Monday, August 10, 2009

How do I post a comment?

Click the comment link, write your comment and select a way of identifying yourself. If you have an AIM ID or gmail account, you can use those. Or, you can scroll down and leave an anonymous comment by choosing "Anonymous" from the menu or identify yourself with any name you choose by clicking that menu option.

We'll see how this works out. If I get too many obscene nut jobs replying, I'll change the parameters to require either a Gmail or AIM account. To avoid anybody having to tolerate the occasional potty mouth, I will moderate the comments so yours may not show up for a day or so.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for starting this blog. I have to say that I can't even call myself a conservative anymore because the narcissists who have siezed control of the country have so distorted the meaning of democrat, republican, liberal, and conservative that the words are like tatoos from old society where one prejudges you by how you were adorned.

    Today our society suffers from Narcissism. It is the inevitable result of the radical 60's and the excesses of a government who had it all, the power, the wealth, the liesure time. There is a an often quoted phrase .."power corrupts".... how true

    By the way I mean both meanings of Narcissism, most importantly the personality disorder!
