Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Religion of Peace and Love Wins Another One

In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was blown out of the sky with a bomb built & planted by a filthy, murdering terrorist named Abdel Basser al-Megrahi. He was imprisoned in Scotland. 270 innocent people were slaughtered in an act of violence that was sponsored by our new best friend, Muammar Gaddafi (wish I could blame this new love affair on Obama, but it was George Bush who put this little gem of trans-Atlantic love together. George wasn't always as tough on terrorism as we made him out to be.)

Now, poor Mr. al-Megrahi is dying of cancer and Scottish authorities, in an act of "compassion" have released him to return to his home in Libya because the poor darling only has three months to live. In sympathy with Scottish authorities and Mr. Megrahi, I would like to suggest my idea of compassion. I think instead of releasing this poster child for liberal, politically correct insanity we should have let him rot in his cell until he died of cancer. Feel compelled to be compassionate? Fine. Give him some pain killers but don't allow him to be free for another moment so he can die in the company of friends and family. The victims don't have that option and neither should he.

This level of compassion is far greater than that shown by Abdel Basser al-Megrahi when he decided to murder 270 innocent human beings.

Read about this miscarriage of justice and morality here:

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