Friday, August 21, 2009

The Religion of Peace and Love Celebrates and Obama Sends a Greeting!

Oh Joy! It's Ramadan and the religion of peace and love celebrates it's holiest season. Here's a message to Muslims from our President (very similar to the messages George Bush and Bill Clinton sent annually).

"These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings" - Barack Obama

OK. I get it. You can't just say things that will inflame any group of people. But for God's sake, why do you have to embellish your statements with exaggerations and even lies? Why can't you just say "have a wonderful Holy period"? What has Islam done to advance justice ... promote the stoning of women? (see my blog of August 9, "The Stoning of Soraya M.") Does "tolerance" include chopping off the heads of "infidels"? How about dignity? Not much dignity in jumping 100 stories to your death after some jihadist maniac flew a plane into your office building. In the 21st Century, these people are still stoning women, chopping off heads, cutting off hands and feet and then expecting to be rewarded with 72 virgins in paradise for doing so (I guess the women of this religion can expect a better kitchen in paradise or something ...)

Again, the Koran (or Qur'an or however you choose to spell it) specifically encourages actions like these and in fact speaks fondly of rewarding those warriors who inflict this damage. No matter how Islamic apologists paint the picture, the book that they revere above all others specifically calls for jihad, killing of "non-believers", stoning and beheading of human beings, the list goes on. If you don't believe this, read the Koran. If you don't want to struggle through arcane text, I suggest that you read The Truth About Muhammad: Founder Of The World's Most Intolerant Religion by Robert Spencer.

If we don't start facing reality, our own sick political correctness is going to get us all killed.

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