Sunday, August 30, 2009

Want To Add To The Conversation?

I've had a couple of questions from people who would like to actively comment on what is written here. I welcome your opinion regardless of your position on any topic. It's easy to do. Just click the comment button and you can log in using your AIM account or your Google Account. Getting either one is simple, but I already have a Google account, including free email, so it's what I use. If you don't want anybody to see your screen name or you don't have an AIM or Google account, you can come in under "anonymous." Just go to the "Comment As" scroll down menu and select your preferred method of leaving a message. It doesn't matter how you come in, you'll still be anonymous unless you choose to use your real name, which I really don't recommend.

To sign up for a free Google account, go here:

Once you comment, you can check the "subscribe to email" button for any specific article and you will be notified by email when a new comment is posted. You can also participate in an on-going chat by posting a comment that responds to the previous writer. In short, this blog gives you the power to discuss and to be heard.

For the time being, I'm monitoring any response I get so your comment won't post for a short while. The reason for this is that I'd love your opinion but since this blog is picked up by Google search engines, there is a slim chance that some nut case will get on here. I've already seen one rant regarding my brief eulogy about Ted Kennedy that was to raw to publish.

As I mentioned when I first stared this blog, commenting is not required or even necessary for me to continue. However, discussions would make for a more interesting interactive site.

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