Our Commander In Chief has pretty much apologized for everything to everybody. Now, he has decided to have direct "discussions" with Iran about nuclear disarmament. The looney toon who runs that dump, Ahmadinejad, is quoted in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz as saying:
"Iran will not negotiate about its nuclear 'rights,' President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Sunday, after the United States said it would focus on the Islamic state's atomic activities in upcoming talks with Tehran."
"Iran last week handed over a five-page proposal to the major powers, including the United States, in which Tehran said it was willing to discuss global nuclear disarmament as well as other international issues in wide-ranging talks."
"Iran last week handed over a five-page proposal to the major powers, including the United States, in which Tehran said it was willing to discuss global nuclear disarmament as well as other international issues in wide-ranging talks."
In other words Obama, in your face. This guy thinks you are a weak, spineless appeaser. He does not respect you and he no longer fears the United States because he knows our leadership (you and our Congress) is weak and defeatist. While they spit on America, you are convinced that you alone can negotiate with these Islamists and can actually talk them out of developing a nuclear bomb to kill Americans and Israelis with. Really, we know you are a liberal Democrat (socialist), but are you actually that stupid? Do you really believe that you can negotiate with a country that has a terrorist at it's helm?
Reflective of your politically correct Harvard education, you were taught history from the perspective of Karl Marx. You were taught sociology from Saul Alinsky's bible. You actually listened to Jeremiah Wright's twaddle about America being the cause of all this planet's problems. You missed the history lesson about Neville Chamberlain firmly planting his lips on Hitler's butt, only to have his signed "agreement" stuck right up his backside, resulting in the deaths of millions, including his own countrymen.
Now we see you taking America down the very same path as Chamberlain took England. You will "reason" with this maniac, who is still waiting for some Imam to crawl out of a well and lead Muslims to victory (he said himself that he really believes this). You gloss over the absurdity of a country that is literally awash in oil claiming it needs nuclear power for "peaceful" electricity. You actually seem to believe that these terrorist murderers won't try to first level Israel and then bring the pain to our shores. You really do seem to have a messianic complex that compels you to believe that only you can talk these murderers out of bringing the world to the brink of destruction. You didn't learn your lesson when Iran slaughtered dissidents in the last election while you pathetically wrung your hands agonizing about the "unfairness" of it all. They laughed at you then and they are laughing at you now. You blather on about strict sanctions but you have yet to impose one single sanction. Ooooh, I'll bet Iran is really terrified now.
Newsflash! You are not the messiah. You can't BS these radical Islamists with promises of government handouts like you did with the voters. The Iranian government is not moldable like the Democrat controlled Congress. Threats without follow-up only embolden them. You can lie to them or tell them the truth ... it really doesn't matter because they ignore you. In less than a year, they will have a thermonuclear bomb and then what will you do? Complain to the UN?
Your actions in this matter are yet further examples of PC Progressivism running amok and putting all of our lives in danger. I suggest that you"man up" and demand that Iran stop it's nuclear development immediately. If they don't, just get out of Israel's way and they'll do your dirty work for you since you don't seem to have the stomach. Remember, the first job of government is to protect it's citizens (it's not socialized medicine, it's not carbon credits, it's not paying off unions by handing them auto companies, it's not raising taxes, it's not redistributing wealth). Do your job. George Bush couldn't figure this out either and the total inaction towards Iran by both of you will get a lot of Americans and Israelis killed.
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