Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Once Again, Where's NOW?

Go to this website and read how the scumbag Roman Polanski raped a 13 year old girl. Yes, the ABC article says that he "had sex" with her, but at the end of the day, when a grown man has sex with a 13 year old kid, that's rape (amazing how the liberal media chooses their words.)

Fearing that the nasty old judge would be a real meany and actual send poor little Roman to jail for doing practically nothing, this darling of the Hollywood elite fled the US and went to Europe where he has been living comfortably. Now he wants back in without so much as a wrist slap. Harvey Weinstein said that poor Roman has "served his time" for his crime. Right. He did this by jet-setting around Europe for three decades.

Where the hell is NOW? Shouldn't they be vocally supporting this woman who had her innocence forcibly removed when she was just 13 by this animal? Yes, I know that the most important issues on this planet are "the right to choose" and "equal pay for equal work", but for God's sake, don't these hags have even a little time in their day to come to the defense of a woman who was raped as an innocent child? Where is the outrage? Where is the screaming and protesting? Where is the cry for justice?

Just one more liberal organization that behaves in the most disgusting manner possible. Just one more example of the Hollywood elite showing the rest of us that they're just not the same as we are ... they're special. Just one more example of a world turned upside down.

We need to take this great country back and re-establish some morality or we will repeat history by rotting and dying just as great empires of the past have.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Great News On Socialized Medicine

Mr. Obama suffered yet another defeat today in his Quixotic effort to socialize American healthcare. As we know, he is very fond of the "public option" which can also be defined as "the option for Washington to steal our tax dollars and pay for health care aimed at non-producers and illegals" (both solid Democrat voting blocks ... yes, illegals vote, illegally.)

While some form of public option may ultimately be workable, Senator Hatch is correct in pointing out that Senators Rockefeller and Shumer offered schemes that were "trojan horses" paving the way for a single payer system. We all know what a single payer system is ... you need heart surgery and a bureaucrat with a high school education reads a bunch of rules and determines if you "qualify." And as Obama said, you don't give a 90 year old woman a new hip ... you give her an aspirin and send her home. Nice.

The good news here is that even as a minority, the Republicans are stalling the onslaught of socialism. The Dems hold the majority on this committee and yet some of them sided with their Republican peers. They did this because they feared that the Dems didn't have enough votes in the full Senate to stop a filibuster. I am personally convinced that we only need to hold this fort until the next election, but once we get the power back, we need to be forever vigilant in controlling those people that we put in power.

Here's the article.

Keep up the pressure ... it's working. It's a good fight and it's worth the effort.

Global Warming (sorry-climate change) Must Be Stopped!

At his recent global coming out party at the UN, our fearless apologist in chief rambled on and on about how we must stop climate change now and that the US would lead the way. This sorry bastard even posed with the Chinese Premier to promote world wide climate change legislation. What a hoot! China, who along with India pretty much told the world to shove their climate control treaties into a very warm spot in their bodies is now our new best friend for climate change. Let me translate: they posture and we pay.

Now, take a minute to read this article about how we are facing the coldest winter in a decade or worse and then try to understand what all of the fuss is about greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases? The way the world has been cooling over the last decade or so, it seems to me that we need to pump out even more CO2 to help keep the earth warm!

We all know that it's not about global warming or climate change. It's about rotten politicians doing whatever they can to consolidate their power so that they can control the electorate. Climate change, health care, bailouts ... they all mean the same thing - socialism through an all controlling government.

What can you do? You can do your part ... educate everybody you can, support the candidates who will do the right thing, be vocal with your current representatives and vote. Let's overthrow these thugs at the ballot box. There's not a lot of time left.

Been Away Too Long ...

Sorry for the absence, but my pesky full time job keeps getting in the way of my hobbies. I'll do my best to keep the updates to this post on a daily basis going forward. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's All About Priorities

Really, there's not a lot to be said about this anymore, other than to wonder what our Commander In Chief is thinking.

Tell you what. Make believe that you're President for a day. What's your top priority?

1. Dealing with the thermonuclear bomb threat posed by a nutbag Islamic terrorist regime and a whack job, short Korean with a Napolean complex.

2. National Health Care (socialized medicine)

3. Global Warming (oops ... climate change) and Carbon Credits

4. Bailing out (taking control of) failing businesses

5. Tax increases

6. Alternative Energy Sources

You make the choice. Make the right one and we're all happy. Make the wrong one and many of us are dead. Here's a hint: if a nuclear bomb kills lots of Americans, think of the votes you'll lose ...

Seems that if you look at the track record, our incompetent politicians at all levels have been fretting hugely over items 2 through 6, but #1 just keeps hanging out there.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Obama Open To Newspaper Bailout!

Well, of course you are, oh chosen one. After all, when you are blessed with a sycophantic media, you've got to do everything you can to keep them afloat. You just can't let the New York Times, The Washington Post, The LA Times, etc. tank after they've kissed your butt for so long. Why if it wasn't for these good friends in the media turning you into a godlike figure while pretty much casting Sarah Palin as the Whore of Babylon, you probably never would have gotten elected. Time to pay up!

We know the government can help because there is now vast empirical evidence that when a poorly managed and non-competitive business can't keep up in the marketplace, there is nothing like an infusion of government funds (our money) to just turn that right around. Why, no matter how irrelevant your product is in the marketplace, the government can shore you up and support your union workers in the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed! Look at what a great job Washington has done with the banks, GM and Chrysler! On top of this, look at how successful and unbiased PBS and NPR are.

Now, the right wing conspiracy nuts will say this is a giveaway, but it is clearly not. We won't really be giving newspapers any money. We'll just be allowing "tax breaks", which isn't at all like giving them money. What this means is that they simply won't need to pay taxes. True, the rest of us will need to make up for that through increased taxes or increased deficits or reduced services, but hey, it's still not like real money! In exchange for this, the newspapers must reorganize as non-profit organizations, kind of like a church. And everybody knows that churches are basically honest, benevolent organizations. So just look upon this as not a bailout but rather as a way to promote religion in America.

Yes, I know that newspaper circulation is way down because their unwavering allegiance to the Progressive cause has lately become so blatant that they might as well print "A Division Of The Democrat Party" under their mastheads. As readers flock to sources that they trust more than these socialist rags, advertising revenues are plummeting because the audience is so much smaller. This means there is less money left to pay the bloated salaries of union reporters, press operators, etc. But none of this is important. What is critically important is that we maintain a pure, unbiased press (at least unbiased towards Democrats.)

Some of us may be concerned about a HUGE conflict of interest if any segment of the media in this country is controlled by the government. I mean, could an Obama bailout of the newspapers, who are protected by the First Amendment, signal the potential for political abuse. Absolutely not! Who among us can possibly believe that Obama would treat this as a way to propagandize the press? No one except those nutty conspiracy theorists on the right. Obama's motives are pure here. He's just worried that if all news reporting is left to irresponsible internet sources, there won't be enough "fact checking" to insure the newsworthiness of any story. It is a valid concern. I mean, just look at how accurate the fact checking was from the major newspapers on the recent march (revolt?) on Washington or in the ACORN scandal. Why, if you just listened to Drudge and Fox News, you'd actually think that there were over one million people at the march and that more than a few rogue employees were involved in the ACORN non-issue! ... well, OK. Maybe these aren't the best examples of serious journalistic integrity, but just look at how accurate the reports from Iraq have been!

Of course, our government would never tell a charitable organization that if you don't stop saying certain things or if you don't say things our way, we're going to revoke your tax exempt status. No, never.

What total BS ....

Saturday, September 19, 2009

More On The March On Washington

Last week, we witnessed the mainstream media's coverage of the "radical right wingers" march on Washington, DC. You know, people like you and me who think that socialized medicine is wrong, Progressives (Democrats) are ruining this country, Obama is an appeaser, redistribution of wealth hurts the economy, etc. Because we don't like having our pockets picked by an ultra left (Socialist) administration, we are radicals and racists.

Well, according to "the media", there were about 70,000 people there. You know, enough to cause minor traffic disruptions. The foreign press, on the other hand, reported in excess of one million people. Now, we all know this is nonsense because this "vocal minority event" could not possibly have attracted over twice as many people as the world famous "Million Man March"! (Remember, even though that crowd was estimated as less than 500,000, it's still the Million Man March damn it!")

One of our readers, Vinnie, reports that his wife was there last week with this right wing rabble. While obviously not an expert "crowd estimator", she guesses that the crowd was a lot closer to the million number. Also, anybody who has has eyes can look at the aerial photos and see that there are easily hundreds of thousands of people there. Great showing!

What does all of this mean? It means we are getting stronger. It means that the media is getting weaker (as witnessed by their increased distortion of the facts in an effort to promote a socialist agenda). It means that our politicians, who in large part declined to comment on this event, are getting scared. Be very careful of this last one. Powerful people who are in a corner are very dangerous indeed ...

Keep up the fight.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fear Of Losing Power Is A Real Bitch

I could be wrong, but Ms. Pelosi sounds a little scared here. Also, notice how she mentions "balancing" freedom of speech with safety. Sounds to me like they're teeing up the ball for a law that diminishes free speech both on the airwaves (another Fairness Doctrine) and in public forums. Keep an eye out for statements such as "these conservative radicals are peddling hate and we have to protect you." My opinion is that she has absolutely no fear of physical violence ... she's scared to death that the Progressives (Socialists) will be thrown out in the next election.

Listen to this (by the way, the disruptions in San Francisco in the '70's that she references were instigated by the left):

Run Nancy, run. We'll be sure to keep up the perfectly legal pressure as guaranteed us by the Constitution.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Jimmy Carter Sighting!

Jimmy Carter today stated the he is concerned about the racist tone that he perceives is being directed against Barack Obama.

News flash Jimmy (what kind of name is that for a President anyway? President Jimmy). We don't intensely dislike Obama because of his race. We dislike him for the exact same reason we couldn't stand you ... he is an egg sucking apologist who's main goal is not to protect America but rather to redistribute our wealth in an effort to create what he believes will be a socialist utopia. His ratings are in the toilet just like your's were because his performance as our Commander in Chief sucks, just like yours did. He is internationally naive and fiscally ignorant, just like you were. The same whites that voted him into office now can't stand him because he has betrayed what few real campaign promises he made, just like the people that voted for you.

It's not race Jimmah. It's lousy performance by Obama during his Presidency just like it was during yours. Hopefully, he will be a one term wonder who is soon forgotten, just like you.

You Have GOT To Play By The Rules

In response to Congressman Joe Wilson's "outburst" (you say outburst, I say true statement) the other night, the Honorable Louise Slaughter has seen fit to send out a reminder of the etiquette to be followed during meetings of the House. In part, those rules state:

Under section 370 of the House Rules and Manual it has been held that a member could not:

• call the President a “liar.”
• call the President a “hypocrite.”
• describe the President’s veto of a bill as “cowardly.”
• charge that the President has been “intellectually dishonest.”
• refer to the President as “giving aid and comfort to the enemy.”
• refer to alleged “sexual misconduct on the President’s part.”

So, if I were a Congressman, I could NOT say something like "as exhibited by repeated instances of intellectual dishonesty, the President has shown himself to be a liar. He has lied on so many occasions (health care, past political relationships, bailout, spending, race, etc.) that it is easier to count the number of times he's told the truth. His endless apologies to the rest of the world on our behalf is in itself a very cowardly act because he thinks he can protect us by appeasing the world. These apologies and his repeated coddling of Arab leaders at the expense of our allies gives aid and comfort to the enemy. On top of that, he is a hypocrite because even though he billed himself as the post-racial president, statements regarding the actions of the Cambridge police belie his prejudices. The good news is that he does not appear to be guilty of any sexual misconduct like Bill Clinton was, but hold tight ... there's still time."

Fortunately, I'm not a Congressman.

Where's NOW?

Back in August, I wrote about the conspicuous absence of NOW in the debate about the very ugly habit that the Religion of Peace and Love has of stoning women to death. I mean, you would think that the National Organization for Women would champion the right a woman has to not be stoned, right? After all, it's her body and she should be able to not have it stoned if she chooses. But, I guess we wouldn't want to upset our local imam ... he might get upset.

Fast forward to the recent revelation that the ACORN organization was recently caught (three separate times) advising two college documentary film makers, posing as pimp and prostitute, on how to defraud a bank, cheat on their taxes and lie on a loan application so they could start a whorehouse. The brothel was to be staffed with young girls from El Salvador who were to be brought into the US illegally. Considering the degree to which prostitution demeans not only it's practitioners but to some degree all women (and society in general), you would think that NOW would be leading the cry for an investigation into ACORN practices. Instead, nothing. Nothing in the news, nothing on their website, nothing.

Instead of outrage against ACORN indifference to poor, young women who were supposedly going to be placed into slavery as prostitutes (remember, ACORN didn't know it was an act), NOW loaded up their website with articles on "Reproductive Rights", the advantages of Obama's socialized medicine scheme, a glowing tribute to the killer of Mary Jo Kopechne, lesbian rights and ending sex desrimination. I guess binding a woman into a life of prostitution by smuggling her into the country and forcing her to have sex for money is not discrimination and does not qualify as any violation of her rights.

How much more hypocritical can NOW be? If you are truly the National Organization for Women, shouldn't you care about all women? If actions like ACORN's are not an affront to NOW, what the hell is? Why aren't NOW activists marching with signs in front of ACORN's offices? At the very least, they could speak out on their website about this travesty.

I guess I'm just a stupid man that doesn't understand the big picture, because it seems to me that while these morons are blathering on about glass ceilings, women who could truly use NOW's help, here and around the world, are being victimized.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Media Bias? What Media Bias?

So, you be the judge.

Here's the New York Times (you know ... the paper of record) as reprinted in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Note the Headline "Tens of Thousands Attend Broad Protest Of Government In Nation's Capitol".

Now, look at this link to a British paper, The Daily Mail, with the headline of "A Million March To US Capitol To Protest Against 'Obama The Socialist' ".

Nothing like being minimized by Pinch Sulzberger and the boys at the NY Times. The good news is that it really doesn't matter because there are so many other ways to get information these days. In fact, the consumer has been sending the mainstream media a very strong message as witnessed by the horrendous low circulation and poor financial performance of American newspapers and the lackluster viewership of network news. Keep up the good work guys ... you can keep leaning far left until you just fall into the grave you're digging for yourselves.

Those Nuts At ACORN Are At It Again!

You know, you just can't make stuff like this up. It's so bizarre, it just has to be true. Read this:

This follows the ACORN fiascos in Baltimore and Washington where employees of this ultra left wing organization were caught on tape instructing an undercover documentary team posing as pimp and hooker on how to obtain a house to use as a brothel with federal funds (i.e. - our tax dollars.) In yet a third location (Brooklyn), the ACORN staff offers helpful advice on how to scam a bank for a federally backed loan, how to illegally evade paying taxes on income and how to grow your small prostitution business into a full fledged whorehouse. The helpful staff even stresses how non-judgemental they are.

As I've stated before, I think that ACORN should be investigated as a criminal organization under the RICO statutes. Their actions in this matter and in the area of voter fraud are remarkably consistent across a wide base of locations, seeming to prove that there is certainly some sort of centralized control being exerted across the entire organization. Cases of voter fraud have been reported over multiple states and this travesty of coaching a would be madam and pimp on how to expand their business has occurred in three states so far.

The really interesting thing is that these two students from Rutgers used Saul Alinsky's Marxist bible, Rules For Radicals, to skewer the extreme left using their own tools. Considering that this is their first effort at documentary film making, I think a BS peddler like Michael Moore really needs to watch out. Think about this unique concept ... a documentary that actually tells the truth!

Don't forget that Obama's White House had big plans for ACORN participating in the US Census (it is now reported that based on the "whorehouse" scam, the Census Bureau has decided not to use ACORN, but I'll believe that when I see it.) They were supposed to do "canvassing". What the hell, you may ask, is "canvassing"? My definition is that canvassing is an action whereby you go out and make sure that people not only participate in the census ... they actually participate several times. You coach respondents to list dead people as living members of a household. You tell them to make up names of people who don't exist. In short, you use people in certain groups to inflate their numbers in much the same manner as you inflate voter rolls. Remember, this is an organization that registered "Mickey Mouse" to vote (yes, this really happened in Orange County Florida during the summer of 2008. Mickey Mouse was registered on a voter registration form stamped with the ACORN logo.) Despite this, I'm SURE that they wouldn't try to inflate the US Census numbers ...

What can you do? I suggest that you write to your chosen representatives and ask them to pressure Attorney General Eric Holder to have the FBI conduct a full blown RICO investigation. That is if he can find the time to do so during his intense witch hunt of the CIA and military heroes who have kept us safe from terrorism since 9/11.

And, of course, vote this corrupt administration out of office the first chance you get.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Leadership Through Weakness?

Our Commander In Chief has pretty much apologized for everything to everybody. Now, he has decided to have direct "discussions" with Iran about nuclear disarmament. The looney toon who runs that dump, Ahmadinejad, is quoted in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz as saying:

"Iran will not negotiate about its nuclear 'rights,' President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Sunday, after the United States said it would focus on the Islamic state's atomic activities in upcoming talks with Tehran."

"Iran last week handed over a five-page proposal to the major powers, including the United States, in which Tehran said it was willing to discuss global nuclear disarmament as well as other international issues in wide-ranging talks."

In other words Obama, in your face. This guy thinks you are a weak, spineless appeaser. He does not respect you and he no longer fears the United States because he knows our leadership (you and our Congress) is weak and defeatist. While they spit on America, you are convinced that you alone can negotiate with these Islamists and can actually talk them out of developing a nuclear bomb to kill Americans and Israelis with. Really, we know you are a liberal Democrat (socialist), but are you actually that stupid? Do you really believe that you can negotiate with a country that has a terrorist at it's helm?

Reflective of your politically correct Harvard education, you were taught history from the perspective of Karl Marx. You were taught sociology from Saul Alinsky's bible. You actually listened to Jeremiah Wright's twaddle about America being the cause of all this planet's problems. You missed the history lesson about Neville Chamberlain firmly planting his lips on Hitler's butt, only to have his signed "agreement" stuck right up his backside, resulting in the deaths of millions, including his own countrymen.

Now we see you taking America down the very same path as Chamberlain took England. You will "reason" with this maniac, who is still waiting for some Imam to crawl out of a well and lead Muslims to victory (he said himself that he really believes this). You gloss over the absurdity of a country that is literally awash in oil claiming it needs nuclear power for "peaceful" electricity. You actually seem to believe that these terrorist murderers won't try to first level Israel and then bring the pain to our shores. You really do seem to have a messianic complex that compels you to believe that only you can talk these murderers out of bringing the world to the brink of destruction. You didn't learn your lesson when Iran slaughtered dissidents in the last election while you pathetically wrung your hands agonizing about the "unfairness" of it all. They laughed at you then and they are laughing at you now. You blather on about strict sanctions but you have yet to impose one single sanction. Ooooh, I'll bet Iran is really terrified now.

Newsflash! You are not the messiah. You can't BS these radical Islamists with promises of government handouts like you did with the voters. The Iranian government is not moldable like the Democrat controlled Congress. Threats without follow-up only embolden them. You can lie to them or tell them the truth ... it really doesn't matter because they ignore you. In less than a year, they will have a thermonuclear bomb and then what will you do? Complain to the UN?

Your actions in this matter are yet further examples of PC Progressivism running amok and putting all of our lives in danger. I suggest that you"man up" and demand that Iran stop it's nuclear development immediately. If they don't, just get out of Israel's way and they'll do your dirty work for you since you don't seem to have the stomach. Remember, the first job of government is to protect it's citizens (it's not socialized medicine, it's not carbon credits, it's not paying off unions by handing them auto companies, it's not raising taxes, it's not redistributing wealth). Do your job. George Bush couldn't figure this out either and the total inaction towards Iran by both of you will get a lot of Americans and Israelis killed.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Squirrels Love Acorns ... And So Does Obama

Those nutty rascals in the Obama Administration are at it once again. Take a look at this video of an ACORN Washington staffer counseling two people acting as pimp and prostitute on how to manipulate the system to get government funds (also referred to as YOUR MONEY) to acquire a house in order to start a new business. In short, these "community organizers" were coaching undercover documentary film makers on how to get tax dollars to start a whorehouse. What famous person do we know who started out as a "community organizer" and who was closely affiliated with ACORN? Hint: initials = B.O.)

Now lets rewind to the "Economic Stimulus Act" that was rammed down our throats by Obama and company. Originally included was over $5,000,000,000 (yes, with a B) for "emergency assistance for the redevelopment of abandoned and foreclosed homes". Thankfully, we can at least take solace that this was later pared down to $2 Billion. When Republicans cried foul because this was merely ACORN pork for supporting Obama, Democrats scoffed at them, saying that ACORN never went after these funds and would not in the future. Really? Then where do they suppose the funds for the aforementioned whorehouse would come from? You've got it ... another example of how the stimulus package is providing high paying jobs in the community (anybody know how much a good hooker makes these days?) Simply stated, ACORN is coaching potential pimps and whores on how to get their hands on Stimulus money.

If you think this is an isolated case, think again. The day before the Washington taping, the same documentary crew went to the Baltimore ACORN office where they were coached on how to falsify tax records and seek illegal benefits for 13 "very young girls" from El Salvador who they were going to use as prostitutes. The local ACORN staff was very helpful! Nice.

This organization was hired by the Obama campaign and paid nearly a million dollars to campaign for him during the election. Naturally, the entire membership are strong supporters of Obama. Here's a few other things this group of slime balls has been involved in:

  1. Catherine Cortez Masto, Nevada's Democratic Attorney General said that Acorn itself is named in a voter fraud criminal complaint, saying that Acorn's training manuals "clearly detail, condone and . . . require illegal acts," such as requiring its workers to meet strict voter-registration targets to keep their jobs. (Las Vegas Sun)
  2. Other Democrats have complaints. Fred Voight, deputy election commissioner in Philadelphia, protested after Acorn (according to the registrar of voters and his own investigation) submitted at least 1,500 fraudulent registrations last fall. "This has been going on for a number of years," he told CNN in October. St. Louis Democrat Matthew Potter, the city's deputy elections director, had similar complaints. (Wall Street Journal)
  3. Washington state prosecutors fined Acorn $25,000 after several employees were convicted of voter registration fraud in 2007. The group signed a consent decree with King County (Seattle), requiring it to beef up its oversight or face criminal prosecution. In the 2008 election, Acorn's practices led to investigations, some ongoing, in 14 other states. (Wall Street Journal)
  4. Public records show that last spring the IRS filed three tax liens totaling almost $1 million against Acorn, most of which concerned employee withholding (Wall Street Journal).

Notice in items 1 through 3, the complaining officials are Democrats. ACORN is an organized crime organization and should be investigated using the RICO Act. Further, the very strong links between the Democrat party and this group should be included in that probe. Finally, remember that even though Obama has "distanced" himself from this group, he can't deny the past just as he can't deny his ties to Jeremiah Wright or Saul Alinsky.

Take heart in the fact that the Progressives numbers are dropping like rocks and there's a very good chance we can at least recover some semblance of power in the next election. By being vocal and pressuring our elected representatives we at least have the Democrats arguing among themselves, which in and of itself is quite a feat. Don't let the bastards wear you down and keep talking to friends and family about this corrupt gang.

9/11 - A Day Of National Service!

So, the boys & girls at Obamaland have decided to commemorate the events of September 11, 2001 with a "National Day Of Service". This means, according to an executive order signed by none other than the chosen one, that we can all run out to our favorite charity (or politically correct cause) and volunteer our time and effort so as to honor those poor souls who died that day. How nice.

I have what I think is a better idea. Instead of focusing on "National Service", how about we focus on the nearly 3,000 innocent people (mostly American) who were brutally slaughtered by a bunch of blood thirsty Muslim lunatics in the name of their god? Let's remember the pictures of people jumping out of the world trade towers to escape the hellfire inferno unleashed by these maniacs. How about a moment of silence for the pilots and stewardesses who had their throats slit by these animals? How about a few tears for the families of these innocent victims who have been traumatized for life by this "event"? Why, perhaps we can even remember the brave members of our armed forces who have fought and even died protecting us from a repeat of this horror. How about on this day, we boldly and openly memorialize those heroes (civilian and military) who have lost their lives in this war instead of blathering on about some kind of huggy-feely bullshit?

National Day Of Service? How disgusting. While you're at it Mr. President, why don't you apologize for 9/11 to the "true beleivers" for us? After all, you've apologized for everything else.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Have A Happier Holiday - Courtesy Of Our Islamic Friends

Well, those radical islamist rascals have been up to their mischief again! While faithfully practicing the religion of peace and love, these guys found some time to figure out how to blow up multiple airliners using liquid explosives packed in suitcases. You know, you've got to hand it to these guys ... they have gone way past the Qu'ran's call for beheading infidels. I mean to behead as many people as these bombs would have dispatched would take weeks! Very efficient.

The good news is that they have been found guilty in the jolly old UK, meaning that they will surely be sentenced to life in prison. However, in the future, this sentence may be commuted if they get prostate cancer (or a severe head cold) just like the Lockerbie Pan Am Flight 103 murderer was released.

Read this and be very concerned.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie ....

Charlie, it's not about racism. It's not about healthcare (socialized medicine). It's not about Obama. It's all about YOU.

You got caught with your hand in the cookie jar. Deep in the cookie jar. Your memory lapses are truly phenomenal. Why, I'd be shocked if you could remember your own name. Even the left wing Washington Post is calling for you to step down, which tells me that you are really way out in the loose gravel. Nobody believes that your memory is that bad and that you are anything but just another thieving politician. You got caught big time and for once, you may not be able to slither out from under this one.

It's all about you, Charlie.

The Ant & The Grasshopper - A Moral Lesson For Our Time

My wife sent me this and I've gotta say, it hits the nail right square on the head. It's funny, but not so much so when you realize how true it actually is in today's America. Enjoy.



The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.

The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Be responsible for yourself!

PROGRESSIVE (Socialist, Democrat, Obama) VERSION:

The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.

CBS, NBC , PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast.

How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?

Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green.'

ACORN stages a demonstration in front of the ant 's house where the news stations film the group singing, 'We shall overcome.' Rev. Jeremiah Wright then has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper's sake.

Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.

Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer.

The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the Government Green Czar.

The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ants food while the government house he is in, which just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around him because he doesn't maintain it.

The ant has disappeared in the snow.

The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the once peaceful neighborhood.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Be careful how you vote in 2010.

Who's The Racist?

I'm tired of people who disagree with Obama being called racists by the likes of Pelosi, Reid, Obama's staff and the media. Think healthcare is wrong headed? You're a racist. Think the bailout of GM was a payback to the unions? You're a racist. Think wealth redistribution is wrong? You are a huge racist. Enough of this nonsense.

I submit to you that perhaps the real racist is Obama. Look who this guy has associated himself with over the years. First, for twenty years Obama and his family attended a church led by Jeremiah Wright. After hearing this guy talk, is there anybody reading this who can point to a more vitriolic racist? Obama is quoted from Dreams of My Father "any difference between good and bad whites held negligible meaning" and that tome is further laced with his distaste for whites. And, I don't think I need to spend a lot of time discussing the racism displayed in the case of the Cambridge, MA police officer.

Now we get to the latest incident of racial disharmony being foisted upon us by the White House. Read the following about Van Johnson, Obama's "Environmental Job Czar" (don't you just love this whole "czar" thing? No pre-appointment vetting, no congressional hearings, no Senate confirmation, no accountability.)

This guy started a black-only group of Marxist/Leninists called STORM. He openly blames whites for polluting black neighborhoods, he calls Republicans "assholes" (that's a quote) in public forums. Nice. But don't worry ... now that he's apologized, everything is OK!

You know, I'm not feeling the love in Obama's post-racial America. What possible purpose does it serve our nation for our President to fan the flames of racism? Could the "divide and conquer" strategy of Marxism be his real agenda? Divide black from white, poor from rich, employed from unemployed. Fragment and separate so as to reduce the concentration of power in any one group. Then dominate all groups from a centralized government power base that no one group can fight.

Clearly, if you were not a racist before now, the blatant "in your" face message sent out by this administration might turn you into one. How to fight back? Don't become a racist. Don't play into the Progressives (socialists) hands. Work to convince as many people as you can, regardless of who they are, that this sort of government is not American, it is not in America's best interest and it must be defeated.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Obama's Opinion of You

Who are these people and where did they come from? I mean, when you listen to this communist nut bag, you have to be convinced that he is nothing but a race baiting agitator for Obama. Listen to these comments from the "Green Job Czar":

So, this is how it's going to be in Obama's "post racial" America.

I don't think I need to say anything else. You'll know what we need to do.

A Midsummer Night's Nightmare (graphic)

You're in a car on a balmy summer's eve. The soft wind wafts across your pretty face and ruffles your hair. After the drinks you had on the beach, you feel as though you don't have a care in the world. Your career is really looking bright because you've managed to get close to some very powerful men (perhaps too close, but you're young and a little impetuous).

Suddenly, there's a loud crash ... no wait! That's water and it rushes in around you. It's so cold and so dark and you think "my God, this can't be happening to me." You feel the water rising quickly and as you desperately look around you realize that it's not just dark. It's pitch black and you can't see anything. The only thing you can hear is the water rushing around you. You scream out in abject terror, hoping that the sound will help the man you were with find you in the dark and rescue you. Your screams go unanswered and you realize there is just the dark, the cold water and you. The man you were with must be dead and you are trapped in this hell alone.

You have your whole life ahead of you and you are determined to live. You force yourself to think about how to survive. As the car fills with water, you scramble over the seats and follow the air, keeping your head above water as best you can. Sometimes you choke on the salty water but you manage to stay above it ... to stay alive!

It's been some time now ... seems like forever. You're not sure how long because after your desperate struggle to hang on to life, time has lost all meaning. It seems like you've been in this dark, freezing nightmare forever and you just pray that soon someone will find you and help you. You think "I can't die like this ... not now! Not so young."

All the movement has stopped now and the only sound you hear is the water rippling against your ears as you gasp for what little air is left in this tiny bubble of life. Soon, you're not really cold anymore and the terror has finally ceased. Things will be alright. You're very tired and you just need to close your eyes and sleep. With a little rest, you know you'll be able to think of something. Your head slips gently below the water and your last thoughts will remain with you forever.

You never knew that your companion got to safety almost immediately. He never told anyone about the tomb you were in until the next day. It is estimated that the air bubble you were in had enough oxygen to last for about five hours. It has been reported that there was no water in your lungs. I'm sure you are in heaven now. You paid your penance for any small sins you committed before you died.

Can one moment in time define a man's life? I think yes.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

More On Jamming Harry Reid

One of my 20,000 loyal readers (OK - I stretched out a few zeros) has a helpful piece of advice if you want to make a dent in our national "leadership":

FYI: radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt from Town Hall radio is now running a campaign called "Ten for Tark" on his show. Tark is John(?) Tarkainian son of the famous college basketball coach who plans to run against Harry ("Pinky") Ried in next election. He's gotten several thousand to contribute so far. He's pushing everyone to send $10 to Tark ($100 if you're Armenian)to send Pinky and the gang a message and hopefully unseat him.

This is the kind of grass roots (no Nancy Pelosi, we're not astroturf) effort that it's going to take to throw this current batch of bandits out. Get the picture?