The guy in this video should be given a medal.
What can you do? Don't listen when they call you "astroturf" (their comeback when you say your grassroots), "teabagger (Rahm Emanuel)", "un-patriotic (Nanci Pelosi)", "disruptive (John Dingell)" or even "Nazi (Barbara Boxer)." Name calling is just the tactic that's deployed by the person losing the debate because they have no other ideas to argue. Instead, fight back. Go to these meetings, write and call ALL of your representatives, boycott organizations that support this legislation (ie - AARP), write to the editorial page of your newspaper (yes, I know they're liberal but it can't hurt to try), participate in any grass roots effort to stop this insanity, discuss it with friends and relatives. As the commercial used to say, "Just Do It!"
The next American revolution won't be fought with bullets. It will be fought with words, ideas and actions. Join the fight.
From an ex-Kodaker, retired 5 years, Navy Vet, NRA Life member, extremely patriotic and conservative.. Lets bring it on Big Guy