US Army General Stanley McChrystal
The General knows the situation, told the real story to the world and chose to upset our Commander In Chief rather than jeopardize the lives of our brave troops in Afghanistan. It is rumored that this American hero got an "ass chewing" from Obama for telling the truth and putting his troops above Obama's cheap, petty politics. By the way, when Obama delivered his little tirade, he was sitting on Air Force One in Copenhagen on his way to lobby for the Chicago Olympics. This while a decision on troop strength in Afghanistan has been lingering for months. Priorities BO, priorities.
Was McChrystal insubordinate? Perhaps. Did the target of this possible insubordination, who has literally done nothing to either win this war or remove our troops, deserve this public embarrassment? You bet. His indecision is putting our troops in harm's way.
I say that the only ass chewing that needs doing is that of the American people and our elected representatives smacking down Obama for his inflated ego and his inability to make substantive decisions. He may be the Commander In Chief, but he is an indecisive elected official (yes, I deliberately did not use the term "leader") who is getting American troops killed.
Support our troops. Help drive Obama and this gang of Progressive politicians out of office.
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