The Golden State
Without a lot of rhetoric, this is why you can't support millions of illegal aliens, pay for everyone's college education, promote unfettered growth, provide unlimited "social" programs (you know ... the ones where you hand over money from hard working people to those who sit on their asses all day) and pay state workers with high school educations like they have PhD's in physics from Stanford.
Just look at the numbers in this article:
In case you don't think that this "pig state" (as in - the citizens of this state are just pigs at the trough) budget was inflated, note that lawmakers somehow found $32 billion in just cuts! Think that there was any bloat to start with? Now, they want to sell even more debt bonds - Schwarzenegger says for budget shortfalls. But, the state Treasurer says:
“Everybody thinks there’s still an appetite for California bonds,” Lockyer said. “There’s certainly a continuing need for long-term investments in schools, high-speed rail, stem-cell research centers and so on.”
Proof positive that these people are truly nuts.
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