I hate to break this to our ever vigilant media watchdogs (a hamster is a better watchdog than these idiots), but the Democrats never planned on doing anything else. Think about it. They don't need bipartisan support because they control the whole show. The mainly ignorant American electorate (yes, I mean that) chose to put one political party in charge of the House, the Senate and the Oval Office. Got Change? Yes We Can! You remember. When they were pulling those little handles or checking those little boxes or punching out those hanging chads, did the voters not see this coming? You give one party total control and then you are shocked that they seize power and do everything possible to keep it for all time. I have heard numerous Democrats say "I can't believe the debt we are accumulating" or something to that effect. What didn't you understand when you listened to Obama? Did you think that giving the Marxist Pilosi even more votes in congress would temper her unbridled grab for power? Did you think that giving Harry Reid a filibuster proof majority was going to encourage open debate and democracy? You gave the Democrats both the legislative and executive branches and you're shocked? We hand these miscreants the keys to the kingdom without any rules and then we are stunned to see them abuse our trust.
There is good news here. You can still defeat socialized medicine by keeping the pressure on your elected representatives, because the one thing that Pelosi or Reid or Obama can't do is get these bums re-elected by a voter base at home that is enraged by their performance. They love their little pork barrel jobs and they really do want to get re-elected, so let them know how you expect them to vote. Let them know that you didn't vote for Pelosi and you don't expect them to do her bidding. You expect them to work for you.
In closing, I was saddened when someone close to me told me they didn't vote in the last election because in a very liberal Democrat state like New York, their vote just doesn't matter. I beg to differ. Even if a poser like Obama wins, its important to be counted as someone in this country who does not support his Marxist ideas. (If you don't think he's a Marxist, check out Saul Alinsky or his beloved Reverend Wright.) Also, we have a local congressman who was elected by less than a 2% margin. Do you think that if all of those who sat home in apathy had voted he might have been defeated?
Get out and vote! Don't sit on your butt and then complain if the morons that got in are ruining things for you and your children. Also, get off of your behind and get others to vote. Donate a few bucks to the candidates of your choosing. Stick a sign on your front lawn. Donate some time to your candidates. Freedom is not free ... you have to work real hard to keep it! Don't just talk about it, DO something about it.
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