I'm sure you remember when Congressman Joe Wilson shouted out "you lie" during Obama's most recent photo op - er, meeting - with Congress. To hear Democrats describe it, there was never anything so rude and obnoxious ever uttered within the hallowed walls of Congress (except maybe when the Democrats continually booed President Bush during a State of the Union address).
To see what passes for acceptable verbal protest among our progressive friends, have a listen to the attached video clip. The setting is Arnold Scwhartzenegger speaking at some sort of function in San Francisco where he is heckled by a person who is described as "a California lawmaker". Heckled might be an understatement, since the loudmouth lawmaker shouts out "kiss my faggot ass". That's right. You read it correctly. In a later statement, the "lawmaker" said that the word he used was "gay" and not "faggot" and that he would never use such a pejorative term. Well, I don't know who said it, but the word "faggot" is as clear as a bell on this clip.
San Francisco has been a socialist enclave for decades, so this sort of nonsense is no surprise. What is a surprise is that members of the homosexual community, who are so upset about the failure of "gay marriage" ballot initiatives, actually think that this sort of behavior benefits their cause. Here's a news flash. This behavior may be normal in San Francisco, but it is so over the top anywhere else in the country that whenever most people witness it, they immediately are disgusted and turn a deaf ear to any case you may make for a marriage initiative. Those people who were on the fence regarding this issue (and some who were on your side) will view this video and fall right off of the fence and into the arms of your waiting opponents, as well they should.
I personally have had enough of these shenanigans. I remember the video of one of you punching a older man during your "gay marriage riots". I remember seeing an old woman being pushed to the ground by you. I remember you standing out in front of churches intimidating worshippers. I remember your cheap threats. And now, this. I won't forget this and rather than just vote my conscience, I'll actively work against you whenever and wherever I can.
Your ignorant and obnoxious behavior should not be tolerated and you should pay the price the next time the "gay marriage" issue is put to vote. You should also stop pushing your sexual preferences on everybody and making sex the focal point of your universe, because if you do, you'll find you are in a very lonely cosmos. Nobody really cares about your proclivities and in fact, many are tired of having your worldview thrust upon them.
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