Monday, August 31, 2009

Is This What You Want For Your Family?

The pitch for socialized medicine, ala Obama, promises better health care for everyone at lower cost. Riiiiiiight! And the "progressives" (aka - socialists or Democrats) in Congress are just rolling right along with this twaddle. Also, expect a few "loyal" Republicans to roll over in an effort to hold out that ever popular bi-partisan olive branch. It is funny how that branch is usually held out by Republicans to Democrats ... rarely the other way.

This article should concern you, because this is right where we are headed. Apparently, the prisoners in Britain are better nourished than the socialized medicine victims (aka patients) are. Also, I'm sure just coincidentally, it appears that the most undernourished patients are the elderly who can't fend for themselves. I'm shocked, aren't you? I also had to laugh when I read the reader comments for this article. One dimwit writes that people should be thankful for the British system because it is far better than the socialized medicine system they have in Brazil. That's like saying "quit complaining about your poorly set broken leg ... you're lucky because they could have amputated it by mistake.."

In typical progressive fashion, the poor darlings in prison must be properly cared for, because after all, the UK is a civilized society (remember, that's why they let the Lockerbie murderer go). Prisoners are getting great meals in Britain, and I assume other essentials for life such as cable, internet, hot showers, conjugal visits, fully equipped gyms ... well, you get the picture.

If you don't want this to happen here, before you leave your computer after reading this blog, immediately fire off an email to all of your congressional representatives, opposing this grandiose, senseless plan. Then follow that up with a phone call to them. Talk to your friends and if they're for this, try to change their view. If your friends share your viewpoint, encourage them to write and call. If there's a "Town Hall Meeting" in your area, go to it. Taking action to stop this legislation is what you can do about it other than just commiserating. This legislation will erode our healthcare system while bankrupting the country and darkening the future for our children.

If you choose to do nothing, that's also your right. Just be prepared to pay for the consequences of your inaction.


  1. Big Guy - -

    But isn't all of this and why it is a crime to make more than anyone else clearly outlined in this video?

    Brian Jones attempts to revolutionize the working class of society (Proletariat) against the upper class (Bourgeoisie) by demonizing any group that is above. He uses elaborate language and fancy terminology to convey one simple fact - THEY HAVE MORE THAN YOU - IT'S NOT FAIR - IF WE ALL GET TOGEATHER WE CAN TAKE IT.

    What he misses is the fact that within our economical system it enables anyone to rise of fall based on the fruits of their labor.

    The scary thing is if you look at this speaker's history he spends his time catering to the colleges - because the rest of us are spending our lives working; creating business, careers, and foundations for not only our success but our employees co-workers friends and families - he can use his liberal arts degree and fancy language to cloud the minds of our youth.

    If you dig deeper you will find that many of these supporters reside in the primarily liberal arts - either public (aka state / federal funded) or ivy league liberal arts schools (we use big fancy words that makes us feel smart) colleges not the private technical and business universities that are breeding the future business owners, investors and engineers which drive mid level business (which is the foundation of america).

    We; as the business professionals of the US; have gotten lazy - and allowed the our future to be swayed by fancy language and a mentality that blames everyone but ourselves.

    What used to be the minority has taken over, and we have become a lazy society - we would rather have someone (government) give us $5 and tell us which box to check than actually do the research and make an INFORMED decision about not only today and tomorrow but the long term. To put it another way - rather than working (if you don't have a job - your jobs is to find another one - unemployment should not be viewed as an entitlement but rather a loan until you find something) society would rather blame the people above use.

    There was a caller on Hannity that's child came home from middle school saying how he agrees with his middle school teacher on how great it is to have a liberal in office and not the money hungry evil republicans. The caller taught his eldest child a lesson. On friday it was time for his $10 allowance - however he only gave his son $3 - sons asks for the rest his father said it's gone - 3 went to the youngest because although he was unable to do work it isn't fair that the eldest get something that he does not. The middle child got 3 because although he only did half as much work he still deserves his fair share and finally the remaining dollar the father kept - because all of this takes time and has costs to be recovered. Needless to say the son changed his tone very quickly.

    This just shows us that on ANY level if our educators provide us biased views and information, we cannot make an informed decision - leaving us to side with the people that - well - decide whether we pass or not.

    In the light Marxism, capitalism and competition are horribly evil because if I create a product that is better I should be able to charge what the market is willing to pay. That is not corporate greed - that is reward for ones work (years of dumping your blood sweat and tears into a product or company).

    Marxism breeds complacency in both workforce - and innovations. Most frightening of all is Innovation and Competition are two of the main foundations of our society.

    But - then again it is much easier to sit with my gov'ment cheese sandwich and say it is not fair that the guy in the next house gets prime rib - SOMEONE (gov't funded agency) should take his and give us both hamburgers. Unfortunately reality shows us that under this "ideal" system both end up with cheese sandwiches a band-aid and 5 agencies that decide when we get to eat.

    I did not know where to post this - but it needs to be said.

    - The Future Big Guy

  2. FBG - well said. Unfortunately, I think you meant to comment under "Obamas Opinion Of You", but I don't have the ability to move comments from one title to the other. Sorry.

    Anyway, well said. You hit on a number of my main areas of concern. A corrupt political system that demonizes the most successful in our society while rewarding the non-performers, a corrupt educational system that emphasizes Marxist doctrine while masking it in the cloak of progressive education and the doctrine of treating reverse racism as just an unfortunate product of past racism. In other words, it's OK to be a racist if the ancestors of the people you are targeting were racists.

    I won't stand idly by for any of this. I this blog, I've outlined numerous legal ways to fight back and I use these tactics whenever I can. Hence the title of this blog!

    Also, I'll post a notice directing others to your comment from the "Obamas Opinion Of You" blog.
