Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 - A Day Of National Service!

So, the boys & girls at Obamaland have decided to commemorate the events of September 11, 2001 with a "National Day Of Service". This means, according to an executive order signed by none other than the chosen one, that we can all run out to our favorite charity (or politically correct cause) and volunteer our time and effort so as to honor those poor souls who died that day. How nice.

I have what I think is a better idea. Instead of focusing on "National Service", how about we focus on the nearly 3,000 innocent people (mostly American) who were brutally slaughtered by a bunch of blood thirsty Muslim lunatics in the name of their god? Let's remember the pictures of people jumping out of the world trade towers to escape the hellfire inferno unleashed by these maniacs. How about a moment of silence for the pilots and stewardesses who had their throats slit by these animals? How about a few tears for the families of these innocent victims who have been traumatized for life by this "event"? Why, perhaps we can even remember the brave members of our armed forces who have fought and even died protecting us from a repeat of this horror. How about on this day, we boldly and openly memorialize those heroes (civilian and military) who have lost their lives in this war instead of blathering on about some kind of huggy-feely bullshit?

National Day Of Service? How disgusting. While you're at it Mr. President, why don't you apologize for 9/11 to the "true beleivers" for us? After all, you've apologized for everything else.

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