The more you read, the more you know that the progressive sycophants on the left just don't get it. Read the attached article from Rick Klein, author of ABC's daily political piece The Note if you want proof.
In this blog, Rick laments the loss of political capital that Obama has suffered due to the Olympic loss, indecision about Afghanistan, a muddled health care strategy that about 60% of us don't want and a variety of other problems. In short, he is merely saying, in "big media speak", what the rest of us have known for months. Obama is an incompetent and it is costing him in the polls. Of course, he says it nicer, almost to the point where he's complementing B.O.
In the article he quotes David Broder as saying that if Obama can jam socialized medicine through the Democrat (Progressive) controlled Congress, that may be just enough to win back his faltering political capital. Can these people really be serious? Is this really how these supposedly intelligent news analysts see the situation? Let's analyze this. Socialized medicine is so unpopular that 60% of us don't want it and the number grows daily. So, to make himself more popular, all he has to do is cram this absolutely unpopular piece of crap down our throats? Huh?
It gets better. Further down in his column, Rick quotes Susan Milligan of the Boston Globe, who states:
"And the economy, while apparently on the road to recovery, is still not producing new jobs and continues to generate anxiety around the country". Whaaaat? The economy is on the road to recovery? By what measure? Factory orders are down, unemployment is a disaster, consumer confidence continues to scrape all time lows, more banks are failing and the market is once again looking shaky. How do these wing nuts define "recovery"? Beam me up Scotty ... I need some of whatever it is these "journalists" are taking.
For a final bit of humor, Rick quotes Newsweek's Katie Connoly regarding the Olympic fiasco:
"This is pretty embarrassing for the White House. (Especially letting Obama having to fail in front of his wife -- ouch!) But ultimately, it's a good thing for him. As I wrote on Monday, the Olympics are notorious for running massively over budget. The organizing committees are always rife with infighting and power games as all manner of colorful cronies badger members to get their paws on some of those coveted Olympics dollars."
A couple of points here. First, even when this fop fails, it's a good thing according to the media. Second, she misses the most important reason for Obama's little jaunt to Copenhagen and that is precisely because he knows damn well that these Olympic wet dreams ALWAYS go billions of dallars over. That's exactly why Obama wanted the Olympics, so he could grease the palms of his Chicago political hack buddies. What's Mayor Daley going to do with all of that property he probably purchased in anticipation of selling it to the Olympic Committee? (I apologize ... we all know that Chicago politicians are not corrupt ... riiiight.)
These "inside the Beltway" reporters are so clearly out of touch with reality, it makes you wonder why anyone would take anything they say as serious news. I think it's more like light comedy.
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