Karl Marx
This link will take you to an American Thinker article by Mac Fuller. It is absolutely the best article I have ever read about the people in power who were picked by and who surround Barack Obama. Not only does Mr. Fuller go into great detail about the history and political beliefs of each individual, he provides a vetting of each description with a thorough listing of supportive documents. Skeptics may raise an eyebrow when reading this, but if they really want to verify the truth, they just have to do a little research.
My suggestions? Read the article. Understand it. Send the link to others, regardless of their political leaning and encourage them to read it before passing judgement. Print out copies and give it to those friends & family with whom you have lively discussions about opposing points of view (ie - discuss it with a friend or spouse who voted for Obama.) Hell, pass it out to as many people as you can. You certainly won't convince everyone, but remember that every vote counts.
We can thank the main stream media for Obama. We can thank George Bush and a weak Republican Party for Obama. We can thank apathetic conservatives who didn't vote in the election that put Obama in power. We can thank an education system who we ourselves have allowed to morph into an indoctrination tool for the left for getting Obama elected. There's a lot of places we can look and brood about the sorry state our country is in.
Now it's time to take it back and it won't be easy.
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