Sunday, August 30, 2009

We've Finally Got Them Where We Want Them!

Sometimes, with all of the news detailing the takeover of our way of life by a bunch of progressive (socialist) politicians who were voted in by a largely uneducated, ignorant electorate, it's hard to stay positive. Despite a lot of recent successes (stalling socialized medicine, seeing Obama's numbers tank, watching as Harry Reid's position becomes more precarious daily, saying goodbye to "the Liberal Lion", etc. ) it does at times seem that we'll never rid our country of these parasites.

Whenever I get discouraged, I'm reminded of two quotes by the most decorated U.S. Marine in history, Lieutenant General Lewis Burwell "Chesty" Puller who, when hopelessly surrounded and outnumbered said:

"Great! Now we can shoot at those bastards from every direction."


"We’re surrounded. That simplifies our problem of getting to these people and killing them."

Now before anybody gets in a snit, Chesty wanted his Marines to kill the enemy (a really great idea in a war). I'm just advocating that we vote the scoundrels out of office by using whatever legal means we can. But the basic idea is pretty much the same ... when it seems you are at your darkest moment, pick yourself up by the boot straps and kick ass!

After all, remember the title of this blog.

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