Monday, September 14, 2009

Media Bias? What Media Bias?

So, you be the judge.

Here's the New York Times (you know ... the paper of record) as reprinted in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Note the Headline "Tens of Thousands Attend Broad Protest Of Government In Nation's Capitol".

Now, look at this link to a British paper, The Daily Mail, with the headline of "A Million March To US Capitol To Protest Against 'Obama The Socialist' ".

Nothing like being minimized by Pinch Sulzberger and the boys at the NY Times. The good news is that it really doesn't matter because there are so many other ways to get information these days. In fact, the consumer has been sending the mainstream media a very strong message as witnessed by the horrendous low circulation and poor financial performance of American newspapers and the lackluster viewership of network news. Keep up the good work guys ... you can keep leaning far left until you just fall into the grave you're digging for yourselves.

1 comment:

  1. My wife was there. More like the million+ that the London paper reported. VM
