As mentioned previously in this blog, lovable Senator Harry Reid is facing re-election in Nevada and is in deep tapioca. This guy is a poster boy for being the #2 tool for advancing a Progressive (socialist) agenda in the legislative branch (sorry Harry - Nancy Pelosi is a distant #1.) Harry is shown above extending the Obama Administration's salute to the American people. Below that is his expression when questioned by a Fox News reporter.
This article outlines Harry's predicament:
Why would any of my readers care about an election in Nevada? Simple. First, unless your Senator is up for re-election and he is in trouble like this guy, donating money to an opposing candidate's campaign is probably not going to be effective (i.e. - supporting a Ted Kennedy opponent.) Even though Teddy has assumed ground temperature, I'm pretty sure he can win again in Massachusetts. Second, Harry Reid's problems at home give all of us an excellent chance to actually have an effect on national politics. We didn't vote for this bozo but because of his election by his colleagues as Senate Majority Leader, he has national power that far exceeds his position as just a Senator from a secondary state. This is our chance to get rid of him and impact the national picture. Yes, he will be replaced by another Progressive, but we will still gain a Senate seat and we will help cause disruption among the elite socialists in the Senate.
Please consider sending a few bucks to the candidate who is finalized as Reid's opponent in Nevada. It's eight months until the Nevada primary, but this blog will keep you up to date because this has become a cause célèbre for me. Estimates are that Reid will raise upwards of $25 million in an effort to save his seat, so his opponent will need all of the financial help s/he can get. Encourage friends and family to do the same. If enough of us put our money where our mouth is, we can help unseat the truly unsavory Reid.
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