and a couple of weeks later, got shot and was recaptured.

"Getting shot was OK but what happened afterwards was not.  They marched me to Vinh and put me in the rope trick that almost pulled my arms out of the sockets.  They beat me on the head with a little wooden rod until my eyes swelled shut and my un-shot, unbroken hand to a pulp.  The next day they hung me by the arms, re-broke my right wrist, wiped out the nerves in my arms that control the hands rolling my fingers up into a ball.   This only left the slightest movement of my left forefinger.  So, I started answering with some incredible lies.  They sent me to Hanoi strapped to a barrel of gasoline in the back of a truck.  In Hanoi, on my knees ... the rope trick again.  I was beaten by a big fool and put into leg irons on a bed in Heartbreak Hotel.  Much kneeling … hands up at Zoo.  Got a really bad beating for refusing to condemn Lyndon Johnson.  Several more kneeling events.  I could see my knee bone through kneeling holes.

"There was an escape from the annex to the Zoo.  I was the Senior Officer of a large building and because of the escape, they started a mass torture of all commanders.  I think it was July 7, 1969 when they started beating me with a car fan belt.  In first 2 days I took over 300 strokes, then stopped counting because I never thought I would live through it.  They continued day-night torture to get me to confess to a non-existent part in the escape.  This went on for at least 3 days.  On my knees, getting a fan belting, they cut open my scrotum with fan belt stroke. I opened up both knee holes again. My fanny looked like hamburger and I could not 
lie on my back.  They tortured me into admitting that I was in on the escape and that my 2 roommates knew about it.  The next day I denied the lie.  They commenced torturing me again with 3, 6 or 9 strokes of the fan belt every day from about July 11 or 12th to 14 October 1969.  I continued to refuse to lie about my roommates again.

"Now, the point of this is that our make-believe president has declared to the world that we (U.S.) are a bunch of torturers.  So, it will be OK to torture us the next time when they catch us, because that is what the U.S. does.  Our make-believe president is a know nothing fool who thinks that pouring a little water on some one's face or hanging a pair of women's pants over an Arab’s head is TORTURE.  He is a meathead. 

"I just talked to Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Leo Thorsness, who was also in my squadron, in jail, as was John McCain, and we agree that McCain does not speak for the POW group when he claims that Abu Ghraib was torture or that "water boarding" is torture.  Our president and those fools around him who keep bad-mouthing our great country are a disgrace to the United States.   Please pass this info on to Sean Hannity.  He is free to use it to point out the stupidity of the claims that water boarding, which has no after effect, is torture.  If it got the Arab to cough up the story about how he planned the attack on the twin towers in NYC, hurrah for the guy who poured the water."
"Bud" Day

George Everett "Bud" Day(born February 24, 1925) is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel and Command Pilot who served during the Vietnam War.  He is often cited as being the most decorated U.S. service member since General Douglas MacArthur, having received some seventy decorations, a majority for actions in combat. Day is a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Think about this article as Obama's Justice Department henchman, Eric Holder, persecutes (that's not a typo) the heroes in the CIA and Special Ops who squeezed terrorist scum for information.

God Bless America.

Global Warming Alert!

Here's a great article by the Associated Press (the "Essential Global News Network".)  It explains how Americans who believe that there is scientific proof the earth is warming has dropped 20 points in three years from 77% to 57%.  Now, I'm shocked that the percentage is even this high, but let's for the moment suspend my doubts and assume that this poll is accurate.

Note the clever way those rascals at AP phrase the first paragraph:

Just 57 percent think there is solid evidence the world is getting warmer, down 20 points in just three years, a new poll says. And the share of people who believe pollution caused by humans is causing temperatures to rise has also taken a dip, even as the U.S. and world forums gear up for possible action against climate change.

And then there's this quote:

"Despite misgivings about the science, half the respondents still say they support limits on greenhouse gases, even if they could lead to higher energy prices. And a majority — 56 percent — feel the United States should join other countries in setting standards to address global climate change."

You have to go down about halfway into the article to find out that the percent of people who believe pollution caused by humans is a warming problem stands at only 36%.  Now, I'm not a polling genius, but I don't think that this is even close to a majority.  In fact, I think it's a rather small percentage.  In short, 64% of Americans don't think global warming is caused by humans or they don't have any opinion at all.  But, even though they think the science is flawed, 56% believe that the US should join other countries in setting standards to address climate change.  Huh?  The majority thinks that human pollution doesn't cause warming.  So, why would a majority of 56% think politicians can help with global warming legislation and that we should sign some treaty? Beam me up Scotty!

Of course, there is nothing said in the article about all of the credible scientific evidence that exists indicating that global warming is a myth.  However, there are plenty of mentions about the evidence that supports this lame theory.  And some people actually think that the media is biased!  Go figure.

My favorite quoted unbiased opinion in this story is:

"Andrew Weaver, a professor of climate analysis at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, said politics could be drowning out scientific awareness."
"It's a combination of poor communication by scientists, a lousy summer in the Eastern United States, people mixing up weather and climate and a full-court press by public relations firms and lobby groups trying to instill a sense of uncertainty and confusion in the public," he said.

See, it's just us stupid old dummies who can't discern between climate and weather.  If only these guys had dumbed down their explanations, we'd understand.  On top of that we're just tools to be used by a bunch of lobbyists for those evil people who want the planet to burn up.  Thank God we've got folks like Professor Weaver to enlighten us rubes.  By the way professor, how do you explain the decade or so of cooling we've been experiencing?  How about some of your colleagues who believe we're entering an extended cooling cycle?  Were you one of the experts who, during the '70's predicted that we were entering a new ice age and demanded government intervention?  Say, you weren't one of those expert researchers who set up temperature monitoring stations smack in the middle of asphalt parking lots. were you?  What an arrogant bastard.

Here's anther famous media tactic that they use to indoctrinate the masses about this nonsense:

Though there are exceptions, the vast majority of scientists agree that global warming is occurring and that the primary cause is a buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal.

In other words, the debate is over and there are only a couple of mentally defective scientists who have lost their marbles and so don't buy into global warming.

Finally, note the picture of Tung Chee Hua and Al Gore, two political has beens who are now empowered by their countries to actually discuss solutions to a problem that doesn't exist.  Our man Gore made a documentary that had more holes shot in it by reputable scientists than the Hussein brothers had in them when our troops sent them on their journey to paradise.  And you can bet that Mr. Hua cares about global warming as much I do about what Michelle Obama is wearing today.  What he does care about is convincing the US that China is 100% behind any efforts to help curb "global warming."  Remember, all along China has told the world that they won't be participating in ay treaties that curb "climate change."  They are more concerned about dragging their socialist paradise squarely into capitalism and making the big bucks.  Now, as if by divine guidance, they are all for a Kyoto type treaty?  Why?  Have they truly seen the light?  Has Mr. Gore magically convinced them that this sham is real?  Not a chance.

China has realized that if we murder our economy with cap in trade and climate change legislation, they will be able to more easily vault their economy into the most robust in the world.  Meanwhile, while our ignorant politicians spew platitudes about carbon footprints and green jobs, the Chinese will continue doing exactly what they are doing today.  Promoting uncontrolled, unfettered growth.

I mean really, do you think we have the stones or the brains to insist that the Chinese allow us to verify compliance with a stupid treaty?  And even if we did speak up, do you really think they'd let us?  Not very likely.  Actually, while they were rolling on the floor laughing at us, I imagine that we'd be puffing about how unfair this all is and how the UN needs to establish some dumb ass "commission".  After all, the Chinese signed a paper!  Just like Hitler did with Neville Chamberlain.  But of course, on our side of the Pacific we'd set up an entire bureaucracy to enforce draconian laws that will bankrupt the greatest economy the world has ever seen.

My suggestion?  Fight this every chance you get.  Push your politicians, regardless of party, to vote against any legislation that is costly and harmful to our country.  Endorse the candidates who see through this nonsense.  Send them money.  Talk to friends and family.  Vote.  In other works, just practice good citizenship and help take back your country from the socialists and Maoists in the White House.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Reminder About Posting Replies To This Blog

When posting comments, please be sure to post yours under the correct article.  I just got a post from Paul that sounded like it was intended for "Who's The Racist?" but instead came in under "The White House Has An Enemies List?"  The problem is that I can only place your original comment under the blog article it came in under but I still want to make sure you're heard.  Also, it may take up to 24 hours for your comment to post.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The White House May Have An Enemies List? I'm Shocked !!!

So, Tennesee Senator Lamar Alexander (R) has concerns.  He is concerned that the White House may be developing an "enemies list" and he encourages Obama not to do that, lest his Administration be seen as Nixonesque (or better yet, Clintonesque.)  News flash Senator!  This guy and his power hungry, Marxist henchman, Rahn Emanuel have had an enemies list for a very long time.

Here are just a few members of this very large group:  Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly. Republicans, Conservatives, yellow dog Democrats, you, me, Fox News, The Washington Times, white people, Jews (yes I know Rahm's heritage), corporations, doctors, the military, Israel, Texas, the Minuteman Project, non-Hispanic immigrants, law enforcement, The American Spectator, the CIA, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, General McChrystal, anybody earning over $65,000/yr., Hillary Clinton, Jesus, socialized medicine opponents ... get the picture?  As a matter of fact, the good news is that this Administration has so many targets, it can't decide who to destroy first.  The surprising news is that they love George Bush ... he gives them someone that they can blame for everything.

This mob learned politics from the Chicago political machine, arguably the most corrupt bunch of politicians outside of Washington.  To think that they don't have "enemies" or would hesitate for a minute to destroy any opposing points of view is just naive.  These guys will use any method to muzzle the oppostion, including the IRS (Clinton was a master of this, but I'm sure these guys will improve upon even him), the Justice Department (look what Eric Holder is doing to the CIA), the compliant news media (witness the attack on Fox by Anita Dunn and her crew), the FCC (Fairness Doctrine coming soon to a radio station near you), the Treasury Dept (cutting executive salaries for banks that asked for or were forced to take federal assistance), Chrysler (cutting the dealerships of  non-Obama supporters.  And yes, you bet that Chrysler and GM are now both government agencies) ... the list is endless.

So Senator, as a member of the loyal opposition, it's good that you pointed this out.  However, you do need to get real and realize that this train has already left the station.  If you're not with this guy, you're an enemy.  In fact, these guys in power epitomize the famous Ronald Reagan quote: "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

The soulution?  Work hard to vote this anti-American bunch out of office in the next election.

Monday, October 19, 2009

New Wealth Redistribution Plan From Obama

Do you remember how Obama told "Joe the plumber" how he had to "help those folks coming up behind you"?  Do you remember the people celebrating when Obama was elected, telling the press that "now I won't have to pay for gas" and "now I won't have to worry about my mortgage"?  How about "Universal Health Care For Everybody!!!"?  And then of course, there's the evil corporations who are just milking all of the hard working folks so we need to raise those taxes right now.

Well, so far, the Obama team hasn't been able to strip enough money from those who work for it and give it to those that won't.   So, the Assistant Undersecretary of Labor for Helping Get More Taxpayer Money to Help Non-Workers has come up with a sure winner that not only redistributes wealth but also wraps this effort in the mantle of "helping the children".  You remember how that works.  Every time Republicans wanted to cut taxes, what they were really doing was killing old people and hurting children.  Oh, the humanity!

Here is the new Administration plan in detail.

Have a Happy Halloween!

Funny Stuff

 Time to inject a little political humor into the ugly political situation we're now living through.  My wife sent me this a while back, but I don't know who to credit for writing this.

World's Shortest Books

By Jane Fonda & Cindy Sheehan.
Illustrated  by Michael Moore


By  Rev Jesse Jackson & Rev Al Sharpton


By  Hillary Clinton   

By Bill  Clinton 
By  Osama Bin Laden   
By Bill Gates 

By Dennis Rodman 

By Al Gore & John Kerry   

By Dr. J.. Kevorkian   
By Ellen de Generes & Rosie O'Donnel   
By Mike Tyson   

By O. J. Simpson 

By Ted Kennedy 

By Bill Clinton with introduction 
By the Rev. Jesse Jackson 

Complete Knowledge of Military Strategy! 
By Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden

Feel free to send me your favorite titles.

Reader Survey Results - Update (and a few minor points about socialists in the White House)

Well, the results are in.  By a huge margin, readers favored the picture of the cow (well, technically, it's a bull.)  I've also added another picture just in case anyone wants to reconsider and take the survey again.  Just let me know which picture you find more appealing!

Before the sensitive among you think that I'm just picking on this lady's looks, you're correct but likely for the wrong reason.  You see, I believe that the face we wear usually conveys our outlook on life and this woman's dour, condescending expression conveys to me her opinion of our country and her position in it.  It's a look that I've seen before in the Obama administration, including on the face of the chosen one himself.  I know that you can say "people can't help how they look", but after you read about this doyen of socialism, you'll perhaps understand the link between her philosophy and appearance.

And why, you may ask, has White House Communications Director Anita Dunn become the target of my opprobrium.  Simple.  Last week, she attacked Fox news because they didn't toe the White House line.  She believes that the First Amendment is something to be controlled and manipulated by the Administration.  She believes in using the media to push what Obama is saying and that it should not investigate the substance, or lack thereof, behind those statements.  Clearly the press is a tool to be manipulated by sharp minds such as hers and of course, the press has not surprisingly complied perfectly.  Yes, it's a brilliant strategy and it got a Chicago political hack into the White House.  But it is also an evil strategy which, with the help of a compliant media, serves to enslave America under the whip of socialism.

Interesting that one of Ms. Dunn's philosophical idols is Mao Tse Tung.   At the end of the linked article, she is shown in a video warmly quoting the chairman to a group of high school students.  Nice.  But to be fair, she also likes Mother Theresa.  How sweet.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Who's The Racist?

Before You Judge, Read The Facts

By now, unless you have been vacationing in some distant corner of our galaxy, you've heard the story of Rush Limbaugh and the St. Louis Rams.  You know that his chief attackers were Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.  These two notorious race baiters were promptly followed by an "unbiased" media, who immediately piled on Rush without so much as a stitch of hard proof.  As if that wasn't enough, a bunch of no-talent sports media types and a few players joined in the feeding frenzy.  You also know that at the end of the day, not one shred of evidence existed that Rush ever said anything about slavery and that his Donovan McNab comment, while controversial, was hardly racist.

Of course, the key here is that if you really want to smear somebody in Obama's "post racial" America, the very best way to do it is to of course holler "racism!" at everyone who disagrees with your world view.  Once you do that, nobody will ask for proof other than asking the accused to prove he's not a racist.  The best part is that if you do this to a celebrity such as Rush, chances are you'll get away with it because he is a public figure.

My initial thoughts on this whole scenario as it unfolded was outrage.  I am sick of the ease with which Jackson and Sharpton, who are nothing but obnoxious extortionists, get away with painting anybody they choose with the racist brush while they themselves are virulent racists.  Why do they get a pass?  I'll tell you why.  Because the very people who should be calling these charlatans out on the issue are themselves fearful of being branded racists.  I don't know about you, but I am sick of being painted as part of a larger group of racists (whites) and I am tired of seeing people that I respect and admire being harmed in the same fashion.  My fondest hope is that Rush will sue Sharpton, Jackson, the NFL and the media into oblivion.  It really is time to put an end to this divisive nonsense.

While we're on the subject of pointing fingers for racism, I want to mention that if somebody is truly a racist, it is not only right to call them out on it but it is a civic duty.  The accusation should never be made lightly and only after solid proof that the charge has merit.  I believe that based on his track record, which lengthens daily, President Obama is a racist.  Certainly, he is not himself a white hating, anti-semitic hoodlum like Sharpton and Jackson and Rev. Wright.  But he does in fact do things that clearly indicate he does have a racial bias that really should not be allowed in the Office of the President.  He also is famous for surrounding himself with a cabinet and staff who clearly are heavily biased against certain races, religions and beliefs.  Condsider these points:

  1. By now, the Rev. Wright and his racist statements have been discussed ad nauseum.  Obama has said that he didn't agree with much of what the good reverend said, yet he attended that church for 20 years.
  2. Anybody want to discuss the Cambridge police incident again?
  3. Obama is quoted from Dreams of My Father "any difference between good and bad whites held negligible meaning"
  4. Then there's Van Johnson, Obama's "Environmental Job Czar" who started a black-only group of Marxist/Leninists called STORM. He openly blames whites for polluting black neighborhoods and he calls Republicans "assholes" (that's a quote) in public forums. (see my 9/4/2009 blog)
  5. And, let's don't forget Obama's cabinet of racists, anti-semites and Marxists.  As a reminder, see my recent blog of 10/11/2009.
This dismal picture only gets clearer.  The attached link takes you to an article that describes Obama's election website, which he had full editorial control over, Organizing For America.  It is hard to imagine that such vitriolic filth is allowed in modern society.  You won't believe it until you read it, and then you'll be quite angry.  You can say he didn't write this garbage, but he was the "captain of the ship" when it was allowed to be published on his website and the article was allowed to stay for an extended period.  It is hard to imagine this level of anti-semitic hatred being allowed in anyplace on earth other than Hitler's Germany and all of the "Islamic states."  If this was a Republican who allowed this, the anti-capital punishment crowd would be campaigning for his torture and execution.

After reading this, the most stunning aspect to me is that any Jew ever votes for the likes of Obama.  And yet, they did so by huge margin.  To those who did vote for him, my advice is simple.  Forget your past allegiances as liberal Democrats and start voting for people who don't want to ultimately harm you and who don't desire the destruction of Israel.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

What Goes Around ...

Thanks to Vinnie in Ohio for sending this in
(Click on image to enlarge)

Jorge Santayana said "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."  The above political cartoon from a 1934 edition of the Chicago Tribune perfectly describes the conditions in modern America, if we just change a few of the names.  Note Obama's soul mentor, Karl Marx, in the lower left corner.

This insightful drawing precisely captures the situation as it exists today.  In short, a normal recessionary correction in our economy (albeit a major one) is being used as an excuse by Progressives (socialists) to seize control of our successful capitalist Republic and destroy it so that it can be replaced by their vision of a socialist "Democracy." Following Marx's Communist Manifesto and Alinsky's Rules For Radicals, Obama and his far left band of thugs are spending us into oblivion.  The Federal deficit is now at $1.42 trillion and the National Debt is running at $12 trillion (if you want to get scared senseless, go to this link to see how fast the National Debt is increasing - ). Unemployment is estimated at just under 10%, but most experts concede that it's really at about 17% when those who have just given up are counted.  Durable goods orders, unfilled orders and inventories (perhaps the best indicators of the faith that business has in the future economy) are all in the toilet.  If business doesn't have confidence in the future, when do you suppose they'll start hiring again?

So, given all of this, what has been the response from our fiscally responsible politicians? Well, Bush and a leftist Democrat Congress bailed out Wall Street with our money ($700 billion), arguing that we had to protect credit.  I argue that government intervention at ANY level pollutes capitalism and shoves us right down the slippery slope to total government control.  In this case, we merely bailed out a lot of greedy rats and idiots with no business acumen to "save the country", when what we really did was push it over the edge of a financial precipice. We needed to save the credit market by pumping more money into it when in fact the very cause of the meltdown was excess, loose credit and excess debt. The result?  Credit is very tight,  banks are still tanking and we, the people are $700 billion further in debt. The stock market is doing better, but it was doing great right before the Depression and the latest crash. And let's not forget how Bush and his Republican pals in Congress started spending us into oblivion after being elected as "conservatives" (I guess Bush really was a neo-con).  Make no mistake about it.  Bush and Obama are both Progressives, the only difference being the degree to which they feel government should control us.

Our pals in Washington also pumped a few billion into GM, a poorly managed business with overpaid workers who produced non-competitive products.  And actually, they made a very good case for this ... UAW workers with a burden rate of $80/hr. needed protection from those evil foreign competitors who were building superior products with American workers, working in ultra-modern plants, who carried a burden rate of $40/hr. To improve upon Bush's insightful management of this crises, Obama and his gang decided that it would be a dandy idea for the government to own GM and to give controlling power of Chrysler to the unions.  And we got all of this for only a few billion. Sweet.

In order to "help" us even more, Obama, Reid and Pelosi jammed the $787 billion "Stimulus Bill" down our throats.  Heavily marbled with pork fat for constituents of Progressives (Democrats), this whopper brings the spending orgy of the last year (on top of our already exorbitant Federal budget) to somewhere around $1.7 trillion dollars.  The good news is that only three "Republicans" voted for this pig ... Specter, Snowe and Collins.

Based on all of this spending, the Keynesian axiom that government spending can pull the economy out of recession should by now have been proven wildly true.  We should all be rolling in dough, everybody should be working and the economy should be booming.  Of course, things don't turn around quickly, but we know this philosophy is working because Obama tells us so.  I feel better already!

Coming soon to a socialist pork store near you - socialized medicare and carbon caps!  These will drive spending to intergalactic levels, further strengthening our already robust economy!

I believe that.  Don't you?

By the way, if you want precise details about how Roosevelt prolonged the Depression and began the march towards socialism in our government using the exact same methods Obama is using, I suggest that you read The Forgotten Man by Amity Shales.  It's amazing how may parallels that you will draw between the Roosevelt regime and what Obama is doing.  I believe the only things that saved us from pure socialism during the Roosevelt years was the war and his death.  Whatever picture history paints of Harry Truman, he did two huge things that helped our great nation.  He ended the war by having the guts to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki (thus saving millions of American and Japanese lives) and he managed to put the breaks on much of Roosevelt's radical progressive agenda.