Monday, August 31, 2009

Harry Reid Revisited

I just published a blog entitled "A Rare Opportunity" that details my thoughts on how we can help unseat the very unsavory Harry Reid. For some reason, the thing posted down the list three slots, so if you're of a mind to, please scroll down and enjoy.

I think it's one of my better blogs! (of course, I think they're all one of my better ones)!

Is This What You Want For Your Family?

The pitch for socialized medicine, ala Obama, promises better health care for everyone at lower cost. Riiiiiiight! And the "progressives" (aka - socialists or Democrats) in Congress are just rolling right along with this twaddle. Also, expect a few "loyal" Republicans to roll over in an effort to hold out that ever popular bi-partisan olive branch. It is funny how that branch is usually held out by Republicans to Democrats ... rarely the other way.

This article should concern you, because this is right where we are headed. Apparently, the prisoners in Britain are better nourished than the socialized medicine victims (aka patients) are. Also, I'm sure just coincidentally, it appears that the most undernourished patients are the elderly who can't fend for themselves. I'm shocked, aren't you? I also had to laugh when I read the reader comments for this article. One dimwit writes that people should be thankful for the British system because it is far better than the socialized medicine system they have in Brazil. That's like saying "quit complaining about your poorly set broken leg ... you're lucky because they could have amputated it by mistake.."

In typical progressive fashion, the poor darlings in prison must be properly cared for, because after all, the UK is a civilized society (remember, that's why they let the Lockerbie murderer go). Prisoners are getting great meals in Britain, and I assume other essentials for life such as cable, internet, hot showers, conjugal visits, fully equipped gyms ... well, you get the picture.

If you don't want this to happen here, before you leave your computer after reading this blog, immediately fire off an email to all of your congressional representatives, opposing this grandiose, senseless plan. Then follow that up with a phone call to them. Talk to your friends and if they're for this, try to change their view. If your friends share your viewpoint, encourage them to write and call. If there's a "Town Hall Meeting" in your area, go to it. Taking action to stop this legislation is what you can do about it other than just commiserating. This legislation will erode our healthcare system while bankrupting the country and darkening the future for our children.

If you choose to do nothing, that's also your right. Just be prepared to pay for the consequences of your inaction.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

We've Finally Got Them Where We Want Them!

Sometimes, with all of the news detailing the takeover of our way of life by a bunch of progressive (socialist) politicians who were voted in by a largely uneducated, ignorant electorate, it's hard to stay positive. Despite a lot of recent successes (stalling socialized medicine, seeing Obama's numbers tank, watching as Harry Reid's position becomes more precarious daily, saying goodbye to "the Liberal Lion", etc. ) it does at times seem that we'll never rid our country of these parasites.

Whenever I get discouraged, I'm reminded of two quotes by the most decorated U.S. Marine in history, Lieutenant General Lewis Burwell "Chesty" Puller who, when hopelessly surrounded and outnumbered said:

"Great! Now we can shoot at those bastards from every direction."


"We’re surrounded. That simplifies our problem of getting to these people and killing them."

Now before anybody gets in a snit, Chesty wanted his Marines to kill the enemy (a really great idea in a war). I'm just advocating that we vote the scoundrels out of office by using whatever legal means we can. But the basic idea is pretty much the same ... when it seems you are at your darkest moment, pick yourself up by the boot straps and kick ass!

After all, remember the title of this blog.

A Rare Opportunity

It's a rare moment when you can effect the outcome of national politics. Right now Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is in deep trouble with his re-election bid. Seems the good citizens of Nevada don't agree with Harry on a lot of things like socialized medicine, climate change, carbon credits, stimulus packages ... you know the Obama drill. Also, Harry is famous for continually declaring defeat in Iraq even while we were winning that war. Basically, Harry is a very liberal progressive who rolls over for Obama on a daily basis. It is amazing how a Senator from a low population state like Nevada can yield the kind of power this guy does, but that's our government.

Click the link to see what the good citizens of Nevada think of Harry

Also, look at these poll results that support my point:

Now, how can you help unseat old Harry if you can't vote against him? Simple! Donate ten or twenty bucks to his opponent. For far less than night at the movies, you can make a difference. Yes, another progressive will probably take the leadership slot, but defeating Harry gets one of the most rabid liberals out of Congress and more importantly sends a huge message to the entrenched members of Congress that the people are watching and you will pay for not doing what the people hired you to do. There is a very strong consensus among politicians, pollsters and pundits that this bastard can be toppled.

Opportunities like this are rare. Harry's challenger hasn't been selected yet but you can donate to the Nevada Republicans or wait until a challenger comes forward. Dip into your wallets and purses, spend a few lousy bucks and send a resounding message to Washington.

Want To Add To The Conversation?

I've had a couple of questions from people who would like to actively comment on what is written here. I welcome your opinion regardless of your position on any topic. It's easy to do. Just click the comment button and you can log in using your AIM account or your Google Account. Getting either one is simple, but I already have a Google account, including free email, so it's what I use. If you don't want anybody to see your screen name or you don't have an AIM or Google account, you can come in under "anonymous." Just go to the "Comment As" scroll down menu and select your preferred method of leaving a message. It doesn't matter how you come in, you'll still be anonymous unless you choose to use your real name, which I really don't recommend.

To sign up for a free Google account, go here:

Once you comment, you can check the "subscribe to email" button for any specific article and you will be notified by email when a new comment is posted. You can also participate in an on-going chat by posting a comment that responds to the previous writer. In short, this blog gives you the power to discuss and to be heard.

For the time being, I'm monitoring any response I get so your comment won't post for a short while. The reason for this is that I'd love your opinion but since this blog is picked up by Google search engines, there is a slim chance that some nut case will get on here. I've already seen one rant regarding my brief eulogy about Ted Kennedy that was to raw to publish.

As I mentioned when I first stared this blog, commenting is not required or even necessary for me to continue. However, discussions would make for a more interesting interactive site.

Truly Amazing

Another short one for a Sunday.

Science can be truly amazing, in a good way - click the link:

How absolutely amazing is this? Also, the theoretical models scientists have been using for decades are dead on accurate.

Science can be truly amazing in a bad way - Global Warming (oops ... Climate Change)

You Are Not Alone

No deep thoughts today. Just affirmation that you re not alone. Ever say "we need to get rid of all those bums in Congress?" Well, there's a few other folks that think just like you. Not sure there's anything we can do about this other than voting our conscience, but it's good to know we have company on our journey.

Also, the latest Rasmussen poll shows Obama with a 42% Strong Disapproval rating among likely voters. This is the highest yet for this guy ... we just need to keep the momentum building.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

And The Beat Goes On

Any guesses about who will continue the Kennedy legacy of fighting for the poor, the downtrodden, the criminals, the illegal aliens, the perverts, the slackers? Let's see ... uh oh ... looks like there's really only one left - Caroline. Well, we can work with that.

Quick, somebody check the constitution and see if there are any restrictions on vacuous dilettantes running for office. No? Great!

Caroline, get over to Massachusetts and buy a house. Turns out you're going to be a Senator afterall (David Patterson, eat your heart out!) First, we'll get the governor, Deval Patrick, to override the Senatorial replacement law that Ted Kennedy twisted arms to pass. Then, we'll have old Deval appoint a political lackey in the job for six months while you settle in (maybe Teddy's current wife ... she's really qualified.) Then, when they have the special senatorial election, you "run" and all is well in the universe. Got it?

You know, some people say liberalism is a mental disorder. I don't agree. I think it is a crime that is perpetrated on us daily. The above scenario doesn't pass any sniff test, but the reality is that the Governor of Massachusetts is indeed about to reverse a law that Kennedy foisted upon the state when Kerry was running for President. Teddy feared that if Kerry won, the state would get a Republican Senator appointed by then Governor Mitt Romney, a Republican. While Kennedy was dying, he made an impassioned plea to reverse the bill he crafted so that the Democrat Governor could appoint either his wife or his niece (I haven't figured out who yet, but it is a decent bet that he'll chose Caroline after giving her a chance to establish residency.) Mrs. Ted Kennedy (Vicki) is only a Kennedy by marriage, after all.

There has been very little coverage of this in the mainstream media (shocking) and it's a good bet that the voters of Massachusetts don't think anything is wrong with this at all. My opinion? Business as usual.

Congressman Comes Clean - Admits Memory Loss!

So look at who's the latest unscrupulous political hack to be caught with his hand deep in our cookie jar! That paragon of honesty (oops ... it was just a mistake on my taxes), Democrat Charles Rangle of New York! Now, I know that you are shocked and probably convinced that I am just attacking yet another liberal politician (Charlie isn't a "Progressive", he's just looking out for Charlie), but really I'm just commenting on the irony that the Chairman of the tax writing House Ways and Means Committee (they find the ways to steal your money through excess taxation and they have the means to do it) was allegedly cheating on his taxes. Yes, allegedly ... it's still America no matter what Obama and company want to do to change that.

This guy is accused of hiding (we say hiding, he says forgetting ... semantics only) $1.3 million in income and $3 million in business transactions. I know this sounds like it could be criminal, but hey, let he who is without guilt cast the first stone. I mean, a couple of years back, I forgot to report $27 in garage sale income so really, Charlie and I are in the same boat. We both suffer from lapsed memory ... it's just that his lapse is somewhat larger than mine.

Fortunately for guys like Charlie and me, there is the "amended tax return". This means that when we make a mistake, we can just go back and officially say "hey, I forgot" and all is forgiven, especially if you're the Chairman of a powerful political committee. The good news is that Congress polices it's own and deals with them harshly for indiscretion. The House makes it's members fill out disclosure forms that allow a range of values on reported outside income, so we can't be exactly sure of how big Charlie's memory lapse was, but we do have it zeroed in at somewhere between $118,000 and $1.04 million. In an effort at full disclosure to my readers, last year my income was between $48,000 and $3.8 million. Any questions?

The bigger issue is that we should all be worried about Charlie's health. Why? Well because his memory lapse wasn't for just one year. He's had huge memory losses for at least 7 years and possibly longer. This is yet another reason we need socialized medicine. If we had it, this serious condition may have been discovered and treated sooner. And, don't forget, a lot of this is Bush's fault!

If you want a good laugh (or a good cry, depending on your point of view), read the following links. You'll get a great view of what hypocrisy and arrogance combined look like.

Stuff like this is just so egregious, so blatant and so infuriating, you just couldn't make it up if you tried!

Friday, August 28, 2009

I Am REALLY Worried

Has anybody seen Joe Biden lately?

All The News That's Fit To Print"

If you haven't read it yet, you may want to check out my blog of August 25, 2009 (Overload! But Never Fear. The Press Has Our Backs). You'll then find this article, dated today, even more interesting.

These guys don't get it, do they? Yes, the "slump" (I'd call that a "crash" instead) of newspaper revenues is due in part to the economy and the internet. But not mentioned at all in the article is that the "slump" is also due in large part to the fact that readers are fleeing newspapers in droves. Why? Simple. Why would anyone pay hard earned money for a couple dozen editorial pages every day? What passes for news today is nothing more than a slanted progressive political agenda rather than what it should be ... reporting of the actual news without political comment.

Here's the point. You'll hear numbers thrown around that between 80% and 95% of "the press" votes for the Democrat line. Now, I really don't know what the most accurate number is, but even at the low end of that range, it's pretty unnerving to think that such a lopsided percentage is feeding the public "all the news that's fit to print." In fact, maybe that slogan should be changed to "all the news that we feel you should have." The plain fact is that most (if not all) journalism schools in the US are really teaching political science with a very liberal bias. These "reporters" get out and are further honed by their very liberal editors. What we get is birdcage flooring.

What can you do? Don't buy the paper and get your news from a source that is preferably neutral but that at least reflects your viewpoint.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Insanity Redux

So I spend all that time writing a blog on the coddling of terrorists and ANOTHER article comes out that reveals even more lunacy in the Obama gang's coddling of terrorists. Read this article on an empty stomach. Otherwise, it may make you physically ill.

A couple of points here:
  1. notice that the FBI will now be interrogating terrorists (yes, that's the same FBI that reports to Attorney General Eric Holder, who is of course the same Eric Holder that is convening a special investigation into CIA questioning methods). As the author rightly points out, this moves terrorism back to the status of "law enforcement problem." You may recall that Bill Clinton, another great American, treated the first World Trade Center bombing by radical Islamic terrorists as a law enforcement problem. That total lack of leadership of course led to the 9/11 disaster. In other words, stupid politicians got people killed.
  2. notice also that only "non-coercive" techniques will be allowed. This includes sleep depravation, because any rational person knows that you need a good nights sleep to properly answer questions.
This is how Achmed will be questioned. After a full eight hours of rest on a Sleep Number bed, Achmed will be awakened by soft ethnic music of his choosing. He will grab a nice hot shower. After grabbing his government provided hard bound, gilt edged, limited edition Koran (yes, there is a separation between church and state, but it only seems fair that we give these helpless innocents a Koran) he can dash down for prayers on a freshly cleaned thick pile prayer rug. Once he has consumed a cooked-to-order breakfast, the prisoner will proceed to the air conditioned prisoners lounge where he will be greeted by his official FBI Discussion Guide Person. This of course must be a man or a properly covered woman but of course, a woman must show proper deference to Achmed. After no more than 60 minutes of intensive, thought provoking discussion, Achmed is allowed a 30 minute break, during which time he can make phone calls back home on his government provided pre-paid phone card. You get the picture.

You know, now that I really think about it, this may indeed be effective in stopping terrorism. I mean after all, who would want to go back to being a jihadist in Afghanistan when you can live like this?

I'm telling you, these idiots running our government are going to get our families killed. Sit back and do nothing between now and the next election at your own peril.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Great Satan Must Be Destroyed!

If you read this article, it will become immediately clear to you why the world views us as murderous parasites intent only on world domination and the continued oppression of the downtrodden. The facts are in and they are damning! You will immediately realize why we are hated and why or president must apologize for our actions if we are to survive.

At first, I thought the extent of our torture of innocent Muslims was limited to the horrors of putting women's panties over terrorists (oops - fighters) heads (actually, I heard some of them liked this) or water boarding, which really, really scared these pure warriors of Muhammad. Admittedly, I was shocked and mortified over the preposterous behavior of my country in administering these horrible tortures.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, along comes this report of terror beyond human imagination. Apparently, the noble jihadist warrior who masterminded the bombing of the USS Cole (you remember this - 17 dead sailors and millions in damages) had cigar smoke blown in his face by two thugs from the CIA! I am shocked! Then, as if this wasn't ghastly enough, they actually THREATENED him with an unloaded gun. This poor guy must have been terrified. I mean sure, watching (from a safe distance) two of your brain washed idiots blow themselves up in a boat next to the Cole took nerves of steel, but there is a limit to bravery. There were also reports of our CIA thugs threatening terrorists (I'm sorry - noble jihadists) with harm to their families and with drilling holes in the pigs (uh, I mean warriors) with an electric drill.

I just wonder if this filthy murderer was as terrified as the innocent people in The World Trade Center as they burned to death, jumped out of windows to escape the horrors surrounding them or had the life squeezed out of them as the buildings collapsed. When homicide bombers blew up innocent civilians in Spain and England, do you think these people commuting to work were scared? When Islamic Terrorists chopped off Nick Berg's head with a dull knife, was that an extreme form of torture and do you think the screaming Berg was scared? Watch the video. The only "human right" the animals who did this have in my mind is the right to be killed by the US military. I know this sounds brutal, but my friends, this is a war and these things do tend to get messy.

Personally, I think we should brutally torture these "warriors" until they spill everything they know and then execute them. Why? Is it because I'm a blood thirsty killer? Of course not. We need to do this because it protects us from them. This is simple survival and personally, I'd rather have my family alive instead of having them die because we didn't want to scare the poor darling terrorists. Let's face it ... if it gets down to the lives of my family vs. the life of a terrorist, goodbye Achmed. If we don't have the stomach to do it, let our allies do it. They've figured it out (talk to the Pakistanis or Egyptians ... they have a clue.) Also, I don't think that worthless political hacks like Attorney General Eric Holder should be allowed to drag our brave CIA officers into an inquisition so they can be pilloried by the very country they saved. I do think that if he allows this to happen, Obama should be impeached but since that's unlikely, let's at least vote him out of office. Maybe afterwards, we can investigate him just like he is so fond of doing to those who preceded him.

Again, this ultra-liberal political correctness is going to get us all killed. It is mass insanity and we must force our politicians to put a stop to it. We need to support the people that protect us, like our military and our intelligence operatives. I mean really, if there is a terrorist attack on our country, who ya gonna call to protect you? The Marines or the ACLU? It is our elected representatives job to protect us, not worry about the rights of some jihadist maniac. Unless you make those feelings known (emails, letters, phone calls, voting) you're not doing your job as a citizen.

Think hard ... and get to work.

A Brief But Scary Thought

You know, while we have all been focused on extremely important matters - socialized medicine, the national debt, the government takeover of business in America, astronomical unemployment, Michelle and Barack's excellent vacation - one thing has kind of gone to the back burner.

Anybody wonder what the hell is going on in Iran with that whole thermonuclear bomb thing (er, sorry ... peaceful nuclear energy development project)?

National Debt ... Surprise!

The Congressional Budget Office CBO says the National Debt (the sum of everything we owe, thanks to the miscreants in the White House and Congress) is currently $11 trillion ( 0r $11,000,000,000,000) and by 2019 will be $20 trillion (or 20 million million dollars). Congressional Democrats were quick to point out that this is all due to Bush's tax cuts and his war time spending (Bush did it!). This is another $9 trillion of additional debt incurred over the next 10 years. Two brief observations on this:

  1. if you think that the debt will only increase by $9,000,000,000,000, you also likely put a lot of stock in the tooth fairy
  2. by my rough calculations (I didn't include 2 or 3 days for leap years), our elected representatives have passed legislation over time that increases our national debt by $1,712,329 PER MINUTE. Clearly, we have collectively lost our minds because they did it and we let them.

You'll excuse me if I think that we are just voting stupid, and the havoc we are wreaking on our children and grandchildren is just plain criminal. These idiots in Congress not only need to be voted out .. many of them should be indicted.

Shame on us. In the 5 minutes it's taken to write this posting, we have burdened our children with another $8,561,644 in national debt. Shame indeed.


Rest In Peace

Edward M. Kennedy February 22, 1932 - August 25, 2009 aged 77

Mary Jo Kopechne July 26, 1940 - July 18, 1969 aged 28

Socialized Medicine - Available Now!

Even though we've got this debate raging about Healthcare Reform (socialized medicine) and the situation is looking pretty grim, you've got to search for bits of humor. I was cruising Drudge Report this morning and came across two very interesting stories about the overwhelming success of single payer healthcare (socialized medicine). The first one, apart from the poor guy's pain and suffering, is really funny.

Read down the comments at the bottom. One dim bulb says that this fiasco is not indicative of the quality of the NHS (socialized medicine) in Britain but rather is the cause of poorly trained/qualified doctors. Say, you don't think that a health system that underpays doctors, recruits medical students based on everything but brains, does not have enough money to invest in proper physician continuing education and imports lots of doctors from other countries who likely have lower standards for physician qualification might also be the cause of this "under-qualified physician" problem, do you?

The other interesting thing this article mentions is the "compensation payments to NHS patients." You know, just when I'm about to get on my soapbox supporting tort reform, something like this comes along. You see, under socialized medicine schemes, who will you sue if you are tortured and abused like this? The government? Good luck with that. In this case, I'm inclined to think that the patient has the right to sue the living daylights out of both operating doctors, the entire operating room staff (including nurses ... nobody realized that the appendix was not removed the first time?), the hospital and the health care provider. They made this poor bastard wait weeks in agonizing pain for a simple appendectomy, they remove something the first time (certainly not his appendix), he is forced to suffer again until the appendix bursts, they operate again, he gets an infection from the second operation and now he is injured and unemployed. Just when I start thinking tort lawyers are basically thieves, something like this comes along and I'd like to see this gentleman get about $20 million just to show the bastards that they just can't do this to us. And, by the way, if I was on the jury I'd vote a big thumbs up. It's things like this that really shake my resolve on malpractice tort reform. But, if you are a tort reform fan, don't worry because that comes automatically with socialized medicine. (Unless Obama strikes a deal with the tort reform lawyers, in which case we'll still be able to sue and then we can pay the judgement with our tax dollars.)

The second article isn't funny, just sad. I won't write a lot about it, other than to say that this is exactly the type of thing that will happen here if Progressive (socialist) politicians have their way with our health care. The government is capable of screwing up anything, even something as routine as child birth.

Combine these stories with last weeks news of the impending (on-going?) implosion of Canada's socialized medicine program and then decide if this is what you want for you and your family. If not, you better start doing something about it now or the blame will rest with you.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Overload! But Never Fear. The Press Has Our Backs!

I can't stand it ... so much to write about, so little time. I mean, where do I start?
  • Obama predicts that the deficit and unemployment are going to be much worse than originally predicted by his administration ... is this guy a true genius or what?
  • The NY state AFL-CIO President has been named head of the New York Federal Reserve Board ... talk about putting the fox in charge of the henhouse ... nothing like putting the head of a progressive (socialist) labor union in charge of a true capitalist instrument.
  • Senator Grassley warns of hyper inflation ... took a lot of insight to develop that theory.
  • Our government is going to investigate the heroes from the CIA who kept us safe from terrorists ... they're afraid of the terrorists, so this seemed safer.
  • Afghanistan is heating up again ... oops the administration wasn't looking.
  • The Democrats are organizing 500 pro-heath care (socialized medicine) rallies.
So much to talk about, so why did I pick a lame subject like "F.T.C To Assess The Business of News"? Well, I'll tell you why.

First, why in the hell is the US Government forming any type of panel to analyze the press, and by extension, the freedom of speech? More specifically, what does the Federal Trade Commission have to do with this? Is this in their charter somewhere? See here's the problem. We let our politicians create these huge bureaucracies and they immediately seize the power they were given, multiply it by using a very liberal interpretation of their mandate and viola! We've got the FTC concerning itself with the future of journalism. I don't know ... call me a dreamer ... but shouldn't the FTC be worried about TRADE? On second thought, maybe it's better that they stay away from that.

Now let me say this up front. This is just a thinly veiled attempt by our government to rescue the liberal media from ruin because nobody wants to read or listen to their one sided twaddle any more. These "workshops" are euphemistically titled “From Town Criers to Bloggers: How Will Journalism Survive the Internet Age?", really meaning "How Can We Keep Useless Pieces Of Crap Like The New York Times Afloat, Even If Nobody Is Interested In Their Biased Lies?" I mean, think about it. It seems to me that journalism is flourishing on the internet, with many reliable and respected news sources represented, so why are we worried?

Look at this quote - "Though some may be uncomfortable with government oversight of any aspect of journalism, the F.T.C. seems to be 'attempting to play a facilitating and public educational role in gathering together various disciplines and perspectives to talk about the crisis in mainstream journalism,' said Neil Henry, a professor and dean at the graduate school of journalism at the University of California, Berkeley."

A few things here. Why is the F.T.C. facilitating anything? What does this have to do with their purpose in life (in fact, what the hell is their purpose in life)? What crisis in mainstream media(oh yeah, the New York Times, ABC, etc ... that's mainstream all right.)? A journalism dean from the University of California, Berkeley is quoted ... that's like saying "let's discuss human rights" and asking for an opinion from Joseph Stalin.

Don't worry though. We are assured by Chairman Leibowitz, who is married (no conflict of interest here) to a Washington Post editorialist (another well known fair news outlet) that everything is OK! He is quoted as saying "“We really want to keep an open mind,” said Mr. Leibowitz. Riiiiight. He also says that the workshops will help because “we don’t have a sense empirically of the nature of the problem” ... what the hell does that mean? Sounds like you just don't have any sense.

As always, here's my take and nobody has to spend millions in taxpayer dollars to obtain it. Newspaper and major network news coverage is being marginalized as viewers/readers flee in droves. This is because the news has become a Progressive (Socialist) tool as every news story is seen through the tinted spectacles of reporters who have a political agenda, not a passion to report the truth. They, in turn, are managed by sympathetic left wing editors and what should be news winds up being one big editorial page. (Don't get me wrong. There is a place for political discussion and favoritism in every newspaper. It's called the Editorial Page. In the modern media, every page is the editorial page. Pretty much the same for network "news".)

Since fewer people are watching /reading this nonsense and are instead turning to more credible sources of news content, the advertisers begin pulling their support or paying less for available space. That drives earnings down, meaning layoffs, weak capital investment and depressed stock prices. This eventually leads to bankruptcy and poof! Before your know it, no more New York Times. This isn't caused by the internet (yes, that's part of it). It's mainly caused by "reporting" that is viewed as increasingly irrelevant in a society where accurate, UNBIASED news can be obtained (and verified) at the speed of light (well, at least as fast as you can type.) The wiz kids like Pinch Sulzberger at the NY Times just don't get this. They think it's their duty to "interpret" the news for you, not merely to report it.

But wait! Uncle Sam is here. After all, we can't have fine Progressive chaps like Pinchy going belly up. First we'll do a study that blames this decline in honest journalism on the internet and George Bush (remember fans, that George W. can pretty much be blamed for everything). Then, we run this report up to the Hill, where a lopsided Congress can enact legislation to "save our media". While we're at it, we'll work in a few lines about killing those bastards at talk radio - the FCC won't mind. We'll then dedicate a few billion dollars to save these clowns (er ... serious journalists) and before you know it, all will be better, with the government and labor unions firmly in control of the press, just exactly like they are in control of GM. Where's Louie Armstrong singing "What A Wonderful World"?

Short Blog ... Good News

Not a lot of time today for a blog entry, but there's some really good news out there that indicates the pressure on a truly unpopular (yes, I said unpopular) government is working.

First, the Rasmussen Poll (remember, this is likely voters) shows that our beloved leader now has 28% saying they Strongly Approve of his performance while 40% Strongly Disapprove, meaning the Index is now a whopping -12%. True, Bush was in worse shape towards the end, but remember that according to the media, Obama is the chosen one. Looks like the honeymoon is over and not a moment too soon.

Second, in the same Rasmussen poll, Deval Patrick, governor of perhaps the most liberal state in the union, Massachusetts, now trails his likely 2010 Republican opponent by 5% ... 40% to 35%. Again, not yet a walk in the park, but look at the state, look at the voters and remember how many people thought that all hope was lost when the Democrats took control of our government. Might not be as big a lock as we originally thought.

Finally, to quote the Financial Times, "The Obama administration is bracing for a political backlash on Tuesday when it issues national debt numbers showing federal debt rising by $9,000bn over the next decade – significantly higher than the forecast it made earlier this year"

Oh yeah, brace for a backlash. A big one. I can't wait to hear Obama's Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, explain this one. And you might notice that even the liberal media is throwing fewer softballs these days. Even a left wing moonbat like Helen Thomas is beginning to accuse the administration of not being open and transparent as promised during the campaign. By the way, you really have got to watch this Gibbs guy .... it is truly entertaining. I don't think I've ever seen a more inept, bumbling press secretary in my life. Good fun.

The only fear I have is that we may not be able to slow our "Progressive" politicians from inflicting even more havoc on our country before the next election. We need to continue to fight these dangerous politicians at every turn until we can change things at the next election. We need to stop socialized medicine, defeat cap and trade, stop the government takeover of our businesses, stop insane bailout spending, all the while keeping focused on the next election. Pressure your local representative to vote for your interests, support groups who share your viewpoint and most importantly, talk to people and educate them.

PS - saw a great movie (if you are not squeamish). Check our "Inglorious Basterds"

Sunday, August 23, 2009

It's Working! (Or ... I Believe That, Don't You?)

Well, the great news keeps rolling in. First, "the White House" announced that "it" is raising "it's" 10 year budget deficit projections to $9 TRILLION (that's with a "T") but the current resident of the White House, Barack Obama, is quick to point out that he inherited $1.08 trillion from the evil George Bush. Well then, that explains everything! Since the evil Republican Bush stuck us with $1.08 trillion, it's is only fair and rational the we explode that by a factor of 8X. NOW I get it and it all makes sense to me ... Also, ever notice that when it's bad news, it's from "the White House" but when it's good news or blaming someone else is involved, it's from President Obama?

On the unemployment front, TREMENDOUS gains have been made because national unemployment has dropped a whopping .1% from 9.5% to 9.4%. Even if you believe that twaddle, you're hard pressed to explain why our most populous state (CA) just hit a post WWII high of 11.9% and rising. Las Vegas, a great barometer of the availability of truly disposable income is at a whopping 13.1% and our largest city (NYC) has hit 9.6%. If you think national unemployment is declining, I've got a nice bridge in Brooklyn that's just come on the market ... Yet another sign of our robust economy just bouncing right on back! But then again I shouldn't be so cynical. If Obama says it, then it must be good news!

During the second quarter, there has been a rise in the foreclosure rate for prime mortgages. Not the sub-prime crap that's out there ... this is for prime fixed-rate mortgages. You know. Those are the ones that you, I and most of our neighbors have. In fact, a full one-third of new mortgage foreclosures during the second quarter were for prime mortgages. Feeling better yet?

Our largest debt holder, China, is reducing it's exposure to our debt because they are concerned about inflation caused by unfettered, lunatic spending by our government (that's just my more direct way of describing our "stimulus plans"). I don't know why they're worried about inflation. We've got lots of printing presses and we'll just crank out a few trillion more dollars of worthless paper money. Don't these Chinese understand high finance?

Layer on top of all this the $1 trillion dollars that socialized medicine is going to add to our burden and you should really be cheered up. Of course, if you think "better heath care for everyone" (including 30 or 40 million illegals) is only going to cost $1 trillion, that bridge in Brooklyn is still for sale. I have no hard facts to support this last statement, but I do know that if I have a party budget for 50 people and 100 show up, it's probably going to cost me a lot more money. (News flash for B.O., Pelosi & Reid ... this is called common sense. You should try it sometime.)

What can you do about all of his. Vote these incompetent bastards out of office and encourage everyone you know to consider doing the same. EVERY vote counts!

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Religion of Peace and Love Celebrates and Obama Sends a Greeting!

Oh Joy! It's Ramadan and the religion of peace and love celebrates it's holiest season. Here's a message to Muslims from our President (very similar to the messages George Bush and Bill Clinton sent annually).

"These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings" - Barack Obama

OK. I get it. You can't just say things that will inflame any group of people. But for God's sake, why do you have to embellish your statements with exaggerations and even lies? Why can't you just say "have a wonderful Holy period"? What has Islam done to advance justice ... promote the stoning of women? (see my blog of August 9, "The Stoning of Soraya M.") Does "tolerance" include chopping off the heads of "infidels"? How about dignity? Not much dignity in jumping 100 stories to your death after some jihadist maniac flew a plane into your office building. In the 21st Century, these people are still stoning women, chopping off heads, cutting off hands and feet and then expecting to be rewarded with 72 virgins in paradise for doing so (I guess the women of this religion can expect a better kitchen in paradise or something ...)

Again, the Koran (or Qur'an or however you choose to spell it) specifically encourages actions like these and in fact speaks fondly of rewarding those warriors who inflict this damage. No matter how Islamic apologists paint the picture, the book that they revere above all others specifically calls for jihad, killing of "non-believers", stoning and beheading of human beings, the list goes on. If you don't believe this, read the Koran. If you don't want to struggle through arcane text, I suggest that you read The Truth About Muhammad: Founder Of The World's Most Intolerant Religion by Robert Spencer.

If we don't start facing reality, our own sick political correctness is going to get us all killed.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Update On The Lockerbie Murderer

Want to get sick? First read my post from earlier today and then go to this link:

No, you can't do a damn thing about this other than to remember and then act anytime our elected representatives decide to go soft on "the religion of peace and love." NEVER cut these people any slack.

$10 Billion US Dollars To Drill For Brazilian Oil - We Must Be Nuts - Right?

Well, yes I'm a conservative and generally not in agreement with anything Obama and company does, but it looks like they may have done something right this time. Hear me out.

At first glance, it does seem like another stupid move on the Obama administrations part to spend $10 billion dollars to explore for Brazilian oil. And, without a doubt, it would be far smarter to spend that money searching for domestic oil but we all know that our lunatic fringe left wing extremists in Congress won't vote for that. Since we need more available oil in this world, since we stupidly won't drill at home, since more supply will drive prices down, since we need more friends in South America and since we'd love to neutralize Hugo Chavez, this expenditure by Obama actually makes sense.

Think about it. We will be building stronger political ties with a country that is sitting on perhaps the largest offshore oil reserve ever discovered. The Chinese have already dumped money in and are looking to exert even more influence in this hemisphere. Why let them when the interests of the US and Brazil are far more closely aligned than those of an Asian country.

Then there's our American hating pal, Hugo Chavez. Right now Marxist Venezuela is a major oil supplier to the US and is a major player in South American politics. Both of these realities put the US in a very precarious position. The more influence the America hating Chavez gains in the area, the fewer friends we'll have, putting us a risk from yet another place on this earth. Also, if Chavez pulls the plug on oil sales to America, we're in a bind and I don't care how fungible oil is. Once a supply line is cut, it takes time and money to establish a new one and while that is happening, our economy would wither on the vine.

Financially this is a good move. I mean lets face it, we squander billions in foreign aid every year by wasting money on countries that are openly hostile to us and on programs that have little if any effect on the people who live there or our relationship with them. In other words, lots of money spent without any hope of a return on investment. At least with this expenditure, we will help insure our energy requirements for the foreseeable future while hopefully controlling costs worldwide which in turn will be healthy for our economy.

To the Democrats in congress and the White House - you are fools for not developing domestic oil resources. To Obama and company, nice move on this Brazilian oil deal. Suggestion: do both.

The Religion of Peace and Love Wins Another One

In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was blown out of the sky with a bomb built & planted by a filthy, murdering terrorist named Abdel Basser al-Megrahi. He was imprisoned in Scotland. 270 innocent people were slaughtered in an act of violence that was sponsored by our new best friend, Muammar Gaddafi (wish I could blame this new love affair on Obama, but it was George Bush who put this little gem of trans-Atlantic love together. George wasn't always as tough on terrorism as we made him out to be.)

Now, poor Mr. al-Megrahi is dying of cancer and Scottish authorities, in an act of "compassion" have released him to return to his home in Libya because the poor darling only has three months to live. In sympathy with Scottish authorities and Mr. Megrahi, I would like to suggest my idea of compassion. I think instead of releasing this poster child for liberal, politically correct insanity we should have let him rot in his cell until he died of cancer. Feel compelled to be compassionate? Fine. Give him some pain killers but don't allow him to be free for another moment so he can die in the company of friends and family. The victims don't have that option and neither should he.

This level of compassion is far greater than that shown by Abdel Basser al-Megrahi when he decided to murder 270 innocent human beings.

Read about this miscarriage of justice and morality here:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cash For Clunkers OR Government Run Programs 101

Here's an interesting article of the debacle the "Cash For Clunkers" program has become.

I'm not going to spend a lot of time spouting my opinion on this one. Just read this article about how a relatively simple government program has been botched and then ask yourself how these idiots are going to run something as complex as a health care (socialized medicine) program.

This is really like watching the Three Stooges in action, although I hesitate to insult the Stooges!

Democrats to "Go It Alone" on Socialized Medicine OR Bend Over For Your Government Sponsored Health Care

OK. So the news today is all abuzz about how the Democrats will no longer seek bipartisan approval of socialized medicine. They are just going to ram it through on the strength of the votes they have in Congress.

I hate to break this to our ever vigilant media watchdogs (a hamster is a better watchdog than these idiots), but the Democrats never planned on doing anything else. Think about it. They don't need bipartisan support because they control the whole show. The mainly ignorant American electorate (yes, I mean that) chose to put one political party in charge of the House, the Senate and the Oval Office. Got Change? Yes We Can! You remember. When they were pulling those little handles or checking those little boxes or punching out those hanging chads, did the voters not see this coming? You give one party total control and then you are shocked that they seize power and do everything possible to keep it for all time. I have heard numerous Democrats say "I can't believe the debt we are accumulating" or something to that effect. What didn't you understand when you listened to Obama? Did you think that giving the Marxist Pilosi even more votes in congress would temper her unbridled grab for power? Did you think that giving Harry Reid a filibuster proof majority was going to encourage open debate and democracy? You gave the Democrats both the legislative and executive branches and you're shocked? We hand these miscreants the keys to the kingdom without any rules and then we are stunned to see them abuse our trust.

There is good news here. You can still defeat socialized medicine by keeping the pressure on your elected representatives, because the one thing that Pelosi or Reid or Obama can't do is get these bums re-elected by a voter base at home that is enraged by their performance. They love their little pork barrel jobs and they really do want to get re-elected, so let them know how you expect them to vote. Let them know that you didn't vote for Pelosi and you don't expect them to do her bidding. You expect them to work for you.

In closing, I was saddened when someone close to me told me they didn't vote in the last election because in a very liberal Democrat state like New York, their vote just doesn't matter. I beg to differ. Even if a poser like Obama wins, its important to be counted as someone in this country who does not support his Marxist ideas. (If you don't think he's a Marxist, check out Saul Alinsky or his beloved Reverend Wright.) Also, we have a local congressman who was elected by less than a 2% margin. Do you think that if all of those who sat home in apathy had voted he might have been defeated?

Get out and vote! Don't sit on your butt and then complain if the morons that got in are ruining things for you and your children. Also, get off of your behind and get others to vote. Donate a few bucks to the candidates of your choosing. Stick a sign on your front lawn. Donate some time to your candidates. Freedom is not free ... you have to work real hard to keep it! Don't just talk about it, DO something about it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

There Are Patriots and Then There Are Idiots

On Monday, President Obama gave a speech to veterans in Phoenix, AZ. There was a peaceful protest outside but unfortunately, this protest included several people who were legally carrying exposed guns. Of course, the media got lots of pictures of these "right wingers", one of whom is carrying an "assault rifle". Of course, it was no such thing. It was a semi-auto version of an M16. And remember, he was carrying it legally per Arizona law. I'm as pro Second Amendment as anybody, but this just isn't too smart.

Here's the problem. Knowing how the press hates guns, gun owners and conservatives, why on earth would anybody do this? Especially since the press is currently in a frenzy about all of us "right wing nuts" who are protesting Obama's socialized medicine. Yes, it's our right to protest, the Second Amendment gives us the right to keep and bear arms, Arizona's law allows this guy to carry, but common damn sense might lead one to believe it's not very smart or helpful to carry a gun to any event involving the president. Why give the media any help in building a case against conservatives? Yes, it's your right. No, it's not smart.

If you'd like to see how CNN "fairly" covered this, click the link:

Urban Heat Islands or How Global Warming Elitists Are Killing Earth

So, I'm watching a special on lightning on The Discovery Channel. One of the things that is mentioned is a phenomenon called Urban Heat Islands. Apparently, some of the best minds in climate science have come up with this, even though our great grandparents could tell you with a reasonable degree of certainty that it's hotter in the city than in the country and they didn't need PhD's to figure it out. But this stunning revelation got me thinking ... what does this do to the global warming alarmists among us.

Many of these folks (the really extreme ones) are elitists and live in major cities like New York. They tell us that our "carbon footprint" is far too big. We live in the burbs and so have to drive a gas guzzling car to our jobs, our suburban houses are far too big as opposed to a more "sensible" apartment in the city (something about 3,000 sq ft on the upper East Side with servants quarters would be ever so wonderful), we fill those spacious homes with way too many kids (totally irresponsible from an environmental viewpoint) and of course, there are all of those cows in the burbs, farting methane (don't all of those non-city hicks own cows?).

Well, it turns out that major cities emit as much as 15 degrees more heat than the surrounding countryside. What can be done to eliminate this huge threat to our planet? If we don't do something now, these cities could cause a global meltdown of unprecedented proportions. You know; dead baby polar bears, 20 foot sea level rises, 2,000 species becoming extinct daily, refrigerators struggling to keep the champagne cold. Pretty serious stuff. Here is my personal call to action so that we can save the planet:

1. Keep all thermostats in city buildings set to 50 degrees in the winter and 110 degrees in the summer. This will keep cities cooler, reduce our dependence on foreign oil and reduce our carbon footprint.

2. Immediately begin a cap and trade system that will charge all city residents for carbon credits if they choose to ride a subway or heat their apartments.

3. Immediately earmark $2 trillion in federal funds (i.e.- your money) to provide fans (and cable TV, and computers and HD TV's) for the poor.

4. Consolidate space by partitioning all penthouses on the upper East and West sides of Manhattan into 1,000 sq ft modules so that we can immediately stop all carbon emitting construction. Let's get three or four families into every one of those high end apartments. This should in fact be done in every high density city in the US (we won't need to do this in China or India because they are "developing" and in the case of China, they hold a lot of our debt so it won't do to make them mad)

5. Immediately gag all professors in high end universities (Harvard, Columbia, etc.) as it has been proven that these people are the largest source of hot air on the planet.

6. Begin moving the population away from the cities and spread them out over the vast spaces in America. We'll reduce the Urban Heat Islands, reduce slums, reduce crime, improve education ... the list just goes on and on. We'll also put guys like Bloomberg out of a job, eliminating even more hot air.

7. Immediately take government control of all businesses within every city because ... well, just because the government likes to run private businesses.

If we all pull together, we can conquer the global warming beast and ... WAIT ... this news just in! There is no longer a Global Warming problem. It is Climate Change we need to worry about, so forget all of the stuff above.

Want to see an interesting video opinion of "Global Warming"? Read on.

Bob Lonsberry is a talk radio host with followings in Rochester, New York and Salt Lake City. He is outspoken and controversial but very often is right on target.

Take this link for a great opinion on "Global Warming".

What's your Carbon Footprint?

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Arrogance Of Our Elected Representatives

I don't have unlimited time to write this blog so two in one day is unusual for me. However, this piece of news infuriated me so much that I just can't wait another minute to pass it along. In the attached video, this guy (excuse me ... the Honorable Eric Massa, D-NY Congressman) comes right out and says he will vote AGAINST the interests of his constituents. Apparently, we don't put these self centered, egotistical scoundrels in office to represent us ... we put them there so they can do whatever they wish and to hell with the voters. Amazing ... the video and story speak for themselves.

Try not to become too ill.

Health Care Tide Turning - OR - Don't Mess With The Astroturf

Ms. Pelosi was kind enough to point out that in her learned opinion, the "grassroots" movement against socialized medicine (let's just call it what it really is) is really just "astroturf" (you know ... fake grass.) In other words, we're just a bunch of phonies.

Since she uttered that pearl of wisdom, the action by voters has increased dramatically and there now are significant indicators that the tide is indeed turning.

First, the White House is backing down on the "public option", meaning that in order to reach a compromise bill, they are willing to discuss a bill where there is not a government run plan to "compete" with the private sector health care companies. I always thought this was an interesting concept, since the government will find it very easy to compete. After all, they don't need to show a profit and if they loose money, no problem! Just raise taxes. Try doing this in a private business. Yes, I know that if socialized medicine passes, the politicians will immediately try to get the public option inserted, but the significance here is that a dictatorial administration is now looking to compromise. Pressure does indeed work.

Second, our pals at Rasmussen (they survey likely voters only) shows that a whopping 54% of voters believe that passing no healthcare "reform" is better than passing the bill that's currently pending in congress.

Third, the White House has stopped You may recognize this as the site set up by the administration so that people could "rat" on their fellow citizens for spreading "fishy" (their word, not mine) information about healthcare. In other words, if your neighbor says something you don't like, just let us know and we'll handle it. In pre-war Germany, the government used to reward kids for reporting their parents for "fishy" conduct.

None of this means that the we've won anything, but it does mean we're making progress. Keep up the pressure by going to the town hall meetings, by contacting your representatives and by encouraging others to do the same.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tired of Being Marginalized? Don't Just Talk ... DO!

We all sit around over coffee or a beer talking about the injustices we see everyday. "This is unfair", "that's just not right", "I'm tired of being stepped on" ... you know the discussions. Well, here's something you can do to at least let people know how disgusted you are with what's going on in this country and maybe, just maybe, you can help change things. After all, we can all complain, but we need to actually do something if we're ever going to change things for the better. Again, this is a chance to do something (something really easy) that can help change things.

First, go to this site and read the article :

If you are as outraged as I am about a small minority controlling what a vast majority sees, hears and does, then DO this:

1. at the end of the article, there is contact information for both GEICO and Progressive Insurance. Contact them by email and by phone to express your concern that they buckled to pressure from a very small pressure group that convinced them to make a political, not business, decision. Let these companies know that you will never buy their products and you will let others know exactly how they let politics rule their business. At the end of the day, what these people are really saying to you as an American is that your political opinions are not as important as those of some obscure special interest group. You only need one or two sentences to make the point, it will only take you a few moments and it might actually make a difference. Again, email AND call ... two points of contact instead of one.

2. pass this information on to your friends. Just send the address for this blog or a copy of the actual article with your request for action. If everybody who reads this gets just one other person to act, we can get a lot of traction at the end of the day. There is strength in numbers.

3. if you are a customer of one of these companies, as I am, consider switching your business and let them know, in a letter to their CEO, why you did it. Yes, I know that they won't miss my business but if they loose a few hundred or better yet a few thousand customers, they will get the message. Also, I know this is an extreme step and it's not for everyone but then again, what's happening to our country is quite extreme. I have been accused at times of having a "big mouth". Could be, but I do put my money where my mouth is.

The special interest groups putting pressure on business to help squelch our freedom of speech are doing something that is perfectly legal. The same people that want to remove our freedoms are using those same freedoms to stifle us. They can do this because this is America. That does not, however, mean that you need to lay down while being kicked in the teeth. Fight back ... you have the right to!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Yes We Can! and Got Hope?

Yes We Can! Today, Rasmussen reported that Obama's overall approval rating dropped to 47% Even more liberal commentators, politicians and journalists are calling people who's opinion disagrees with the White House line such choice names as Nazis, hate mongerers (I'm not even sure if that's a real word but hey, if "journalists" use it, it must be a word ...), Ku Klux Klansmen, blah, blah, blah. This is real desperation! Chris Matthews was absolutely apoplectic on a recent show. There's a panic report by the Southern Poverty Law Center (should be called the Southern Poverty Law Far Left) that there has been a huge increase in the number of "right wing" militias, although they don't seem to have too much proof of this.

All of this vitriol is being spewed because everyday Americans (in droves) have the audacity to speak out against their government. You'll have to excuse me if I think that political dissent is about as American as you can get. Destroy a city in a riot? Why, you were just expressing your frustration at being oppressed. Tie up a city with war protests, foul mouthed chanting and "peaceful resistance"? You were just exercising your right to free speech. Speak up at a Town Hall Meeting? You're clearly a Nazi. In fact, looking at all of these Town Hall Meeting videos that are floating around, I don't see any violence but I do see a lot of citizens who are thoroughly fed up and want the nonsense in Washington to stop. Will it happen overnight? Of course not, but we've got to keep the pressure up and clean this rats nest out in 2010. Yes We Can!

Got Hope? For changing this inept government out, yes I do. However, on the economic front, things are still very volatile. Obama has increased the national debt 4X in six short months, with no end in sight. Jobless claims continue to spiral upwards. The finances of the country are still being administered by tax cheats who were never prosecuted. Retail sales are still sliding. Home foreclosures continue to increase at a rapid rate. Yes, there's some good news in the stock market but I fear that all of the bad financial news will eventually cause that to tank once again. I'm not a financial guru, but I sense even worse financial woes as the chickens of this administration come home to roost. Spending money like drunken sailors on a never ending shore leave, meddling in private business, printing worthless paper money as fast as the presses will spit it out ... the list goes on. The point here is not that this is the end of life as we know it. The point is that financial woes will likely continue to drag us down until we get the Marxist politicians out of our government. Each of us has to do everything we can to turn the next election for our sake and more importantly for the sake of future generations.

Suggested reading: The Drudge Report ( . Even though you'll hear this site get slammed by the mainstream media as "right wing", it really isn't. In fact, the mainstream media feels that anybody who doesn't see things their way is a right winger, when in fact, the media is so far to the left pretty much everything else is to their right. Drudge is really a site with a variety of links to all sorts of news and opinions, left, center and right. You choose what you want to read and and you make up your own mind. Most readers of this blog have probably already visited there, but if you haven't, you should at least give it a try.

Finally, I'm out of the blog business until about August 18 (next Tuesday) as I am having knee surgery. Don't let that stop you from commenting.

Keep up the good fight.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Health Care Update

We are winning this battle and perhaps have a good chance to win the war. Despite what Obama tells you, the tide is turning and it's not in his favor. The town hall meetings held around the country show that the voters are overwhelmingly against the government sticking it's fingers in the healthcare pie. Why? As a citizen at one meeting put it: Medicare - broke. Medicaid - broke. Social Security - broke. Why would anybody think these clowns will do any better with our health care system?

Here's the solid proof that the tide has now turned in favor of NO on nationalized health care:

1. Rasmussen is generally acknowledged as being one of the most accurate polling companies in the world. Even if you're not a big fan of polling, you've really gotta admit that these guys are good. Todays Rasmussen Health Care Poll indicates that 32% support single payer (government run) health care while a whopping 57% oppose it, and this is among likely voters. Remember, even if Obama says he doesn't want single payer health care, he has repeatedly spoken in favor of it.

2. Representative John Dingell has now likened the town hall protestors to Ku Klux Klan members (add that to the list of names the protestors are called as pointed out in my previous posting on health care). This shows real desperation.

3. So far, there has not been one town hall meeting that I've heard of where the health care protestors have allowed anyone to shut them down. They are angry and they are sending the message to their representatives. This is freedom of speech and freedom of assembly in action and it just doesn't get any more American than this.

4. Little leaks from the beltway (see todays USA Today) indicate that there is some backpedaling going on already, with "sources" indicating that with the huge deficit (thank you Mr. President) health care may have to wait awhile.

5. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has repeatedly come out saying that we just can't afford this gargantuan pork program.

It's not over by a long shot, so it's important to keep the pressure on Congress. Even if Obama, Pelosi and Reid twist enough arms to pass this pig, our representatives have to know that they will pay dearly at the polls. Let them know that. If you're fortunate enough to have a Town Hall Meeting in your area, go to it and respectfully but firmly state your views. Keep writing and calling these people. Don't give them any wiggle room.

By the way, if your looking for a good book that can shed some light on how to fight the Progressive onslaught, you should try Glenn Beck's Common Sense. Well done with some good ideas.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Nationalized Health Care (Socialized Medicine) 101

You can get a very important yet quick lesson about the health care debacle and a great look into the minds of our elected representatives by watching this brief video. I don't need to add much here ... just go to this website and learn some of the stuff you won't see on the 6 o'clock news:

The guy in this video should be given a medal.

What can you do? Don't listen when they call you "astroturf" (their comeback when you say your grassroots), "teabagger (Rahm Emanuel)", "un-patriotic (Nanci Pelosi)", "disruptive (John Dingell)" or even "Nazi (Barbara Boxer)." Name calling is just the tactic that's deployed by the person losing the debate because they have no other ideas to argue. Instead, fight back. Go to these meetings, write and call ALL of your representatives, boycott organizations that support this legislation (ie - AARP), write to the editorial page of your newspaper (yes, I know they're liberal but it can't hurt to try), participate in any grass roots effort to stop this insanity, discuss it with friends and relatives. As the commercial used to say, "Just Do It!"

The next American revolution won't be fought with bullets. It will be fought with words, ideas and actions. Join the fight.

How do I post a comment?

Click the comment link, write your comment and select a way of identifying yourself. If you have an AIM ID or gmail account, you can use those. Or, you can scroll down and leave an anonymous comment by choosing "Anonymous" from the menu or identify yourself with any name you choose by clicking that menu option.

We'll see how this works out. If I get too many obscene nut jobs replying, I'll change the parameters to require either a Gmail or AIM account. To avoid anybody having to tolerate the occasional potty mouth, I will moderate the comments so yours may not show up for a day or so.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Stoning of Soraya M. OR What The Hell Is NOW Doing?

If you want to see a truly powerful movie that will move you deeply, try "The Stoning of Soraya M.". This gem will likely only see very limited distribution because this true story paints a less than glowing opinion of "the religion of peace and love." In a very small nutshell, it is a movie about the stoning of an Iranian woman who is falsely accused of adultery by her husband so that he can wed a 15 year old girl. Islamic law punishes an adulteress by allowing her to be stoned to death while an adulterer (I guess) gets a harsh talking to. But, I'm not here to tell you about the whole movie ... go see it and judge for yourself.

The movie did make me think up two burning questions:

1. Where the hell is NOW? While they've been whining and ranting about glass ceilings and equal pay for equal work, human beings (mostly women) continue to be stoned to death in Islamic states around the globe. Sure, it's one thing if a male journalist just gets his head chopped off with a dull knife while the world watches, but you would think that the National Organization for Women would at least complain mildly about the stoning of a woman. But don't worry NOW gals, I think that this is a barbaric form of murder and even though I'm one of those white males that you have been trying to marginalize for decades, I'll still cry out against this.

2. When Tony Blair and George Bush were spouting that crap about the "religion of peace and love", what did they think they were accomplishing? A religion that condones beheadings and stonings (please spare me the moderate Muslim stuff - this is in the Koran and it's in there multiple times) should not be referred to by our leaders as some furry little puppy that just wants to be part of the family. Unless people know the truth, how can they act on it? Are there many peaceful Muslims? Of course. But in general, this is not a religion of peace and love. And, by the way, if you think I'm way off base here, read the Koran (or at least a condensed version of it) and make your own decisions.

We will never eliminate the threat of radical Muslim terrorists unless we meet the challenge head on. To do this we need the facts and we also need to think. Who is the real abuser of human rights? The country that waterboards terrorists (this doesn't hurt them ... it just really, really scares them) in order to protect not just its own citizens but the entire world or the country/religion that hacks off heads and stones women to death?

Powerful stuff to contemplate on a quiet Sunday night.

The Start Of A New Blog

This is the first time I've done a blog. Most likely, a whole lot of people won't read this because the opinions are just mine. I will certainly steal freely many of the ideas put forth by the most prominent people in the world today, but I will always give them credit and I will always lend my unvarnished two cents to the subject.

You don't have to agree with me and in fact, whether you do or not, I welcome your opinions and additions to whatever thread I happen to be following at the time. That's exactly what makes blogs great ... the exchange of ideas.

Finally, I'd like to dedicate this blog to Thomas Paine, who hit the nail right smack on the head when he observed:

"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worse state an intolerable one ... "

God Bless America.