"Don" Charlie Rangel
Well, New York's version of the Godfather, Charlie Rangel, has once again slithered out of the grip of justice. No surprise here. Another "made guy" (Nancy Pelosi) stepped in and rescued the obviously unconcerned Rangel. After all, why worry when you've got a majority of the House "on the pad"? Every time you see this guy, he's got a big smile ... not a care in the world. And don't forget, if your "family" "rats" on you, you can always pull out your ever popular race card (see my blog of September 4, 2009 - Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.) That will definitely keep you out of "the joint."
These people in Congress should all be indicted under the RICO laws ... Rangel, Pelosi and the 243 "soldiers" (Democrats) who voted not to pull Charlie's chairmanship of the House Ways and Means Committee (we figure out the Ways to steal your money and we have the Means to collect.) For those of you who haven't been following this real-life crime drama, Charlie is the chairman of the House committee that writes tax legislation. Charlie, it turns out, has not been (allegedly) paying all of his taxes for the last 20 years. This means that a suspected tax cheat is in charge of one of the most influential Congressional committees that also happens to determine new tax legislation. What a sweet "racket". Why, Charlie could retire on just the "vig" from all the taxes he hasn't paid! And, while he pays less, he can"squeeze" you for more!
What's next? A treasury Secretary who cheats on his taxes? Oh wait ... we already have one of those.
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