Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The White House May Have An Enemies List? I'm Shocked !!!

So, Tennesee Senator Lamar Alexander (R) has concerns.  He is concerned that the White House may be developing an "enemies list" and he encourages Obama not to do that, lest his Administration be seen as Nixonesque (or better yet, Clintonesque.)  News flash Senator!  This guy and his power hungry, Marxist henchman, Rahn Emanuel have had an enemies list for a very long time.

Here are just a few members of this very large group:  Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly. Republicans, Conservatives, yellow dog Democrats, you, me, Fox News, The Washington Times, white people, Jews (yes I know Rahm's heritage), corporations, doctors, the military, Israel, Texas, the Minuteman Project, non-Hispanic immigrants, law enforcement, The American Spectator, the CIA, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, General McChrystal, anybody earning over $65,000/yr., Hillary Clinton, Jesus, socialized medicine opponents ... get the picture?  As a matter of fact, the good news is that this Administration has so many targets, it can't decide who to destroy first.  The surprising news is that they love George Bush ... he gives them someone that they can blame for everything.

This mob learned politics from the Chicago political machine, arguably the most corrupt bunch of politicians outside of Washington.  To think that they don't have "enemies" or would hesitate for a minute to destroy any opposing points of view is just naive.  These guys will use any method to muzzle the oppostion, including the IRS (Clinton was a master of this, but I'm sure these guys will improve upon even him), the Justice Department (look what Eric Holder is doing to the CIA), the compliant news media (witness the attack on Fox by Anita Dunn and her crew), the FCC (Fairness Doctrine coming soon to a radio station near you), the Treasury Dept (cutting executive salaries for banks that asked for or were forced to take federal assistance), Chrysler (cutting the dealerships of  non-Obama supporters.  And yes, you bet that Chrysler and GM are now both government agencies) ... the list is endless.

So Senator, as a member of the loyal opposition, it's good that you pointed this out.  However, you do need to get real and realize that this train has already left the station.  If you're not with this guy, you're an enemy.  In fact, these guys in power epitomize the famous Ronald Reagan quote: "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

The soulution?  Work hard to vote this anti-American bunch out of office in the next election.

1 comment:

  1. Paul,

    Thanks for the comment but I'm not sure that you posted it with the correct day's blog. Did you intend to enter it under Who's The Racist?"

    Anyway, the fact of the matter is that Rush was excluded for his political views and only for that reason. That in itself wouldn't be a problem because as you point out, the NFL (although a monopoly) is a private business and they can choose who to be in business with. The problem that I think most people have is that he was slandered by Jesse Jackson. Al Sharpton, the mainstream media and others for making statements that he never made regarding race. Now again, these people may dislike him but it's not OK to use whatever means possible, including lies and slander, to harm those who you don't like.

    In my blog, I've never said Rush was stifled by this matter. In fact, with 20 million listeners, it's going to be very hard to stifle him. You actually believe that someone will surpass him? Good luck with that. However, the White House surely would like to shut him up and they will likely try by re-instituting the Fairness Doctrine"? Think it can't happen? Notice I said RE-instituting.

    It's a good thing that o are listening to both sides of the argument. Thanks for writing.
