Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's All About Priorities

Really, there's not a lot to be said about this anymore, other than to wonder what our Commander In Chief is thinking.

Tell you what. Make believe that you're President for a day. What's your top priority?

1. Dealing with the thermonuclear bomb threat posed by a nutbag Islamic terrorist regime and a whack job, short Korean with a Napolean complex.

2. National Health Care (socialized medicine)

3. Global Warming (oops ... climate change) and Carbon Credits

4. Bailing out (taking control of) failing businesses

5. Tax increases

6. Alternative Energy Sources

You make the choice. Make the right one and we're all happy. Make the wrong one and many of us are dead. Here's a hint: if a nuclear bomb kills lots of Americans, think of the votes you'll lose ...

Seems that if you look at the track record, our incompetent politicians at all levels have been fretting hugely over items 2 through 6, but #1 just keeps hanging out there.

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