Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Jimmy Carter Sighting!

Jimmy Carter today stated the he is concerned about the racist tone that he perceives is being directed against Barack Obama.

News flash Jimmy (what kind of name is that for a President anyway? President Jimmy). We don't intensely dislike Obama because of his race. We dislike him for the exact same reason we couldn't stand you ... he is an egg sucking apologist who's main goal is not to protect America but rather to redistribute our wealth in an effort to create what he believes will be a socialist utopia. His ratings are in the toilet just like your's were because his performance as our Commander in Chief sucks, just like yours did. He is internationally naive and fiscally ignorant, just like you were. The same whites that voted him into office now can't stand him because he has betrayed what few real campaign promises he made, just like the people that voted for you.

It's not race Jimmah. It's lousy performance by Obama during his Presidency just like it was during yours. Hopefully, he will be a one term wonder who is soon forgotten, just like you.

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