Tuesday, August 18, 2009

There Are Patriots and Then There Are Idiots

On Monday, President Obama gave a speech to veterans in Phoenix, AZ. There was a peaceful protest outside but unfortunately, this protest included several people who were legally carrying exposed guns. Of course, the media got lots of pictures of these "right wingers", one of whom is carrying an "assault rifle". Of course, it was no such thing. It was a semi-auto version of an M16. And remember, he was carrying it legally per Arizona law. I'm as pro Second Amendment as anybody, but this just isn't too smart.

Here's the problem. Knowing how the press hates guns, gun owners and conservatives, why on earth would anybody do this? Especially since the press is currently in a frenzy about all of us "right wing nuts" who are protesting Obama's socialized medicine. Yes, it's our right to protest, the Second Amendment gives us the right to keep and bear arms, Arizona's law allows this guy to carry, but common damn sense might lead one to believe it's not very smart or helpful to carry a gun to any event involving the president. Why give the media any help in building a case against conservatives? Yes, it's your right. No, it's not smart.

If you'd like to see how CNN "fairly" covered this, click the link:

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