First, the Rasmussen Poll (remember, this is likely voters) shows that our beloved leader now has 28% saying they Strongly Approve of his performance while 40% Strongly Disapprove, meaning the Index is now a whopping -12%. True, Bush was in worse shape towards the end, but remember that according to the media, Obama is the chosen one. Looks like the honeymoon is over and not a moment too soon.
Second, in the same Rasmussen poll, Deval Patrick, governor of perhaps the most liberal state in the union, Massachusetts, now trails his likely 2010 Republican opponent by 5% ... 40% to 35%. Again, not yet a walk in the park, but look at the state, look at the voters and remember how many people thought that all hope was lost when the Democrats took control of our government. Might not be as big a lock as we originally thought.
Finally, to quote the Financial Times, "The Obama administration is bracing for a political backlash on Tuesday when it issues national debt numbers showing federal debt rising by $9,000bn over the next decade – significantly higher than the forecast it made earlier this year"
Oh yeah, brace for a backlash. A big one. I can't wait to hear Obama's Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, explain this one. And you might notice that even the liberal media is throwing fewer softballs these days. Even a left wing moonbat like Helen Thomas is beginning to accuse the administration of not being open and transparent as promised during the campaign. By the way, you really have got to watch this Gibbs guy .... it is truly entertaining. I don't think I've ever seen a more inept, bumbling press secretary in my life. Good fun.
The only fear I have is that we may not be able to slow our "Progressive" politicians from inflicting even more havoc on our country before the next election. We need to continue to fight these dangerous politicians at every turn until we can change things at the next election. We need to stop socialized medicine, defeat cap and trade, stop the government takeover of our businesses, stop insane bailout spending, all the while keeping focused on the next election. Pressure your local representative to vote for your interests, support groups who share your viewpoint and most importantly, talk to people and educate them.
PS - saw a great movie (if you are not squeamish). Check our "Inglorious Basterds"
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