Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tired of Being Marginalized? Don't Just Talk ... DO!

We all sit around over coffee or a beer talking about the injustices we see everyday. "This is unfair", "that's just not right", "I'm tired of being stepped on" ... you know the discussions. Well, here's something you can do to at least let people know how disgusted you are with what's going on in this country and maybe, just maybe, you can help change things. After all, we can all complain, but we need to actually do something if we're ever going to change things for the better. Again, this is a chance to do something (something really easy) that can help change things.

First, go to this site and read the article :

If you are as outraged as I am about a small minority controlling what a vast majority sees, hears and does, then DO this:

1. at the end of the article, there is contact information for both GEICO and Progressive Insurance. Contact them by email and by phone to express your concern that they buckled to pressure from a very small pressure group that convinced them to make a political, not business, decision. Let these companies know that you will never buy their products and you will let others know exactly how they let politics rule their business. At the end of the day, what these people are really saying to you as an American is that your political opinions are not as important as those of some obscure special interest group. You only need one or two sentences to make the point, it will only take you a few moments and it might actually make a difference. Again, email AND call ... two points of contact instead of one.

2. pass this information on to your friends. Just send the address for this blog or a copy of the actual article with your request for action. If everybody who reads this gets just one other person to act, we can get a lot of traction at the end of the day. There is strength in numbers.

3. if you are a customer of one of these companies, as I am, consider switching your business and let them know, in a letter to their CEO, why you did it. Yes, I know that they won't miss my business but if they loose a few hundred or better yet a few thousand customers, they will get the message. Also, I know this is an extreme step and it's not for everyone but then again, what's happening to our country is quite extreme. I have been accused at times of having a "big mouth". Could be, but I do put my money where my mouth is.

The special interest groups putting pressure on business to help squelch our freedom of speech are doing something that is perfectly legal. The same people that want to remove our freedoms are using those same freedoms to stifle us. They can do this because this is America. That does not, however, mean that you need to lay down while being kicked in the teeth. Fight back ... you have the right to!

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