Back when I first started this blog, I had to pick a name. After a whole lot of thought, I picked "Don't Let The Bastards Wear You Down." Why? It's simple really. After the election of the miscreants that currently populate my state government, the US Congress and the White House, there was a great deal of wailing and gnashing of teeth among my friends and associates. The general theme was "we're screwed and there's not a damn thing we can do about it." Quite honestly, I can't blame anybody for feeling that way because often times it feels like this country is just imploding and as an individual, there's not much you can do about it. I found myself thinking like that until I just gave myself a mental smack in the head and pulled myself up by the bootstraps, because I knew that good people who work hard towards a common goal can't possibly be defeated by the likes of the liberal socialists who are trying to steal America away from us. I didn't believe that then, I don't believe it now and I have never believed that life just groin kicks you and leaves you without any options. I've always been a fighter and I felt that we could effectively fight this mob of progressives if we could just discuss it, figure out how to attack and organize opposition to Obama and his cronies.
And that's where the name came from. I'm not about to let any smooth talking empty suit like Obama get away with trashing the Constitution. I'm not going to let a bastard like Rahm Emanuel design nefarious plans that abridge my freedoms. I'm not going to let George Soros use his money to steer an undereducated electorate towards candidates that seek to change America into a socialist state. I'm not going to let a rich, spoiled, privileged hag like Nancy Pelosi pick my pockets through unconstitutional taxes. I'm not going to let Harry Reed denigrate the efforts of our military. Not without one hell of a fight. That's exactly why I picked the title of this blog as I did, because I'm not going to give up and I'm not going to let these bastards wear me down.
That's the rationale I use to choose the subjects that I write about and that's why I often end my daily blog with ideas such as:
- write, email, call AND fax your elected representatives at all levels, regardless of their party affiliation. Let them know multiple times how much you oppose insane schemes such as stimulus, corporate buyouts, cap in trade, socialized medicine etc. When they vote against your wishes, let them know. Don't think that the people who are on the left don't do this when they get stiffed by their politicians. Our job is to hit the bastards harder than our opposition.
- donate your money to conservative politicians who are willing to stand up and vote for what's right. If you can't part with a few bucks to support your beliefs, you really don't have much room to complain about the state of this union. Freedom isn't free and over time, millions of Americans have paid for it with their blood. The least we can do is spend some money.
- COMMUNICATE. Talk to people who agree and disagree with you politically. In fact, go out of your way to talk to the ones who disagree. Don't browbeat them ... talk with them. Try to win them over.
- Campaign. You can volunteer to help the candidates of your choice. You can go door-to-door. You can simply plant a sign on your lawn (yeah ... I know. This just lets your neighbors know who you're voting for. But if a number of signs spread around your area can raise just a few votes for your candidates based on name recognition, that's a win.)
- VOTE. Even if you vote in a liberal state and your participation won't change the electoral college vote. It's important be counted and to effect the outcome of statewide and local elections. Hell, I live in NY ... I know what an obnoxiously liberal state is!
- Don't take a beating from the opposition. Fight back! Don't let them call you or someone you respect a racist. Don't let them denigrate our military. Don't let them lie (i.e. - "the majority of Americans want government reform of healthcare" or "the global warming debate is over. We must take action now.", etc.) Dispute this drivel with facts in conversations. Write to your elected representatives about your feelings. If comments are allowed on websites you are reading, post one ... especially on liberal websites. Don't trash them ... smother them with facts and honesty.
- Attack with your ideas. Liberals are always in somebody's face with their ideas. Get in their face ... it throws them off balance.
- Kill the suck up liberal media. Don't buy newspapers that toe the Obama line. Don't patronize the alphabet networks (believe me, if you've got cable or satellite, they know what you watch.) Hit them where it hurts, in the wallet. Kill their revenues from sales and advertising. Get your news on the internet from sites that you trust. Despite what the government has to say about this, we're plenty smart and we can sort the bull from the truth.
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