Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Where's NOW?

Back in August, I wrote about the conspicuous absence of NOW in the debate about the very ugly habit that the Religion of Peace and Love has of stoning women to death. I mean, you would think that the National Organization for Women would champion the right a woman has to not be stoned, right? After all, it's her body and she should be able to not have it stoned if she chooses. But, I guess we wouldn't want to upset our local imam ... he might get upset.

Fast forward to the recent revelation that the ACORN organization was recently caught (three separate times) advising two college documentary film makers, posing as pimp and prostitute, on how to defraud a bank, cheat on their taxes and lie on a loan application so they could start a whorehouse. The brothel was to be staffed with young girls from El Salvador who were to be brought into the US illegally. Considering the degree to which prostitution demeans not only it's practitioners but to some degree all women (and society in general), you would think that NOW would be leading the cry for an investigation into ACORN practices. Instead, nothing. Nothing in the news, nothing on their website, nothing.

Instead of outrage against ACORN indifference to poor, young women who were supposedly going to be placed into slavery as prostitutes (remember, ACORN didn't know it was an act), NOW loaded up their website with articles on "Reproductive Rights", the advantages of Obama's socialized medicine scheme, a glowing tribute to the killer of Mary Jo Kopechne, lesbian rights and ending sex desrimination. I guess binding a woman into a life of prostitution by smuggling her into the country and forcing her to have sex for money is not discrimination and does not qualify as any violation of her rights.

How much more hypocritical can NOW be? If you are truly the National Organization for Women, shouldn't you care about all women? If actions like ACORN's are not an affront to NOW, what the hell is? Why aren't NOW activists marching with signs in front of ACORN's offices? At the very least, they could speak out on their website about this travesty.

I guess I'm just a stupid man that doesn't understand the big picture, because it seems to me that while these morons are blathering on about glass ceilings, women who could truly use NOW's help, here and around the world, are being victimized.

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