Sunday, October 4, 2009

Want To See Something Scary? REALLY Scary?

The Scream - c.1893
Edvard Munch

As a concerned American, you should really take the time to watch the attached video. You need to see how insane some Americans really are when it comes to the apologetic socialist in the White House. The video was produced by Oprah's production company and features some of the most vacuous Hollywood twits ever gathered in one spot. I mean really Demi ... "I pledge to serve the President"? Achtung! Hiel Hitler! This is the exact same propaganda crap that was pumped out by Leni Reifensthal for the Fuhrer during WW II! Demi goes on to pledge to free 1,000,000 people from slavery in five years. I don't know ... maybe putting water balloons where your boobs used to be and shacking up with a guy who is young enough to be your son endows you with super power

Then there's Eva, who is going to personally put her beautifully manicured nails at risk by planting 500 trees this year! Riiiiiight! She's followed by some "star" who is going to fulfill the "200 year old promise to end slavery". Honey, here's a newsflash ... the only slaves in this country are the taxpayers, who are enslaved by an oppressive government and forced to relinquish the fruits of their labors to useless government programs and to people who won't lift a finger to help themselves.

Take a look at this twaddle:

If watching this doesn't galvanize you to take action to unseat this cancer in Washington, nothing will. Be vocal. Be in the faces of those who would destroy this nation (they are certainly in your face enough). Support those who share your beliefs in any way you can. This is nothing less than a fight to the death for our country and our way of life. The stakes are huge ... your family.

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