Here's the solid proof that the tide has now turned in favor of NO on nationalized health care:
1. Rasmussen is generally acknowledged as being one of the most accurate polling companies in the world. Even if you're not a big fan of polling, you've really gotta admit that these guys are good. Todays Rasmussen Health Care Poll indicates that 32% support single payer (government run) health care while a whopping 57% oppose it, and this is among likely voters. Remember, even if Obama says he doesn't want single payer health care, he has repeatedly spoken in favor of it.
2. Representative John Dingell has now likened the town hall protestors to Ku Klux Klan members (add that to the list of names the protestors are called as pointed out in my previous posting on health care). This shows real desperation.
3. So far, there has not been one town hall meeting that I've heard of where the health care protestors have allowed anyone to shut them down. They are angry and they are sending the message to their representatives. This is freedom of speech and freedom of assembly in action and it just doesn't get any more American than this.
4. Little leaks from the beltway (see todays USA Today) indicate that there is some backpedaling going on already, with "sources" indicating that with the huge deficit (thank you Mr. President) health care may have to wait awhile.
5. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has repeatedly come out saying that we just can't afford this gargantuan pork program.
It's not over by a long shot, so it's important to keep the pressure on Congress. Even if Obama, Pelosi and Reid twist enough arms to pass this pig, our representatives have to know that they will pay dearly at the polls. Let them know that. If you're fortunate enough to have a Town Hall Meeting in your area, go to it and respectfully but firmly state your views. Keep writing and calling these people. Don't give them any wiggle room.
By the way, if your looking for a good book that can shed some light on how to fight the Progressive onslaught, you should try Glenn Beck's Common Sense. Well done with some good ideas.
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