Now that our Procrastinator in Chief has won the Nobel Peace Price (similar to giving Michael Moore an Oscar and about as significant), Obama can now hopefully focus on actually making decisions that will ultimately lead to peace in Afghanistan. You know, that third world armpit where we continue to watch our troops die, not because the war isn't winnable but rather because our dimwit politicians can't make a coherent decision and won't listen to the generals on the scene. In fact, not only won't they listen to the generals, they make sure that they let the world know that they are angry at these military leaders because they have the temerity to speak their mind.
So now, the price we are paying for "change" and "hope" is the blood of our military. And, the best part of this is, the apathetic public (apathetic because they failed to learn the facts before voting ... they just listened to the biased media) who voted for this no name, do nothing community organizer just sits back and babbles on about health care, gay marriage and the rapist Roman Polanski. How pathetic.
If you want to read what I feel is one of the best descriptions of this disgraceful situation, go to this link. This guy hits the nail exactly on the head (I especially love the last paragraph):
Coming soon to the theater of indecision near you - "A Nuclear Iran or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb".
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