Sunday, August 23, 2009

It's Working! (Or ... I Believe That, Don't You?)

Well, the great news keeps rolling in. First, "the White House" announced that "it" is raising "it's" 10 year budget deficit projections to $9 TRILLION (that's with a "T") but the current resident of the White House, Barack Obama, is quick to point out that he inherited $1.08 trillion from the evil George Bush. Well then, that explains everything! Since the evil Republican Bush stuck us with $1.08 trillion, it's is only fair and rational the we explode that by a factor of 8X. NOW I get it and it all makes sense to me ... Also, ever notice that when it's bad news, it's from "the White House" but when it's good news or blaming someone else is involved, it's from President Obama?

On the unemployment front, TREMENDOUS gains have been made because national unemployment has dropped a whopping .1% from 9.5% to 9.4%. Even if you believe that twaddle, you're hard pressed to explain why our most populous state (CA) just hit a post WWII high of 11.9% and rising. Las Vegas, a great barometer of the availability of truly disposable income is at a whopping 13.1% and our largest city (NYC) has hit 9.6%. If you think national unemployment is declining, I've got a nice bridge in Brooklyn that's just come on the market ... Yet another sign of our robust economy just bouncing right on back! But then again I shouldn't be so cynical. If Obama says it, then it must be good news!

During the second quarter, there has been a rise in the foreclosure rate for prime mortgages. Not the sub-prime crap that's out there ... this is for prime fixed-rate mortgages. You know. Those are the ones that you, I and most of our neighbors have. In fact, a full one-third of new mortgage foreclosures during the second quarter were for prime mortgages. Feeling better yet?

Our largest debt holder, China, is reducing it's exposure to our debt because they are concerned about inflation caused by unfettered, lunatic spending by our government (that's just my more direct way of describing our "stimulus plans"). I don't know why they're worried about inflation. We've got lots of printing presses and we'll just crank out a few trillion more dollars of worthless paper money. Don't these Chinese understand high finance?

Layer on top of all this the $1 trillion dollars that socialized medicine is going to add to our burden and you should really be cheered up. Of course, if you think "better heath care for everyone" (including 30 or 40 million illegals) is only going to cost $1 trillion, that bridge in Brooklyn is still for sale. I have no hard facts to support this last statement, but I do know that if I have a party budget for 50 people and 100 show up, it's probably going to cost me a lot more money. (News flash for B.O., Pelosi & Reid ... this is called common sense. You should try it sometime.)

What can you do about all of his. Vote these incompetent bastards out of office and encourage everyone you know to consider doing the same. EVERY vote counts!

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