You don't have to agree with me and in fact, whether you do or not, I welcome your opinions and additions to whatever thread I happen to be following at the time. That's exactly what makes blogs great ... the exchange of ideas.
Finally, I'd like to dedicate this blog to Thomas Paine, who hit the nail right smack on the head when he observed:
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worse state an intolerable one ... "
God Bless America.
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ReplyDeleteTwice today I have heard that the Pentagon has refused to allow the military to appear at "Religious or Christain" events. First was a scheduled flyover at a "God & Country" rally:
Then I learned that the Pentagon also refused to allow a wounded Green Beret soldier to appear at a fundraiser for "CatchaDream" They were told that no military can speak at any "Faith Based" event. This per Charlie Stokes:
What the #*%& did we elect as President?