Wednesday, August 26, 2009

National Debt ... Surprise!

The Congressional Budget Office CBO says the National Debt (the sum of everything we owe, thanks to the miscreants in the White House and Congress) is currently $11 trillion ( 0r $11,000,000,000,000) and by 2019 will be $20 trillion (or 20 million million dollars). Congressional Democrats were quick to point out that this is all due to Bush's tax cuts and his war time spending (Bush did it!). This is another $9 trillion of additional debt incurred over the next 10 years. Two brief observations on this:

  1. if you think that the debt will only increase by $9,000,000,000,000, you also likely put a lot of stock in the tooth fairy
  2. by my rough calculations (I didn't include 2 or 3 days for leap years), our elected representatives have passed legislation over time that increases our national debt by $1,712,329 PER MINUTE. Clearly, we have collectively lost our minds because they did it and we let them.

You'll excuse me if I think that we are just voting stupid, and the havoc we are wreaking on our children and grandchildren is just plain criminal. These idiots in Congress not only need to be voted out .. many of them should be indicted.

Shame on us. In the 5 minutes it's taken to write this posting, we have burdened our children with another $8,561,644 in national debt. Shame indeed.

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