You know, some things are so bizarre, they must be true. I mean, you really can't make stuff like this up! Read this article to see what this moron Senator was stupid enough to say to a reporter. And remember, this schmuck is a member of the Senate Finance Committee! What's even more bizarre is that he is right! These guys write legislation that is so convoluted that nobody can understand it without a platoon of attorneys. Then, when all of the little nuances come back and bite us in the ass after the bill becomes law, we all wonder how this crap ever got passed.
The devil is in the details !
He ADMITS that the socialized medicine bill is so convoluted and arcane that he couldn't understand it. Therefore, he won't be reading it before voting on it. He's going to read the "plain English version" ... you know, the one without all of the details that will ultimately ruin our heath care and our economy. Again, you just can't make stuff like this up. They really do think we're stupid.
Then again, even after reading this, his constituents will likely vote him right back into office ... maybe overall, we are too stupid to understand the problem.
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