Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Socialized Medicine - Available Now!

Even though we've got this debate raging about Healthcare Reform (socialized medicine) and the situation is looking pretty grim, you've got to search for bits of humor. I was cruising Drudge Report this morning and came across two very interesting stories about the overwhelming success of single payer healthcare (socialized medicine). The first one, apart from the poor guy's pain and suffering, is really funny.

Read down the comments at the bottom. One dim bulb says that this fiasco is not indicative of the quality of the NHS (socialized medicine) in Britain but rather is the cause of poorly trained/qualified doctors. Say, you don't think that a health system that underpays doctors, recruits medical students based on everything but brains, does not have enough money to invest in proper physician continuing education and imports lots of doctors from other countries who likely have lower standards for physician qualification might also be the cause of this "under-qualified physician" problem, do you?

The other interesting thing this article mentions is the "compensation payments to NHS patients." You know, just when I'm about to get on my soapbox supporting tort reform, something like this comes along. You see, under socialized medicine schemes, who will you sue if you are tortured and abused like this? The government? Good luck with that. In this case, I'm inclined to think that the patient has the right to sue the living daylights out of both operating doctors, the entire operating room staff (including nurses ... nobody realized that the appendix was not removed the first time?), the hospital and the health care provider. They made this poor bastard wait weeks in agonizing pain for a simple appendectomy, they remove something the first time (certainly not his appendix), he is forced to suffer again until the appendix bursts, they operate again, he gets an infection from the second operation and now he is injured and unemployed. Just when I start thinking tort lawyers are basically thieves, something like this comes along and I'd like to see this gentleman get about $20 million just to show the bastards that they just can't do this to us. And, by the way, if I was on the jury I'd vote a big thumbs up. It's things like this that really shake my resolve on malpractice tort reform. But, if you are a tort reform fan, don't worry because that comes automatically with socialized medicine. (Unless Obama strikes a deal with the tort reform lawyers, in which case we'll still be able to sue and then we can pay the judgement with our tax dollars.)

The second article isn't funny, just sad. I won't write a lot about it, other than to say that this is exactly the type of thing that will happen here if Progressive (socialist) politicians have their way with our health care. The government is capable of screwing up anything, even something as routine as child birth.

Combine these stories with last weeks news of the impending (on-going?) implosion of Canada's socialized medicine program and then decide if this is what you want for you and your family. If not, you better start doing something about it now or the blame will rest with you.

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