Mr. Obama suffered yet another defeat today in his Quixotic effort to socialize American healthcare. As we know, he is very fond of the "public option" which can also be defined as "the option for Washington to steal our tax dollars and pay for health care aimed at non-producers and illegals" (both solid Democrat voting blocks ... yes, illegals vote, illegally.)
While some form of public option may ultimately be workable, Senator Hatch is correct in pointing out that Senators Rockefeller and Shumer offered schemes that were "trojan horses" paving the way for a single payer system. We all know what a single payer system is ... you need heart surgery and a bureaucrat with a high school education reads a bunch of rules and determines if you "qualify." And as Obama said, you don't give a 90 year old woman a new hip ... you give her an aspirin and send her home. Nice.
The good news here is that even as a minority, the Republicans are stalling the onslaught of socialism. The Dems hold the majority on this committee and yet some of them sided with their Republican peers. They did this because they feared that the Dems didn't have enough votes in the full Senate to stop a filibuster. I am personally convinced that we only need to hold this fort until the next election, but once we get the power back, we need to be forever vigilant in controlling those people that we put in power.
Here's the article.
Keep up the pressure ... it's working. It's a good fight and it's worth the effort.
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