Official US Census Bureau Canvasser
You may recall my recent blogs about how ACORN should not be involved in the census as planned by the Obama administration. Rather, they should stick to what they know best ... advising prostitutes and pimps on how to evade paying taxes. Well, I now admit I was off base. Turns out, we've got an even bigger problem with the census.
It seems that the crackerjack bureaucrats at the Census Bureau hired as many as 200 criminals to do door-to-door census canvassing! Yep. You got it straight. 200 ex-cons going door-to-door to help insure the accuracy of the census. AND, each one will have official Census Bureau credentials. Isn't that special?
Picture this:
Census Convict (CC): "Hello. I represent the US Census Bureau and I'm here to help you"
Innocent Civilian (IC): "May I see your credentials please?"
CC: "Certainly. Here you go."
IC: "Thank you. You can't be too careful these days."
CC: "Ma'am, we need to fill in all of the required information on this form. First, how many people, including yourself, live at this address?"
IC: "Five"
CC: "Thank you. How many of these people, including yourself are here at the present time?"
IC: "Well, just me. But what does that have to do with ...?"
CC: "Just routine ma'am. Now, do you keep valuables in your home, such as cash or jewelry?"
IC: "Now wait just a minute. What does that have ...?"
CC: "Ma'am, I have a gun under this official Census Bureau clipboard, and I'm not afraid to use it. The gun I mean."
IC: "Oh my God ..."
CC: "Shut up and lie face down on the floor and you won't get hurt. And don't even think of screaming ... I'm an official census taker!"
Is there any doubt in your mind that the census will be anything but fair and accurate?
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