Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Rare Opportunity

It's a rare moment when you can effect the outcome of national politics. Right now Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is in deep trouble with his re-election bid. Seems the good citizens of Nevada don't agree with Harry on a lot of things like socialized medicine, climate change, carbon credits, stimulus packages ... you know the Obama drill. Also, Harry is famous for continually declaring defeat in Iraq even while we were winning that war. Basically, Harry is a very liberal progressive who rolls over for Obama on a daily basis. It is amazing how a Senator from a low population state like Nevada can yield the kind of power this guy does, but that's our government.

Click the link to see what the good citizens of Nevada think of Harry

Also, look at these poll results that support my point:

Now, how can you help unseat old Harry if you can't vote against him? Simple! Donate ten or twenty bucks to his opponent. For far less than night at the movies, you can make a difference. Yes, another progressive will probably take the leadership slot, but defeating Harry gets one of the most rabid liberals out of Congress and more importantly sends a huge message to the entrenched members of Congress that the people are watching and you will pay for not doing what the people hired you to do. There is a very strong consensus among politicians, pollsters and pundits that this bastard can be toppled.

Opportunities like this are rare. Harry's challenger hasn't been selected yet but you can donate to the Nevada Republicans or wait until a challenger comes forward. Dip into your wallets and purses, spend a few lousy bucks and send a resounding message to Washington.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Big Guy,

    Nice site. Good work.

    FYI: radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt from Town Hall radio is now running a campaign called "Ten for Tark" on his show. Tark is John(?) Tarkainian son of the famous college basketball coach who plans to run against Harry ("Pinky") Ried in next election. He's gotten several thousand to contribute so far. He's pushing everyone to send $10 to Tark ($100 if you're Armenian)to send Pinky and the gang a message and hopefully unseat him.
