Monday, October 19, 2009

New Wealth Redistribution Plan From Obama

Do you remember how Obama told "Joe the plumber" how he had to "help those folks coming up behind you"?  Do you remember the people celebrating when Obama was elected, telling the press that "now I won't have to pay for gas" and "now I won't have to worry about my mortgage"?  How about "Universal Health Care For Everybody!!!"?  And then of course, there's the evil corporations who are just milking all of the hard working folks so we need to raise those taxes right now.

Well, so far, the Obama team hasn't been able to strip enough money from those who work for it and give it to those that won't.   So, the Assistant Undersecretary of Labor for Helping Get More Taxpayer Money to Help Non-Workers has come up with a sure winner that not only redistributes wealth but also wraps this effort in the mantle of "helping the children".  You remember how that works.  Every time Republicans wanted to cut taxes, what they were really doing was killing old people and hurting children.  Oh, the humanity!

Here is the new Administration plan in detail.

Have a Happy Halloween!

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