Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Global Warming (sorry-climate change) Must Be Stopped!

At his recent global coming out party at the UN, our fearless apologist in chief rambled on and on about how we must stop climate change now and that the US would lead the way. This sorry bastard even posed with the Chinese Premier to promote world wide climate change legislation. What a hoot! China, who along with India pretty much told the world to shove their climate control treaties into a very warm spot in their bodies is now our new best friend for climate change. Let me translate: they posture and we pay.

Now, take a minute to read this article about how we are facing the coldest winter in a decade or worse and then try to understand what all of the fuss is about greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases? The way the world has been cooling over the last decade or so, it seems to me that we need to pump out even more CO2 to help keep the earth warm!

We all know that it's not about global warming or climate change. It's about rotten politicians doing whatever they can to consolidate their power so that they can control the electorate. Climate change, health care, bailouts ... they all mean the same thing - socialism through an all controlling government.

What can you do? You can do your part ... educate everybody you can, support the candidates who will do the right thing, be vocal with your current representatives and vote. Let's overthrow these thugs at the ballot box. There's not a lot of time left.

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