"you're tellin' me to what .... ?"
Now, our courageous Homeland Security Secretary has moved to put a stop to this nonsense. You remember Janet Napolitano. She's the one that gave us a heads up to be wary of church groups and war veterans as possible instigators of a resurgence in ultra-right wing militias. What do you think these women at church bake sales are talking about? Cookies? Not a chance. They are obviously plotting some crazy act of domestic terrorism.
Now, let's get serious. Where in the Constitution is it indicated that the federal government has control over a duly sworn law enforcement officer of any state? When did we, the people, give permission to the federal government to tell our local law enforcement officers how to enforce legitimate laws? Who the hell is Janet Napolitano to tell any Sheriff in any state what to do when it comes to legitimately enforcing laws? What is wrong with this treacherous administration ? Are they so desperate for votes that they must court the illegal alien vote? In fact, how do illegal aliens even get to vote? I mean, I know they do, but how is it we let them? Let's ask ACORN!
Hispanic Americans are hard working and industrious. They deserve a shot at the America dream as much as any of us. But ILLEGAL aliens deserve nothing but a return ticket home. They don't deserve our resources and they don't deserve our justice. It's not unreasonable to think that illegal aliens in Phoenix, AZ will physically appear to be Hispanic. Also, I'm sure Sheriff Arpaio is not rounding up Hispanics in a wholesale manner. Rather, I suspect he is checking out the ones that look like trouble, and if you want our police to stop going with their gut, you might just as well get rid of the police. Yes, illegals should not be treated cruelly but they should be treated as what they are ... lawbreakers.
We absolutely must drive this crooked administration from Washington. If we don't, our children will live under an oppressive, centralized government for the rest of their lives and our great country will be lost. Petition your elected representatives to fight illegal immigration, to fight any "amnesty" bill, to exclude treatment of illegals from any socialized medicine package and to stop the insanity of granting citizenship to a baby born of illegal parents (otherwise known as an anchor baby.)
By now most business are conscious of the federal program E-Verify? It distinguishes US citizens and legal residents from illegal labor. Although not seamless, it has a 99.6 success rate and obviously will overtime become even more constructive to business that believes in the "Rule of Law." Opponents in both the business sector and even on Capitol Hill have released a torrent of abuse against the application. That includes its function is blind to counterfeit documentation and spurious ID and that even legal individuals can be rejected? SO--YOU GO TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICE TO BE EXONERATED? ONLY ILLEGAL WORKERS WILL SHUN TURNING TO SSA FOR RESOLVING THIS ISSUE.
ReplyDeleteThe open border conspirators are losing, as they did in a federal Maryland court a week previous. As E-Verify are perfected it needs to become a permanent tool in the incomplete arsenal of immigration enforcement. It needs to reach out to every company, big and small, in our country and every individual who works there? E-Verify eventually will expel foreign national from the workplace, without financial appropriations on a large scale. These people will self-deport when they cannot be hired anymore. Businesses facing huge fines and prison will be the ultimate deterrent. In time it will save our ailing schools, health care, home mortgages and government welfare system. Look to NUMBERSUSA for honest an answer, that includes costs to taxpayers for the new blanket AMNESTY. Which Senators and Republicans are anti-US American Worker and their immigration grades?
For an example Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) has a miserable enforcement grade of "C-". He was out to erase E-Verify, under fund the border fence from the beginning of the Democratic administration. Then JUDICIAL WATCH is a public watchdog group Promoting Integrity, Transparency and Accountability in Government, Politics and the Law. They uncover misconduct by government officials and litigation to hold to account politicians and public officials who engage in corrupt activities. Finally CAPSWEB informs the public about the coming nightmare of OVERPOPULATION that is already exhibiting itself in our deteriorating infrastructure. TELL YOUR POLITICIANS YOU HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE AT 202-224-3121
Incidentally regarding the 2010 Census? Small states will miss out big time on federal dollars, while mass illegal immigrant states will gain more seats in Congress and too much power and influence? Of course ICE could check the immigration status of those who are counted, even though it's supposedly against US law? Or is counting 20 million plus (?) non-legal residence against the US Constitution?
The open border conspirators are losing, as they did in a federal Maryland court a week previous. As E-Verify are perfected it needs to become a permanent tool in the incomplete arsenal of immigration enforcement. It needs to reach out to every company, big and small, in our country and every individual who works there? E-Verify eventually will expel foreign national from the workplace, without financial appropriations on a large scale. These people will self-deport when they cannot be hired anymore. Businesses facing huge fines and prison will be the ultimate deterrent. In time it will save our ailing schools, health care, home mortgages and government welfare system. Look to NUMBERSUSA for honest an answer, that includes costs to taxpayers for the new blanket AMNESTY. Which Senators and Republicans are anti-US American Worker and their immigration grades?
ReplyDeleteFor an example Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) has a miserable enforcement grade of "C-". He was out to erase E-Verify, under fund the border fence from the beginning of the Democratic administration. Then JUDICIAL WATCH is a public watchdog group Promoting Integrity, Transparency and Accountability in Government, Politics and the Law. They uncover misconduct by government officials and litigation to hold to account politicians and public officials who engage in corrupt activities. Finally CAPSWEB informs the public about the coming nightmare of OVERPOPULATION that is already exhibiting itself in our deteriorating infrastructure. TELL YOUR POLITICIANS YOU HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE AT 202-224-3121
Incidentally regarding the 2010 Census? Small states will miss out big time on federal dollars, while mass illegal immigrant states will gain more seats in Congress and too much power and influence? Of course ICE could check the immigration status of those who are counted, even though it's supposedly against US law? Or is counting 20 million plus (?) non-legal residence against the US Constitution?
John Stossel had a great article today. Opening line was: "The government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul." Written by socialist George Bernard Shaw.
ReplyDeleteBritannicus- great points. Your comment on the 2010 census is right on target ... states where huge numbers of illegals live (especially California) are likely to gain political influence because they are in fact counted as legitimate citizens. One good piece of news is that at least ACORN will no longer be paid by the government to "organize" citizens to participate in the census.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I encourage you to support Las Vegas Republicans in their effort to unseat Harry Reid. They have an excellent chance to knock him out of office and the defeat of any senator, especially the Senate Majority Leader, would be a huge victory.
ReplyDeleteJohn Stossel is a brilliant columnist and he tends to lean right. The fact that he also works for ABC is truly amazing. My guess is that if he was unleashed from the mainstream media, he'd be a even more effective conservative weapon.
For those who are interested, here's a link to his blog (you'll need to copy and paste this one):