- Obama predicts that the deficit and unemployment are going to be much worse than originally predicted by his administration ... is this guy a true genius or what?
- The NY state AFL-CIO President has been named head of the New York Federal Reserve Board ... talk about putting the fox in charge of the henhouse ... nothing like putting the head of a progressive (socialist) labor union in charge of a true capitalist instrument.
- Senator Grassley warns of hyper inflation ... took a lot of insight to develop that theory.
- Our government is going to investigate the heroes from the CIA who kept us safe from terrorists ... they're afraid of the terrorists, so this seemed safer.
- Afghanistan is heating up again ... oops the administration wasn't looking.
- The Democrats are organizing 500 pro-heath care (socialized medicine) rallies.
So much to talk about, so why did I pick a lame subject like "F.T.C To Assess The Business of News"? Well, I'll tell you why.
First, why in the hell is the US Government forming any type of panel to analyze the press, and by extension, the freedom of speech? More specifically, what does the Federal Trade Commission have to do with this? Is this in their charter somewhere? See here's the problem. We let our politicians create these huge bureaucracies and they immediately seize the power they were given, multiply it by using a very liberal interpretation of their mandate and viola! We've got the FTC concerning itself with the future of journalism. I don't know ... call me a dreamer ... but shouldn't the FTC be worried about TRADE? On second thought, maybe it's better that they stay away from that.
Now let me say this up front. This is just a thinly veiled attempt by our government to rescue the liberal media from ruin because nobody wants to read or listen to their one sided twaddle any more. These "workshops" are euphemistically titled “From Town Criers to Bloggers: How Will Journalism Survive the Internet Age?", really meaning "How Can We Keep Useless Pieces Of Crap Like The New York Times Afloat, Even If Nobody Is Interested In Their Biased Lies?" I mean, think about it. It seems to me that journalism is flourishing on the internet, with many reliable and respected news sources represented, so why are we worried?
Look at this quote - "Though some may be uncomfortable with government oversight of any aspect of journalism, the F.T.C. seems to be 'attempting to play a facilitating and public educational role in gathering together various disciplines and perspectives to talk about the crisis in mainstream journalism,' said Neil Henry, a professor and dean at the graduate school of journalism at the University of California, Berkeley."
A few things here. Why is the F.T.C. facilitating anything? What does this have to do with their purpose in life (in fact, what the hell is their purpose in life)? What crisis in mainstream media(oh yeah, the New York Times, ABC, etc ... that's mainstream all right.)? A journalism dean from the University of California, Berkeley is quoted ... that's like saying "let's discuss human rights" and asking for an opinion from Joseph Stalin.
Don't worry though. We are assured by Chairman Leibowitz, who is married (no conflict of interest here) to a Washington Post editorialist (another well known fair news outlet) that everything is OK! He is quoted as saying "“We really want to keep an open mind,” said Mr. Leibowitz. Riiiiight. He also says that the workshops will help because “we don’t have a sense empirically of the nature of the problem” ... what the hell does that mean? Sounds like you just don't have any sense.
As always, here's my take and nobody has to spend millions in taxpayer dollars to obtain it. Newspaper and major network news coverage is being marginalized as viewers/readers flee in droves. This is because the news has become a Progressive (Socialist) tool as every news story is seen through the tinted spectacles of reporters who have a political agenda, not a passion to report the truth. They, in turn, are managed by sympathetic left wing editors and what should be news winds up being one big editorial page. (Don't get me wrong. There is a place for political discussion and favoritism in every newspaper. It's called the Editorial Page. In the modern media, every page is the editorial page. Pretty much the same for network "news".)
Since fewer people are watching /reading this nonsense and are instead turning to more credible sources of news content, the advertisers begin pulling their support or paying less for available space. That drives earnings down, meaning layoffs, weak capital investment and depressed stock prices. This eventually leads to bankruptcy and poof! Before your know it, no more New York Times. This isn't caused by the internet (yes, that's part of it). It's mainly caused by "reporting" that is viewed as increasingly irrelevant in a society where accurate, UNBIASED news can be obtained (and verified) at the speed of light (well, at least as fast as you can type.) The wiz kids like Pinch Sulzberger at the NY Times just don't get this. They think it's their duty to "interpret" the news for you, not merely to report it.
But wait! Uncle Sam is here. After all, we can't have fine Progressive chaps like Pinchy going belly up. First we'll do a study that blames this decline in honest journalism on the internet and George Bush (remember fans, that George W. can pretty much be blamed for everything). Then, we run this report up to the Hill, where a lopsided Congress can enact legislation to "save our media". While we're at it, we'll work in a few lines about killing those bastards at talk radio - the FCC won't mind. We'll then dedicate a few billion dollars to save these clowns (er ... serious journalists) and before you know it, all will be better, with the government and labor unions firmly in control of the press, just exactly like they are in control of GM. Where's Louie Armstrong singing "What A Wonderful World"?
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